Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1065: Go alone

The Queen of Pain returned to her old nest alone.

Her old nest is a huge beehive. It is quaint and natural. It is natural, unlike artificial construction. Outside the honeycomb are hexagonal beehives, exuding a black gas, like magic caves, bottomless.

But the hive was empty and deserted, and no bees and insects went in and out to collect honey, as if it had been deserted for a long time.

The Queen of Pain lies on the throne in the hive and heals in an absolutely quiet environment, without any hustle and bustle, and no one is disturbed.

She had transformed back into a human form, and Jiaotu outlined a seductive silhouette in the dim, motionless, like a sleeping beauty.

"DaDaDa!" At this moment, a series of rapid footsteps sounded, and a figure quickly entered the hive.

The Queen of Pain seemed to have waited for a long time, and finally opened her eyes and looked at the figure.

The man was wearing a black monk robe with a bald head on his head, covered with blood-stained lines, and was a miserable acolyte.

The painful acolyte went straight under the king's platform, kneeling on both legs, and said respectfully: "Dear Queen of Pain, the subordinate Vatican has completed the task of brewing divine honey, and specially offered divine honey."

After that, he raised his hands above his head and raised a crystal bottle.

The crystal bottle contained a colorless and transparent liquid, rippling back and forth inside the bottle, emitting waves of light in the dim honeycomb.

"Very good!" The Queen of Pain nodded slightly, stretched out her hand, and gently moved.

The crystal bottle in Vatican's hands slowly flew to the king's platform and fell into the hands of the Queen of Pain.

The Queen of Pain stared at the divine honey in the bottle with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Even through the crystal bottle, she can feel the unique breath of **** honey. That kind of breath has boundless temptation for her now. As long as she drinks it, she can quickly heal her injury and return to the top!

"You have done great work, and these two dzi are rewarded to you. You can quickly rise from the strength of two steps to four steps to the sky!" The Queen of Pain glanced at the lower Brahma and took it easily Two beads were thrown out and dropped.

Fanyu quickly reached out and caught the two beads.

The two beads were sky blue, with a layer of white gas faintly hovering above them, just like the white clouds on the blue sky.

This is the treasure in the eyes of the ascendant--Dzi Bead!

After reaching the sky, every step is extremely difficult. It takes wisdom, perseverance, luck and time far beyond ordinary people to have such a glimmer of hope for success. A dzi, however, can make a strong man in the sky stage take a step directly!

It took half a lifetime for Vatican to be promoted to the strength of two-step ascension. With these two beads, he can be directly promoted to four-step ascension, which is worth the hard work of his half-life!

Fanyu held the two dzi beads, her palms shaking with excitement. He carefully put away the two dzi beads, excitedly put a few heads on the ground, and said again and again: "Thank you Lord Queen of Pain! Thank you Queen Queen of Pain!"

The Queen of Pain waved her hand and said, "Let's go back! I want to heal my wounds and stop disturbing me!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Vatican stood up, stepped back, and turned back outside the hive before turning around, eagerly flying towards the distance.

He wants to find a no-man's land as soon as possible, absorb the two dzi, and promote to four steps to heaven.


On the other side, in the black wasteland, Zhong Erhao and Luo Shao take you to fly, and they are still struggling to fly forward.

This wasteland has a harsh environment, and its magic is pervasive. From time to time, black sand storms will come. After blowing on the body, it will roll the person away like leaves.

They have gone through many crises along the way. At this moment, the second-year-old boy turned pale and fluttered. Every time he flapped his wings, he tried his best.

"No! I can't hold it anymore!" Finally, he could no longer maintain his flying attitude, and fell crookedly from the air.

He was originally a casual player, too low level and too weak. But in this black wasteland, there is always a magical gas floating, and these magical gas can cause him a lot of damage, and it can reach the limit now.

Luo Shao took you flying and landed with Huang Yi on his back. He stopped by the middle school boy and stretched out a hand, trying to pull him up.

"Don't worry about me!" Zhong Erhao juvenile slumped on the ground, shook his head hard, gasping weakly, "I know my weight, and I will soon be corroded to death by this magic gas. The breath of secretion will In this direction, you will always find the Queen of Pain when you fly down. The next journey can only be carried by you on your own! You are going to go round with the overlord and Qingming River. We will be far away. I pray for you. "

Luo Shao took you to fly and pursed his lips, and finally nodded: "Okay! Brothers take care!"

Having said that, he waved goodbye to the middle two good boy, fanned his **** wings again, and flew into the sky with Huang Yi on his back, and began to walk alone.

Looking at their backs, the good middle-aged teenagers showed a hopeful smile on their faces, slowly closed their eyes, and waited for death.

His mission is over!

At this point, in this six-member squad, Bawang, Qingming, Hetu, and the second two good boys have completed their respective missions, and only Luo Shao takes you to fly and Huang Yi!

The next journey can only be continued by the two of them, facing the Queen of Pain!

Luo Shao takes you flying with Huang Yi on his back, flying all the way forward, and the lonely figure moves forward firmly in the black sand of the sky.

The strong wind formed by the magic gas blows his small body severely, but blows his flapping wings.

He raised his head high, and kept looking forward, searching for the hiding place of the Queen of Pain.

At this moment, countless people in the Second World are living as usual ~ www.readwn.com ~ Players in various countries may be playing and playing, and there are countless people in the forum shouting and yelling at Huang Yi. No one knows that in a remote, unknown space, two tiny figures are struggling for the Second World!

There is no audience, no applause, no encouragement, only loneliness!

Finally, after flying for a long time, a huge black honeycomb appeared at the end of the black wasteland!

The black hive is like a mountain peak, standing on a distant horizon, high above it, and proud of its independence. Even at a long distance, you can feel a sense of evil and monstrous oppression.

There, it should be the hiding place of the Queen of Pain!

Luo Shao takes you flying for a while, speeds up the flapping speed of the wings, and carries Huang Yi towards the black hive.

Thank you, "His Royal Highness Tai Chi", "Book Friends 160529002732428" and many other friends for their great rewards in the near future! I hope you all subscribe! Subscriptions are more important than rewards! Thank you! (To be continued.)

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