Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1048: Posing as Brahma

"Good!" Zhuo Yehua nodded with satisfaction. "After you kill Fan Yu, I will give you an antidote!"

"However, Vatican is a two-step ascendant. If I have such a strength, it will take a long time to succeed before I can succeed. I am afraid that if I do n’t persist, I will die with poison!" Xue Tianyu's forehead dropped a drop of sweat. , Said anxiously.

"In terms of strength, you don't have to worry. The bee venom will overdraw your vitality and temporarily turn it into your strength until it exhausts all your life! You will soon have the strength to fight with Vatican. So you better go as soon as possible Assassinate Vatican, otherwise when your vitality is overdrawn, then there is an antidote, and I can't save you. "Zhuo Yehua said, shaking his palm, took out a bottle of blue liquid, and handed it to Xue Tianyu "You drink this bottle of painkillers first, it can relieve your pain, but it has no detoxification effect. After you kill Vatican, I will give you the antidote."

Soon, his face calmed down, and the intense burning sensation really dissipated.

At the same time, he also felt that his strength was constantly improving, but his vitality was crazy overdraft. Even after detoxification, his life would be greatly shortened.

But this is the best result than immediate death.

"Master Zhuo Yehua, please forgive me for the offense!" Xue Tianyu knelt down on the ground respectfully, holding Zhuo Yehua up.

Zhuo Yehua waved his hands freely: "As long as you serve me wholeheartedly, I can assume that nothing happened today."

"My loyalty, you don't have to doubt it!" Xue Tianyuxin swears.

Zhuo Yehua stood up, shook weakly, and breathed a few breaths, and said, "Next, I will go back to the Temple of Pain to cultivate for a while. After you assassinate Fan Yu, go directly to the Temple of Pain to report to me."

"Yes!" Xue Tianyu bowed his head deeply.


Huang Yi and others have been monitoring the hive for a long time, but have not obtained the information inside the hive.

Seeing Shao Yehua leaving the hive, they finally started to move.

"Brother God, the leader of the beetle seems to have left the hive. Should we take the opportunity to go deep inside the hive to explore it?" Luo Shao took you to hide behind the grass, while looking at the hive in the distance, Huang Yi asked.

"Of course!" Huang Yi nodded his head, turned to look at the couple Qingming and Hetu, and said, "Qingming, Hetu, you two are together! Become theirs and mix into the interior of the hive to explore Let me know. "

"Then what race do we become? Demons? Blood? Or Zerg?" Qingming asked.

He Tu pursed his small mouth, whispered a strand of hair, and said, "It should be the most appropriate Zerg look! There are the most Zerg in the hive, and we are not easy to detect when we mix in it."

"No!" Huang Yi shook his head. "It's not suitable to become bees. The rest of the bees are busy collecting red star light and brewing divine honey. If you do nothing in it, it will be easy to detect. And if you become blood That ’s not very good. The status of the blood race is too low. I ’m afraid it ’s not good to do things in the hive. So you better be the demons. ”

"Okay! Then we will become the demons!" Qingming and He Tu nodded and immediately hugged.

Afterwards, the bodies of the two of them began to melt and merge into one body, and the skin and muscles on them quickly moved into a demon race.

The demons have dark skin, **** muscles and fierce expressions. Every detail on the body is lifelike, and there is a circle of faint enchantment around the whole body. It looks like an authentic demons.

"How is this appearance now?" The Devil turned around, but made a strong and rough voice in his thick body. After the two of them are combined, even the sound can be changed and adjusted at will.

"This appearance is not very good!" Huang Yi touched his chin, with a deep light flowing in his eyes. "You should become a demon with a very high status, so that you can flow unhindered in the hive!"

Huang Yi said, immediately stepped forward, and reached out and pointed at the demons: "First of all, stand about one meter tall, don't hair, make a bald head, and make a spiral red pattern on the bald head, with the tip of the nose down Bend a little, her nose is protruding, her lips are thinner ... wear a black monk robe. "

Under the detailed guidance of Huang Yi, the Qingming Hetu kept adjusting the appearance details of the demons, and the process was like the police painted the portrait of the suspect based on the description of the victim.

After half an hour, a brand new Demon race was displayed in front of several people.

The appearance of this demons is a typical painful acolyte, with a calm attitude and a graceful expression, it exudes a high spirit.

If those people in the hive saw this demon, they would bow deeply, and even kneel on the ground, respectfully screaming, "Master Vatican!"

It turned out that the way Huang Yi changed the Qingming River was exactly what he saw in the eyes of time!

The middle school boy turned around this painful acolyte several times and commented: "Kill God, this demon's protagonist is very arrogant! Who is the original body?"

Huang Yi smiled and said: "This demon is the big one of the demon in the blood moon continent! This identity can be completely unblocked in the hive, and no one dares to stop it!"

"Then let's go!" Said the false Vatican, rising to the sky, and flying towards the hive in the distance.

It didn't take long for fake Vatican to fly near the hive. After seeing him, some of the patrolling lower demons and blood races stopped him respectfully, kneeling on the ground piece by piece, trembling: " I've seen Lord Vatican! "

The fake Brahma ignored them arrogantly and flew into the hive directly.

The inside of the hive is a huge space, like a small world. It is divided into countless layers, and you can't see the top from the top and the bottom from the bottom. Each layer is divided into countless hexagonal holes, leading out of the hive, densely packed, countless. But every hexagonal hole is connected to each other by a tube like an intestine, leading to a huge ball in the center of the hive.

That sphere seems to be the core of the whole hive, occupying most of the area inside the hive. It is hidden inside the hive and can hardly be seen from the outside.

At this time, countless bees were busy in the hive, coming in and out of the hexagonal holes. The beetle that collected the red star light from the outside, flew into the hexagonal hole, and then injected the red star light into that tube and transported it to the ball in the center of the hive. But no beetle dared to fly into the ball.

The false Vatican looked back and forth inside the hive without being questioned. The bees and worms encountered along the way avoided him in fear, bringing great convenience to his investigation.

Gradually, the false Vatican flew to the entrance of the huge ball. Only by entering the ball, can the core secrets of this hive be explored, and even the process of making divine honey was seen.

But at this moment, a beetle guard next to the entrance of the ball immediately fluttered his wings and came in front of the false Fanyu, bowed, respectfully but very firmly said: "Sorry, please Vatican Lord stops! Lord Shao Yehua has a command to allow no outsiders to enter it! "

The fake Vatican's face suddenly became tense, and Shen Sheng said, "Even I am considered an outsider?"

His voice can clearly be heard to be the kind of forbearing anger, as long as you dare to stop it, the anger of Thunder will erupt immediately!

The Zerg guard shuddered, but still stood firmly in front, without stepping back, saying: "The villain is only acting as instructed, Master Fanyu, please do not embarrass the villain!"

Quiet moments on the field! Countless busy bees and insects have turned their heads to look at this side, the atmosphere is suppressed to the extreme, as if the next moment there will be a great battle!

Vatican is famous for his brutality. As long as the subordinate violates slightly, he will be beaten by him or even killed directly!

In the eyes of everyone, this Zerg guard will be killed soon!

Under the public's attention, the false Vatican was carrying his hands on his back and posing high. But his palms were already sweating, he was just a fake, and he really wanted to fight, and he would be crushed to death by the Zerg guard in front of him.

Now, he has been riding a tiger!


At the same time, in a corner at the bottom of the hive, there are two demons with strong breaths, looking up at the busy bees and insects overhead.

The two demons ~ www.readwn.com ~ are the two confidants sent by Vatican to monitor Blood Tianyu-Qiye and Ghost.

These days, Xue Tianyu has been staying in the hive, and the two demons have stayed in the hive.

After Xue Tianyu followed Shao Yehua to leave the hive, they speculated that Xue Tianyu might have to act, but for the purpose of keeping secret, they did not chase out together, but waited patiently in this hive.

"I don't know if Xue Tianyu succeeded!" Qiye lazily leaned against the hive wall and yawned.

"I hope he succeeds soon! When he successfully assassinates Shao Yehua, we will quickly kill him, return to the Temple of Lords and return to Lord Vatican, and we will be able to take a good rest." Sitting on the ground, looking up at those bees that flew in and out.

At this moment, the ghost suddenly heard a tumult near the entrance of the ball, and turned around to look at it.

At the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole person stood up from the ground instantly, his body was straight, his eyes stared at the entrance of the ball, surprised: "Master Vatican!" (To be continued.)

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