Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1056: Xue Tianyu's Encounter

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In the next few days, the Blood Moon mainland suddenly became extremely calm. Huang Yi, Fan Yu, Zhuo Yehua, Red Scale Naga, and Blood Tianyu did nothing. Everyone waited patiently for the completion of the production of God Honey. That day.

Xuan Huangyi's death kiss toxin has not been released, and his full attributes have still dropped by 95%, weakly like a dying person.

The ten-day deadline is getting closer and closer, and if he still cannot detoxify, he will fall completely.

Finally, the fifth day came.

This night, the night of the Blood Moon Continent is particularly bright, and the moon in the sky is larger and more round than usual. That red star was also more blood red than usual, blocking the middle of the moon, staining the dazzling moonlight with the red star, and sprinkle it on the blood moon continent, as if it had poured a layer of blood on the entire continent.

The cricket hive is busier than ever. Numerous bees and insects come in and out. Take advantage of this rare full moon night to race against the clock to collect abundant red star light and brew divine honey.

Prior to the cricket, Zhuo Yehua spent all her energy and mated with an ovary to give birth to a large number of new larvae. These larvae have now grown into adults and the speed of brewing divine honey has doubled, and they can be fully brewed tonight.

At this time, Huang Yi was under the help of Luo Shao to take you flying, squatting in a distant grass, waiting patiently.

Although they are far away, they can still hear the buzzing sound of those beetle wings.

After waiting for a while, the bees that came in and out of the hive suddenly decreased, and the "humming" sound also weakened a lot.

"Brother Yi, many bees and insects have stopped collecting the red star light. It seems that the honey has been brewed in sufficient amount, and we can go in." Luo Shao took you to fly intimately holding Huang Yi's arm and guessed. At this moment, his eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were like two red stars in a reduced version.

On the night of the full moon, the red star is the most abundant, and the bloodline's strength will be stronger than usual. Luo Shao takes you to fly as a bloodline player, and also has this talent.

相反 The opposite is Huang Yi. Even in the **** moonlight, his face had been pale for a long time, his lips were dry, and his weakness was so bad that he could stand, and he needed walking with the help of Luo Shao to fly you. Now he is no longer a world-class master, but a dead man, who can be killed by any ordinary demons.

Huang Yi looked at the beehive in the distance, nodded his head, and said hoarsely, "Let's go in!" Then he turned his head hard, looked at the others, and said, "You are a bee, you are a bee. In the form of a worm; Qingming and Hetu merged into a common demons, and we went in together. Overlord, you are waiting outside. "

Next, Huang Yi became his own eyeless demon form, and became a demons. The Qingming Hetu also merged into a common demons. The second-year good boy has a beetle adventure and can turn into a beetle form. And Luo Shao takes you to fly is originally a blood player. Now they are all eligible to enter the hive.

Then, they walked towards the hive together, leaving only the overlord to stay in place.

Uh ...

The honeycomb structure is complicated. Each hive is connected by a tube. These tubes are finally merged into a tube, which leads to a large ball building inside the hive, and points to a small pool.

This small pond is the honey pond. The **** honey made by bees gathers here. This is the core of the whole hive and has been closely protected.

At this moment, beside this little pond, a figure of a mighty shore was standing quietly. It was the leader of this group of bees--Zhao Yehua.

His huge compound eyes have been staring at the pipe above Xiaochi, his body still, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, a drop of colorless and transparent liquid slowly dropped on the tube, fell on the pool, and gave out a crisp "tick" sound, making ripples.

With the addition of this drop, the entire honey pond is finally full, and it is full of healing relics-god honey!

It is difficult for outsiders to imagine that the legendary **** honey looks so ordinary, colorless and tasteless, it looks like ordinary water.

分量 The weight of these divine honey can heal the queen of pain and restore her strength in the heyday.

Wu Zhuo Yehua's face finally showed a smile. He shook the palm of his hand and took out a bottle of God's light flowing through the body, which is the **** crystal bottle in the universe dedicated to the top liquid.

He pointed the Shenjing bottle at the honey pond, and the **** light on the Jingjing bottle suddenly brightened a little, creating a strong suction.

The divine honey in the honey pot was immediately attracted, and they went back up into the sky and got into the crystal bottle.

After a while, the entire honey pond was empty, and all the divine honey was filled into the crystal bottle.

Yan Zhuo Yehua took the **** crystal bottle and looked at the empty honey pond, a gloomy smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

Then, he spread his wings directly, flew over the honey pond, aimed his abdomen at that honey pond, and began to pee.

The secretions of beetle worms are actually their urine. This kind of urine emits a special breath that only beetle can smell, which is generally used as a marker.

Soon after, the honey pond was filled with Shao Yehua's urine, and the rich and pungent breath suddenly spread away, making Shao Yehua unable to help cover his nose. He looked at the urine of Manchi, and said to himself slightly: "Vatican, I will give you this urine! Blood Tianyu will soon steal this urine and give it to you, and then you will give it to the pain. Queen, hey! "

After talking, Shao Yehua left the hive with the crystal bottle.

Outside the sting hive, twelve powerful bees were standing in front of the door. Sharp eyes opened and fired from time to time, and thunder strikes were issued at any time. All of them are high-level Celestial Powermen above 250. They randomly took out one and placed them outside. They were all super bosses of Megatron, but now they are all guarded in front of this small hive door.

他们 When they saw Shao Yehua coming out, they all bowed their heads respectfully and said in unison: "I have seen Master Shao Yehua."

Wu Zhuo Yehua nodded faintly and said, "You are all tired now, go and take a rest!"

The guards looked at each other suddenly, all puzzled. A guard said cautiously, "But there is divine honey in it. After we leave, what if something goes wrong ..."

Wu Zhuo Yehua waved her hand and said irresistibly: "With me, nothing can be missed!"

"Yes! Let's retreat!" The beetle guards had to lower their heads and all left here.

After waiting for all the beetle guards to leave, Shao Yehua then speeded up, turned around in the hive, and came to another hidden secret room.

之中 In this secret room, there is also a small honey pool, but this honey pool is empty and there is nothing in it.

After He came to this secret room, Zhuo Yehua took out the crystal bottle containing the divine honey and poured it into the honey pond.

After brewing the **** honey, you need to drink it as soon as possible, even if it is in a crystal bottle, it cannot be stored for a long time. Only in the honey pond can it be stored for a while.

Zhuo Yehua couldn't immediately give the **** honey to the Queen of Pain, but had to transfer the **** honey to this new honey pool. After Vatican took the secretions to find the Queen of Pain, he could smell the secret of the secretions and find Queen of Pain, offer this true divine honey.

Uh ...

On the other side, Xue Tianyu, Redscale Naga, and others also squatted behind the grass and looked at the hive in the distance.

I noticed that the bees and worms stopped collecting starlight, and finally Redscale Naga turned to look at Xue Tianyu, and commanded: "Xue Tianyu, go in now and steal the **** honey for me!"

"Okay! Lord!" Xue Tianyu nodded immediately, fanning the blood-red wings behind him, and flew straight towards the hive.

After the cricket flew near the hive, some patrolling Demon and Zerg immediately discovered his arrival, but did not take any action to stop him, and let him fly in.

Xunxue Tianyu was unimpeded all the way, and rushed towards the honey pond of the core orb building in the hive. He is the person in charge of the construction of this hive. He is already very familiar with the structure of the hive. The location of the honey pond is also clear. He soon arrived at the entrance of the hive where the honey pond is located.

At this moment, the hive door was empty and there was no one.

Xunxue Tianyu stopped abruptly, and felt something was wrong. The defense was the tightest on weekdays. Twelve powerful bees were always in front of the door. But now there is no one here, unguarded, just like deliberately letting people slip in to steal divine honey.

Xu Xue Tianyu was just a little puzzled, and continued to step forward, quickly entered the hive, and went straight to the honey pond.

Suddenly the honey pond was full, and it contained a colorless, odorless, transparent liquid, which radiated a different kind of temptation in the dim hive.

Xue Tianyu licked his lips in excitement, couldn't help but reach out his fingers, dip a little liquid in the honey pool, tasted it in his mouth, and nodded in admiration: "Is this what the famous honey in the universe looks like? not bad."

He said, he quickly took out a crystal bottle, filled all the liquid in the honey pond, carefully sealed it, and immediately turned around and retreated away.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly noticed that there was already a figure standing behind him, looking down at him high above him, and a pair of sharp eyes were staring at the crystal bottle in his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Apparently he had witnessed him Theft process.

的 The figure behind this statue is really the burning night! The breath of the powerful man at the stage of ascension is as vast as the ocean, suppressing on the top of Xue Tianyu, it is suffocating.

At that moment, Xue Tianyu shuddered from his soul!

He looked at Shao Yehua dullly, with a deep fear in his eyes!

He was found!

He's dead!

"What are you still stupidly doing, hurry up! I have already opened up the guards, just to create opportunities for you! You move faster, don't delay time!" Zhuo Yehua looked at Xue Tianyu and whispered.

Xu Xue Tianyu shivered, his soul seemed to be suddenly pulled up from the abyss, and his mouth grew up, and the whole person was dumb.

Qi Zhuo Yehua didn't take any action to kill him. Instead, he let him go quickly, just like he wanted to help him steal the divine honey.

what on earth is it?

Is Shao Yehua stupid?

怎么 How could he help himself to steal divine honey?

For a while, Xue Tianyu's mind flashed countless doubts.

"Don't you understand me? Get out of here!" Zhuo Yehua finally couldn't help yelling.

Hexue Tianyu finally woke up, hurrying and arched, and said in a low voice, "Yes! Yes! Yes! The subordinates will retire!"

He said, Xue Tianyu quickly left the hive and hurried towards the hive exit as quickly as possible.


Thank you to the book enthusiasts such as "Southern Emperor" and "Son of the Mountain" for their recent rewards. (To be continued.)

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