Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1055: 1 cut is finally over

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"What information?" Huang Yi moved his body hard, leaning forward slightly.

Luo Shao took you to the eyebrows and danced, "I pretend to be **** Tianyu and talk to the leader of the group of bees and insects Zhuo Yehua. Zhuo Yehua said that five days after the full moon night, all the honey will be brewed. Finished, at that time, he will transfer the real divine honey, leaving a secretion in the honey pool, so that Xue Tianyu steals the secretion and dedicates it to the Vatican as a **** honey. The Vatican will surely hold the secretion Dedicate it to the Queen of Pain, and then Zhuo Yehua will follow the secretion information to find the body of the Queen of Pain and dedicate the real divine honey. Therefore, we only need to find a way to follow Vatican or Zhuo Yehua. Find the Queen of Pain. "

Everyone had a happy smile on their faces. After coming to the Blood Moon continent for so long, it was finally time to usher in the final moment.

"But it would be very dangerous! Both Fanyu and Shao Yehua are superpowers at the stage of ascension, and we hurriedly may be discovered by them!" Qingming said slightly worried.

"Don't follow them!" At this time, the second-year-old boy smiled proudly, raised his thumb and wiped his nose, proudly said, "I have had a beetle encounter, and I can smell the secretion of secretions. I can smell the secretion of secretions and find the location of the Queen of Pain directly without having to follow Vatican and Shao Yehua. "

"That would be the best!" Qingming nodded and continued. "But we still have a problem. Luo Shao takes you to fly just to pretend to be Xue Tianyu's men. We have to find a way to tell Xue Tianyu this news, let Xue Tianyu went to carry out this plan of Shao Yehua. "

"Actually, you don't necessarily need Blood Tianyu." Huang Yi suddenly shook his head. "We can let Luo Shao take you to fly and continue to disguise as Blood Tianyu's men, complete the plan of Zhuo Yehua for him, and steal the secretion. Dedicated to Vatican. "

"Yes! I thought about it at the time!" Luo Shao took you flying and said, shaking his palm, took out a bottle with the drop of divine honey diluent, "I specially asked Zhuo Yehua for a token, this It's a drop of divine honey diluent. It's divine honey diluted a thousand times. I can rely on this token to flow unobstructed in the hive. Those bees and insects won't stop me. "

"But the core area of ​​the hive is complex, like a maze. After Qingming and I merged last time, I didn't know how to go. The honey pond is the top priority of the hive. Only Zhuo Yehua and Xue Tianyu are like this. In order to know the location of Mi Chi, we ca n’t find a place if we go by ourselves! ”At this time, He Tu raised another problem.

"I can solve this problem!" The overlord smiled, reached out and took the bottle Luo Shao took you to fly, "I have the most powerful tracking ability in the world, and I can according to the breath of this divine honey diluent , Tracking to the location of the same breath, although Zhuo Yehua is going to transfer away the divine honey in the honey pool, the honey pool will definitely leave some breath of divine honey, which is enough for me to perceive. "

"It's great!" Hetu patted his little hand and said with joy, "This time our plan is perfect! We can definitely find the position of the Queen of Pain, and solve a problem that has never been solved in the history of the second world! "

Xiao Huangyi's pale face also smiled. He looked up at the **** red star above his head and muttered to himself: "After five days, the full moon night, everything is finally over!"

Uh ...

The blood moon continent, the temple of pain.

After Luo Shao took you to fly away, Zhuo Yehua let his beetle men spread the news that the honey will be fully brewed in five days.

Later, he left his left hall and walked to the right hall where Vatican was.

When he came to the right hall, he directly guarded the demons guarding in front of him: "You go to inform Vatican, I have to talk to him personally."

The demon guards immediately held each other up. Both Zhuo Yehua and Fan Yu have been indifferent to each other, and they are faintly fighting, but it is unusual news that Zhuo Ye Hua is going to visit Fan Yu today.

魔 A demon guard quickly entered and notified, and ran out again shortly, bowed to Zhuo Yehua, and said, "Master Vatican, please come in and talk."

There was a gleam of coldness in Yan Zhuo's eyes, and he walked in with a big swing.

In the secret room, Fanyu was sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a painful Sanskrit in his hands, and whispering the scriptures above. After noticing the arrival of Shao Yehua, he didn't even lift his head, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "What are you doing? Come on, don't bother me to read the scriptures."

Zhuo Yehua said faintly: "Before you have been reluctant to tell me the location of Lord Pain Queen, I have always endured it. But on the full moon night five days later, the red star has the most abundant light. Done, you have to take me to see Queen Queen of Pain! Otherwise you will delay Queen Queen of Pain's healing plan! You cannot afford this charge! "

"Oh?" Brahma's eyes brightened, and her gaze finally left from the Painful Sutras in her hands. She raised her head and looked at Zhuo Yehua, "Is finally brewing in five days? I waited for a long time, but it was Wait until this day! "

As he spoke, he turned sharply and said, "But on the full moon night five days later, the eighth devil also has very important things that require my assistance, and that matter is directly related to whether he can be trapped as a new king. At present, the seven demon kings intend to enclose three young new kings, and we should try our best to assist them, so I can't take you to see the Queen Queen of Pain, and I'll talk about it when I'm done! "

Wu Zhuo Yehua nodded, and husky laughed, saying profoundly: "Well, I believe, you will help me find the Queen of Pain."

Vatican froze for a moment, it seemed that he didn't expect the burning night club to be so refreshing, but soon he also showed a deep smile, nodding his head again and again: "Of course, I will certainly help you to give the **** honey to the Queen of Pain of."

之中 In the darkened secret room, the two deadly opponents smiled at each other and hid each other. There was a conspiracy behind their smiles, but only they knew it.

Next, Shao Yehua left Vatican's back room.

He can fully guess the deliberate thinking of Vatican. Vatican must want to dedicate the divine honey to the Queen of Pain alone, but he will transfer the real divine honey away, leaving a secretion in the honey pond. Xue Tianyu stole it and dedicated it to Vatican. At that time, Vatican will stupidly take the secretion to see the Queen of Pain ...

Thinking about it, as he walked, a grinning smile appeared on his face, and he whispered in his heart: "Vatican, you idiot, you must not have thought, Xue Tianyu has betrayed you, trust me in secret! Five days later , On the full moon night, everything is finally over. "

In the closet, Fan Yu looked at the back of Zhuo Yehua, and a grinning smile was also revealed on his face, and he muttered to himself: "Chao Yehua, you idiot, you must not think that Xue Tianyu is actually mine Humans! Soon, Xue Tianyu will kill you soon! I will dedicate my **** honey to the Queen Queen of Pain! "

After saying that, he turned to look at the blood-red sky outside the window and whispered, "After five days, the full moon night, everything is finally over!"

Uh ...

In a forest far away from the Temple of Pain, Xue Tianyu knelt respectfully before the red scale Naga and said flatly, "Master, I just received a piece of information. On the full moon night five days later, God Honey will be fully brewed. "

"Very good!" Red scale twisted the tail of the snake with a smile on her face, but the breath of the five shores of the mighty body was exuding, concealing Xue Tianyu desperately, "Five days later On the full moon night, you go to the hive and steal the divine honey to dedicate it to me! "

Xue Tianyu was embarrassed and carefully put forward the conditions: "But I have been hit by the night venom of bee venom, and I am turning my life into my strength all the time, and drag it on, I'm afraid I will die Now! Could you give me some ideas to detox first? "

Red scales waved their hands and proudly said, "It's very simple! Bees are only good at brewing divine honey to heal ~ www.readwn.com ~ Their bee venom is nothing. If we use poison, it is our Naga snake venom. We, the Naga tribe, have inherited Naxash ’s long tradition of using poison, and it is also one of the most powerful races in the universe in terms of detoxification. "He said with a palm of his hand, and took out a green bottle. Filled with a bottle of viscous green liquid, said, "This is a bottle of snake venom, you drink it fast! It can attack the poison with poison and relieve the bee venom in your body."

"Really? Thank you so much!" Xue Tianyu was already tortured by the bee venom in his body. He had no choice but to die as a live horse doctor. He quickly reached out and took the bottle of snake venom, looking up. I sipped it.

Soon, he felt a cold breath all over his body, gradually dissipating the burning and painful feeling of bee venom, and he laughed joyfully, and said again and again: "Thank you very much! Thank you Lord Redscale for detoxifying me ! "

Red scale smiled faintly and said, "Don't thank me! As long as you are willing to work for me sincerely, the benefits will not be small in the future. Oh, yes, forget to tell you that you will drink the bottle of snake venom, it will lurk in Your body may make you violent at any time. On the full moon night five days later, after you steal the divine honey and donate it to me, I will give you an antidote to snake venom. "

Xue Tianyu's smile was frozen on her face, and she looked at the red scales stupidly, but eventually resisted the emotions in her heart, respectfully scratched her head, and said, "I will steal the divine honey and offer it. It's for adults! "

Xun Honglin nodded, looking up at the **** red star above her head, muttering to herself: "Five days later, the full moon night, everything is finally over!" (To be continued.)

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