Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1064: Coronation

? Huang Yi's new plan is to use the kiss of death and blend it into the **** honey to deal with the Queen of Pain!

宇宙 The kiss of death is so poisonous that even the demigods can be poisoned. Just a trace of poisonous gas that escapes makes Huang Yidu look like this. If you drink the entire drop of toxin, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, he was not sure whether this kiss of death could poison the Queen of Pain, but he could only venture to catch up, find the hiding place of the Queen of Pain, and investigate it himself.

Luo Shao took you to fly and immediately bent down, put Huang Yi back on his back, and walked towards the exit of the hive with the second-year good boy.

"What are you doing?" A demon leader immediately took a step forward, blocking Luo Shao in front of you and snapping out, "No one is allowed to go out until all investigations have been completed!"

"Bold!" Luo Shao took you out of anger, and said politely, "Just as Lord Vatican has an important matter to explain, let us three do it immediately. You are actually blocked by bad things here, don't you die?"

Suddenly the man was shocked by Luo Shao's tough attitude that took you to fly, his neck shrunk and hesitated.

Just now, Luo Shao took you to fly and talk with Fanyu secretly. Everyone clearly saw that everyone had already had an illusion. It seems that Luo Shao took you to fly is Fanyu ’s confidant. Now he goes out to work for Fanyu. It makes sense.

The chief of the demons bit his lip, hesitated for a while, but finally he didn't dare to stop it anymore, pulled away and gave way.

Luo Shao took you to fly and the second middle school boy to speed up the pace, immediately walked out of that exit and left the hive.

Before this time, this hive had been blocked by the Sky Demon Dragon. It can only enter and cannot go out, and even the teleportation skills are useless. But when Vatican Yu left, they broke through this gap in the closed space, and the three of them escaped from this hole.

The next moment, the clear and bright red moonlight fell, and a breeze blew, refreshing, as if returning to the real world.

I was just too depressed in the hive, just like a nightmare, facing death at any time, and my spirit was always in a state of high tension. Now that I have finally fled there, I am free again, and I can take a breath.

But this is only temporary. Next, they will follow Vatican to find the location of Queen of Pain. It will be a more dangerous journey!

The second-year good boy fanned his wings and immediately pointed in one direction, saying: "The breath of secretion is in this direction, we are going to catch up quickly, we can't let the big brother of killing God die for nothing!" , Galloping in that direction.

Luo Shao took you flying with Huang Yi on his back, and quickly flapped his wings, chasing quickly in that direction.

溢 Huang Yi at this time was already in a state of ambiguity, and the sounds around him seemed to come from another world, hazy and inaudible. He resisted the dizziness and kept a trace of consciousness. Luo Shao took you to fly and carried him forward.

After a long while, they finally stopped in a barren mountain. On the top of the barren mountain, there was a teleportation array, exuding a monstrous aura, it seemed to be teleported to some evil place.

The young man in Langzhong felt that the secretion stopped abruptly in this teleportation. It is speculated that Vatican should have set foot on this teleportation array and teleported to another place!

"Let's go in!" Zhong Erhao took a deep breath and stepped into the teleportation array first.

Luo Shao took you to fly with Huang Yi on his back and stepped into that teleportation array together.

In a short time, a strong sense of dizziness came, and the surroundings became dark, accompanied by endless screams of ghosts, as if being transmitted to a ghost realm.

一切 After all subsided, Huang Yi's three have appeared in a vast black wasteland. The ground here is black gravel, and the sky is gray, as if there will never be sunshine.

I can't see any green plants on the ground, and occasionally weeds that emit black weird air, a huge white bone fell to the ground, the bones have been weathered, I don't know how many years ago the monster died.

This doesn't seem to be a second world, but a dark, lifeless, evil world!

Langzhong Erhao and Luo Shao took you to fly, both felt inexplicably uncomfortable, feeling unconsciously depressed, as if out of breath.

Huang Yi was already in a state of ambiguity, and he was very slow to change from the outside. He still looked like he was going to pass out at any time.

"I can feel the secretion again, go this way!" The Zhong Erhao shook his head, forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling, continued flapping his wings, and flew in one direction.

Luo Shao took you to your shoulders and flew Huang Yi back tighter, quickly followed, and walked hard in this black wasteland.

Uh ...

In the space where the seven demon kings are located, there is a magnificent black hall, where there are seven huge black thrones, on which sits seven human figures on the shore, exuding a god-like atmosphere.

They are of different shapes and dim faces, only one hazy outline, and casts seven huge shadows on the ground!

They seem to have been sitting there since ancient times, leaving the years to stand still.

These seven figures are the seven demon kings!

At this moment, there are two small figures on the ground, kneeling in the shadow of the Seven Devil Kings, with their heads respectfully lowered.

背后 Behind one of them, there are hazy black wings, which do not look real, but seem to be hidden in another space. Behind the other was a red cloak, as if it had just been soaked in blood, exuding **** blood.

These two people are the eighth largest demon king—the little demon dragon of the demon, and the ninth largest demon king—Blood Night · Liouying. After obtaining the two magical artifacts, the wings of the dragon and the blood-stained style, they had stood on the top of all beings, arrogant to the world, but now they knelt respectfully in front of the seven demon kings.

"Tian demons, blood demons, complete this coronation ritual, and you will get the power of the demon king that I have given you. The strength will be greatly improved, plus your magic weapon, enough to compete with the demigod." The figure on the most central throne slowly spoke, and made a thunderous sound, just like the will of God.

He was wearing a black cloak, his head was covered by a hood, he could not see the specific face, but only a deep black hole.

"Thank you Lord Lord of Hell!" The two demons said excitedly.

The King of Hell stood up slowly, and the cloak behind him made a loud clamor, and the shadow cast became even greater.

Suddenly under his black cloak, two white hands were outstretched, each holding a black crown.

These two crowns are mysterious and weird. The gemstones on them are actually black eyes, turning back and forth, blinking from time to time, making people creepy.

The King of Hell stepped forward a few steps, came to the demons and blood demons, looked at them high above the ground, and put two crowns on their heads.

In a moment, a black energy poured out of the crown, and penetrated into their heads, rushing into their limbs.

The breath of the two demons and blood demons began to rise wildly. The sound of "cracking" sounded in the bones and hair in the body. The muscles and skin kept bulging and distorted. The entire body was reorganizing, and its strength became more and more terrifying.

This is the power of the devil. Even a small mortal, after getting the power of the devil, can reborn and become a powerful person!

Finally, the bodies of the two men had subsided, and the power of the devil had completely transformed their bodies. A spirit-like breath of ancient times emanates from them, as if it were a great devil who has practiced countless years.

Many powerful people can exude the breath of magnificent shores, but they are just purely powerful and have no deep foundation. Only a few people can exude the quaint years of life, which is often the breath of gods, which represents a long time span, has not been eliminated by history, has transcended time and became eternal.

After experiencing the transformation of the power of the demon king, both the demon and the blood demon finally had a hint of this breath. They have become veritable demon kings, and ordinary demons have changed qualitatively!

The King of Hell looked down at the two new demon kings, nodded slightly, and a thunderous voice was heard again from the black hole in the hood: "From now on, you are the supreme demon, and hundreds of millions of demons are at your disposal Send, the world of thousands will let you gallop, and all sentient beings will be dominated by you! "

"Thank you Lord Lord of Hell!" The two demons and blood demons felt the mighty power in their bodies, and raised their heads in excitement on the ground.

王 The king of **** raised his palm ~ www.readwn.com ~, and waved on the blood demon, the artifact [blood stained style] behind the blood demon fell off, and slowly flew into the hands of the king of hell.

The King of Hell rubbed the cape lightly and looked back and forth for a while, and said quietly, "I still see this artifact for the first time, it is quite interesting."

Then he took this artifact and returned to his throne. He turned to look at the demon kings on the other thrones and said, "Reversing the artifact requires huge power. We will soon invade the second world again. I You ca n’t lose too much power at this time, you all do your part and work with me to turn it into a magic weapon. Queen of Pain, you have a lot of vitality, so you do n’t have to do anything! Go back and heal! ”

The queen of pain gasped, and nodded weakly. Suddenly, her pale complexion froze slightly, and she turned her head and looked away in a distant direction, showing a smile, "Just as I sensed the breath of divine honey, someone should have sent divine honey. I'll go back first! "

After saying that, her mighty body suddenly disappeared on the throne, and she did not know where she had gone.

The remaining six demon kings began to work together to perform a complex mysterious ritual, reversing the artifact of [blood stained style]. (To be continued.)

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