Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1047: Blood Tianyu

? Time passed day by day, the huge hive was running all the time, more and more bee insects came in and out of the hive, and gathered the red star's light day and night to brew that The legendary **** honey, I do n’t know when it will be a complete success .

Several heroic empire players headed by Huang Yi, several Naga headed by Red Scales, the demon clan headed by Vatican, the zerg headed by Scorching Night Huawei, and the blood clan led by Blood Tianyu, It's all connected by this.

But judging from the scale of the universe, they are nothing more than a humble representative of the larger forces.

The second world is one of the most famous worlds in the universe. The number of god-sealers born is as high as ten, ranking second in all worlds.

This world has continued for generations after generations, hundreds of millions of lives and races were born and died here, and the splendid civilizations have risen and fallen. Numerous strong men have written legends here and drowned in the long river of time. .

The world has gone through a lot of ups and downs. Since the last god-sealer in ancient times, the Ascendant Bloodhoof, it has plummeted, and has now reached the moment of life and death.

But the God-given man headed by Huang Yi is doing his best to save his fate.


The distant Trenfa Galaxy is the cradle of the Zerg.

At the beginning of the universe, a group of creation ancestors were born. They are not gods, and there is no **** in their bodies, but they have the power to make gods jealous.

This group of creation ancestors includes the first Zerg. She is the ancestor of the entire Zerg. She is known as the "grandmother", but she sleeps all year round in the place where the Zerg originated.

Leading the entire Zerg are her three daughters, that is, the three famous Zerg queens-queen spider, queen queen and queen. They rule the three royal families of the zerg-spider worm, bee worm, Ants.

Among them, bees and insects have the strongest absorption and transformation ability in the universe. They can absorb any substance with powerful energy, whether it is ore, starlight, corpse, or demon breath, which can be collected and absorbed by them, and transformed into Pure power, brewing divine honey that makes any race dazzle!

Divine honey is the most powerful healing relic in the universe. No matter what kind of injury, as long as you drink divine honey, you can recover as before and become stronger than before.

However, after the honey is brewed, it must be drunk as soon as possible, otherwise the efficacy will be quickly lost, and even treasures like Shenjing bottles cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, the divine honey can hardly be spread, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to get it, and it is not even clear what it looks like.

With anti-celestial treasures such as **** honey, the Zerg have been trying to conquer the entire universe, no matter the powerful first world or the weak and remote worlds, all of them must become their colonies.

At that time, no race can offend their majesty, and even the gods and demons of the heavens can no longer override them.


In the space of the seven devil kings, in a huge beehive-shaped magic hall, the queen of pain is sitting lonely on the king's platform.

At this point, she is no longer a human face, but has revealed her own body-a huge and incomparable beetle.

She is one of the three Queens of the Zerg queen. She was enough to seal the gods in the ancient times, but she has been hiding in this strange space, avoiding the traction of the heavens, and is as powerful as the other six. Also known as the Seven Devil Kings.

Her belly is particularly huge, occupying almost two-thirds of the entire body, and it seems to be a cradle of life, which has nurtured countless lives .

The future billions of bees and insects will be born in her abdomen, continuing the glory of this race.

But at this time, her spirits were chaotic and she could hear her heavy gasping faintly.

Some time ago, her avatar suffered heavy losses, and her body had fallen into a state of weakness.

Later, she issued an order to the Zerg's nest in the Trenfa galaxy, so that they immediately dispatch a beetle to the second world, collect the light of the red star, brew the divine honey, and heal her.

Today, this mission is underway. In the hive of Blood Moon Continent, under the scorching Yehua, countless bees and insects are collecting red star light and brewing divine honey.

When she drinks the divine honey, she will be able to return to the top, perfect her avatar, make a comeback, and fight again in the second world.


Deep in the ocean of the First World, an altar sank on the bottom of the sea. The Naga tribe, the banshee Medusa, curled her tail, closed her eyes, and sat in it.

Around the altar, the eighteen demigods of the mighty shore are continuously transporting their divine power to heal the banshee Medusa, but with little effect.

Naga was a derivative race of the Nazak tribe that ruled the First World. After Nazak's extinction, Naga became a brand-new race that dominated the oceans of the First World.

But some time ago, a Nazaresh who had been extinct suddenly appeared, demanding that the Naga family submit to him, but was rejected by the snake-haired banshee Medusa.

The Nazarsh was furious on the spot and shot a sneak attack on the snake-haired banshee Medusa and wounded it. It wasn't until Naga's demigods shot together that he repelled that Nazarsh.

Later, they received news that a group of Zerg had traveled to the Blood Moon Continent of the Second World to brew divine honey for the Queen of Pain. In order to help the snake banshee heal her wounds, the Naga clan has sent several humble men to the First World in secret to steal the honey produced by the bees.

And those subordinates were a few Naga headed by the red scales.


At this moment, these powerful forces in the universe are moving peacefully in their respective orbits.

But no one expected that a huge storm was coming and swept the entire universe.

The fuse of all these will soon be lit by the small figures of Huang Yi, Red Scale, Vatican, Shao Yehua, and Xue Tianyu in the small blood moon continent.


After receiving the task of assassination of Shao Yehua from Fan Yu, Xue Tianyu has been waiting for an opportunity in secret.

He goes to the hive every day, and among the countless busy bees and insects, he looks up at the burning Yehua sitting on the king's platform.

In the hive, Shao Yehua is like an emperor, standing high, looking down at everything, it is impossible for Xue Tianyu to assassinate him.

Until this day, the opportunity finally came.

After Zhuo Yehua mated with that ovary, the consumption was too great, and she was eager to rest . He saw that the work of brewing divine honey was on track, and finally decided to return to the base camp of the Mozu and take a break.

He left the Wangtai, flapping his wings, and left the hive alone, and flew towards the Demon Base Camp in general.

Xue Tianyu took a deep breath, held the Brahma rune tightly in his hand, and chased it up.

"Master Zhuo Yehua!" After leaving the hive and coming to the vast barren grassland, Xue Tianyu saw no one around him, and he could not help but call Zhuo Yehua who was hurried on his way.

Shao Ye Hua suddenly stopped his wings, turned to look at Xue Tianyu, and said in a weary tone, "Xue Tianyu, what are you doing?"

"I've got a treasure recently to dedicate to an adult!" Xue Tianyu stooped and said respectfully, pretending to present the Sanskrit runes in his hand.

"Oh?" Zhuo Yehua suddenly became interested, and those dull eyes flashed a fascination, all the attention was attracted by the Sanskrit rune in Xue Tianyu's hand.

Just at that moment, Xue Tianyu suddenly exploded, and the Sanskrit rune in his hand exuded a monstrous magic, and a brain swept away towards the burning night!

This machine came too fast, and Shao Yehua couldn't react at all, and was hit hard!

"Oh!" Shao Yehua's body was directly bombarded with a few horrible holes by the magical energy, sprinkled with the blood of the sky, and was already extremely weak, unable to maintain the flying attitude, and fell straight from the air. go with.

Xue Tianyu fanned his **** wings, drawn a blood line in the air, landed in front of Zhuo Yehua, stared down at him, and directly stretched his fists to bombard him, to end his life!

At this point, Zhuo Yehua, the two-step ascendant who was originally high above him, collapsed to the ground weakly, no different from a small ordinary person. Once hit by Xue Tianyu, he would die directly!

"Xue Tianyu, you're looking for death!" Zhuo Yehua finally responded, screaming angrily, staring up at Xue Tianyu with a violent anger in his eyes!

Although he was seriously injured, Yu Wei was still there. This anger drove Xue Tianyu's body to a tremor, and he was put in place. The fist stopped in midair.

Xue Tianyu swallowed his throat and trembled, "I'm sorry, Master Ye Yehua! I was ordered by Lord Vatican to kill you, otherwise I will die."

"Vatican!" Zhuo Yehua said the name fiercely ~ www.readwn.com ~ I knew that he was misbehaving. I didn't expect him to send someone to kill me so soon! In this case, I have nothing to worry about! "

After all, the huge tail needle in Zhuo Yehua's lower body suddenly shot a red liquid and sprayed it on Xue Tianyu's body!

"Ah!" Xue Tianyu screamed violently, and the part to which the red liquid was sprayed suddenly gave a sharp burning sensation, as if he was going to die in pain.

Zhuo Yehua stared up at Xue Tianyu, recovering the calmness and urgency, "Xue Tianyu, you have been hit by my bee venom. Without my antidote, you will soon die . Now you have only one way to live, that is to serve me! As long as you kill Vatican, I can give you an antidote, and today ’s things I can no longer investigate. And if Vatican died, you can always get rid of his persecution ! "

Under the burning of bee venom, Xue Tianyu twitched with pain, and the feeling of death was approaching clearly. He nodded pale and hurriedly said, "Master Zhuo Yehua, I, I am willing to serve you. As long as you give me an antidote, I will assassinate Vatican immediately! I have long hated him! I I must see you by his head! "(To be continued.)

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