Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1049: Kill by mistake

Seven nights hurriedly followed the ghost's eyes to see the past, and immediately before the entrance of the huge sphere, the Qingming Hetu transformed into a fake Vatican, and immediately stood up from the leaning wall, whispering: "Vatican Isn't it that the adults have no interest in the hive? Why did you come to visit them today! We will soon come to welcome the adults! "

Afterwards, Qiye and Ghost quickly rushed up into the air, came to the front of the false Vatican, bowed respectfully, and said in unison: "I have seen Lord Vatican!"

The false Vatican was originally deadlocked with the beetle guard, but two demons suddenly appeared in front of them. Their strong shores, like the two scorching suns, exuded the strong magic of the body, corroding his skin.

This is the strongest person Fake Vatican has encountered since he visited the hive, but now they are respectfully standing in front of him, as if he had sent him.

"Yes!" Qi Ye and Ghost immediately nodded and attacked the Zerg guard directly.

In a hurry, the monstrous magical energy swelled out and turned into a horse, bombarded by the Zerg guard who blocked it!

"Oh!" The Zerg guard was shot straight out, smashed against the hive wall, bounced weakly, and no more sound was heard.

The entrance to the huge sphere was empty and no one was blocking it.

False Vatican's heart breathed a little sigh of relief, carrying his hands on his back, swaying closer to the huge ball, and entering the core area of ​​the hive.

Qiyue and Ghost, the two henchmen, followed him closely and entered the huge ball together.

Inside the huge sphere, the structure is extremely complicated, with dozens of channels extending from the entrance to the center of the sphere. There are countless forks and rooms in each passage, like a huge maze.

Without detailed guidelines, it is impossible to walk freely in this huge maze.

The fake Brahma did not dare to go too far, and after a little exploration in the vicinity, returned from the original road and left the huge ball.

The Seven Nights and Ghost behind each other looked at each other, a little confused about each other.

From the first glance they saw the false Vatican, they noticed that something was wrong. The sound, looks, posture, momentum, behavior, etc. of the false Vatican are slightly different from the familiar Vatican. But they didn't think too much, thinking that there was something special about Vatican.

After leaving the giant ball, the fake Vatican flew out of the hive, and wanted to go back and share information with Huang Yi and others.

But Qiye and Ghost still follow, and there seems to be something to say.

After staying away from the hive and coming to a remote place, Seven Nights finally reported the most important news: "Master Vatican, these days we have been observing Blood Tianyu in accordance with the orders of the Lord. He has quietly followed Zhuo Yehua recently. After leaving the hive, it is very likely that they will kill Shao Yehua! By then, these bees and insects will lose their leader, and they will all listen to the orders of the adults, and the credit for brewing the **** honey will be captured by the adults. "

If there is a huge earthquake in Vatican, I almost cannot keep flying!

The leader of the demon clan has actually begun to assassinate the leader of the zerg clan, and the relationship between the two leaders has actually deteriorated to this point!

This is big news!

The fake Vatican's expression remained calm, showing a deep city, pretending to be like: "That's natural, and you will be good at that time!"


At the same time, Xue Tianyu was flying towards the hive in regret.

Just now he failed to assassinate Shao Yehua, but instead hit the opponent's bee venom, and his vitality was constantly being overdrawn, forcibly transformed into his strength. His face showed abnormal redness and vitality, but his expression was sad and depressed, and his soul was lost.

As Xue Tianyu flew, vicissitudes of eyes looked into the distance, and he mournfully said to himself, "I was one of the three celestial princes of the blood race, with a prominent position and infinite scenery! Nowadays, however, by Fan Yu and Zhuo Yehua People play between the palms of their hands, become their pawns, and die for them! I am not willing! Why does fate play such a trick on me? Fanyu is a two-step superpower, how can I kill him ?! "

Xue Tianyu became more and more depressed and angry, his expression was crazy, his palms were tightly held, his nails pierced into his palms, and blood was flowing out.

The forces that were forcibly elevated in him were also moving, some were out of control!

"Huh?" At this moment, Xue Tianyu's angry face suddenly solidified, staring in horror into the distance!

I saw Fan Yu and the two demons standing over the barren grassland in the distance!

That is the fake Vatican that the Qingming Hetu two people turned into, and the two masters of Qiyue and Ghost.

"I'm worried about **** you, but I didn't expect you to come here suddenly!" Xue Tianyu licked his lips, his face twisted and crazy, and he looked at the fake Vatican in the distance with hate.

The next moment, his face returned to normal, and even showed a humble expression, and flew towards the fake Brahma quickly.

"Master Fanyu!" It wasn't long before Xue Tianyu arrived in front of fake Fanyu, arching his body, with a charming smile on his face.

"You're here!" Fake Fanyu nodded faintly and asked casually, "How's the situation?"

Seven nights and ghosts aside, also looked down at Blood Tianyu, his eyes full of contempt.

"Master Fanyu, I have just ..." Xue Tianyu stepped forward and looked like he wanted to talk in detail, but he only halfway said it and shot abruptly, attacking the fake Fanyu without any warning!

The fake Brahma had no time to respond, and was directly hit by Xue Tianyu, and was instantly spiked, and the body fell weakly from the air!

Xue Tianyu froze slightly. He had thought that he would do everything in his power to kill Fan Yu, but he did not expect that he would be killed by a sneak attack!

Qiye and Ghost also finally reacted, and a rage of thunder erupted: "Blood Tianyu, are you back ?! How dare to assassinate Lord Vatican!"

After that, the two tried their best at the same time and blasted together towards Xue Tianyu!

The monstrous magical energy instantly enveloped the world, dark and dim, hazy!

Xue Tianyu is located in the center of this boiling magic gas, and has suffered the most severe destruction!

"You have been calling me before, really when I am your slave? Today, I will let you see my strength!" Xue Tianyu gritted his teeth and fanned the **** wings behind him, crazy Ba Di rushed towards Seven Nights and Ghosts, pouring out the depressed anger these days!

At this time, Xue Tianyu was overdrawn by bee venom with a lot of vitality, and his strength has far surpassed before, even the masters at the stage of heaven can compete. Between his hands and feet, the space is shaking, the sky is breaking, and the surging strength beats the seven nights and the ghost back and forth!

"Damn! When did Xue Tianyu become so powerful!" Qi Ye spit a blood, trying to resist Xue Tianyu's offensive, shouting in horror.

"Do you know how strong I am now?" Xue Tianyu grinned distortedly, his wings suddenly appeared on the back of Qiye, his fingers turned into claws, and he grabbed his head!

"Ah!" Seven nights screamed frantically, a flurry of blood emerged from his body, rising from his skull, and sucked into the palm of Xue Tianyu.

At the same time, Qiye's body quickly became dry like a deflated ball, and was almost drained of blood in the blink of an eye, turned into a dead body, and fell from the sky.

The ghost looked at this scene in horror, turned and fled away hurriedly towards the distance, and never had the courage to fight again.

"It's too late to escape now!" Xue Tianyu looked at the back of the ghost and snorted coldly, and the wings instantly opened his mouth, and the palm held the ghost's back!

"Ah!" The ghost screamed sternly, and the blood on his body was quickly absorbed by Xue Tianyu's palm, turning into a dead body.

Xue Tianyu lost the ghost's dead body, looked at the three corpses on the grass, and was finally relieved.

The battle was much easier than he thought. He actually killed Vatican with one stroke, just like dreaming.

Xue Tianyu fell from the air next to the body of fake Vatican, kicked and kicked the body with his feet, and his face showed the revenge: "Vatican, weren't you high above you? Did you treat me as a servant at will?" You are nothing but an ugly corpse, let me trample at will! "

Xue Tianyu trampled on Vatican's body with a vent, and after a while he sat down contentedly and flew directly in the direction of the Temple of Pain.

He immediately went to Shao Yehua to tell the news that Vatican was dead, in exchange for the antidote for bee venom ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the right hall of the Temple of Pain, the real Vatican was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding in his hands Reading the "Pain of Suffering," I muttered softly.

The sound of his chanting is like a curse, lingering in the air for a long time, full of mysterious religious taste.

Thinking about it, he suddenly felt something, turned his head and looked out the window.

Through the window, he saw Shao Yehua's figure. At this moment, the other party just entered the Temple of Pain and flew towards the left temple. The speed was very slow, and his body was still shaking slightly, as if extremely weak.

Fan Yu's face turned dark, and she closed the Suffering Sutra, saying to herself: "The waste of Blood Tianyu has not killed Shao Yehua!"

Afterwards, Vatican rose from the ground and strode towards the atrium of the Temple of Pain.

Almost at the same time, Xue Tianyu rushed in from the door and came to the atrium of the Temple of Pain! (To be continued.)

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