Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1066: Although 100,000 people go

In the empty beehive, the Queen of Pain wandered on the king's platform, holding the crystal bottle in her hand, and slowly opened the bottle cap.

Divine honey was originally colorless and tasteless, but the moment the bottle was opened, the Queen of Pain seemed to smell a sweet fragrance.

This is the treasure that the beetle family is proud of. No matter how many injuries, as long as you drink enough **** honey, you can quickly recover.

The Queen of Pain smiled gracefully, slowly put the crystal bottle on her lips, lifted her white neck, shook her throat, and began to drink the liquid in the crystal bottle.

Time seemed to stagnate for a while, and in the dead beehive, only the voice of the painful Queen swallowing was left.

Finally, all the liquid in the bottle of Shenjing was drunk by the Queen of Pain, and a drop of divine honey also flowed from the corner of her mouth.

She slowly stretched out her long fingers, touched that drop of honey on her fingers, and reached into her mouth to **** clean.

"What a pleasure!" The Queen of Pain squinted and sighed comfortably.

In her body, those divine honey quickly poured into her limbs, and the majestic energy contained in it began to heal her body.

But in this energy, there is a very hidden, unobtrusive energy, which also poured into the limbs.

At this moment, the Queen of Pain suddenly frowned, and seemed to be aware of an unusual reaction in her body. The honey she drank today seemed a little different than before.

Suddenly, her body trembled violently, her face changed greatly, and a pair of beautiful eyes bulged out. She reached out and covered her belly tightly, her body twisted in pain. "Why, how can this be wrong! Poisonous!"

All parts of Queen Pain's body suddenly began to ache severely, as if thousands of tiny bugs were eating her body!

She has gone through countless years, and has been poisoned countless times, and has been intoxicated for a long time, but this toxin has surpassed any kind of toxin in the past, straight into her soul, giving her a feeling of imminent death!

This is by no means a toxin that mortals can make, and only the God Sealer can make such a powerful toxin!

At this moment, the Queen of Pain tasted the most painful thing in her life. She was pale, trembling, and couldn't help screaming: "Who is it! How dare you poison me! Who is it?"

The Queen of Pain could no longer control herself, her body squirming violently on the throne, and quickly changed from a human form to a beetle form.

Her huge abdomen swelled and contracted with her painful cry, gushing out of her body for several eras of majestic magic.

Those magical qi are like endless oceans, endless, and soon, the entire hive is drowned by the magic qi, and quickly spreads out!

"Oh!" Finally, the Queen of Pain fell off the king's platform, hit the ground severely, and raised a large amount of dust.

Her body was still struggling on the ground, rolling to and fro between the imagelessly, but she couldn't stand up.

Her harsh screams penetrated the magic of the sky and spread out of the hive.


Outside the hive, in the distant sky, two figures are approaching quickly, it is like Luo Shao took you to fly and Huang Yi!

"Ah!" At that moment, they faintly heard a scream in front of them, and they could hear the pain in the scream even at such a long distance.

Huang Yi was lying on the back of Luo Shao taking you to fly, his eyelids were originally weak, but after hearing the scream, he opened hard, and finally his dim eyes showed a glimmer of glory.

He looked up strenuously and looked in the direction of the hive. I saw a huge black hive standing on the black ground in the distance, and the black magic air was continuously flowing out, spreading in all directions.

That area has been shrouded in magic, and the hive is hidden in the middle of the magic, faint, and it doesn't look very real. That terrible scream came from the depths of that magic!

Huang Yi stared deadly at the hive, opened his dry lips, and gasped, "It seems that there is the Queen's Nest of Pain, she's poisoned! We're almost there!"

"Finally see the Queen of Pain!" Luo Shao took you to fly and said excitedly, exhausted all efforts to fly towards the hive.

The two were getting closer and closer to the hive, and the magical energy coming out of the hive was always spreading out, and the two soon met.

At this time, Luo Shao took you to fly to the front of those magical qi, he looked at the magical qi in front of the sky, and rushed in without hesitation.

"Zi ~" A sound of corrosion suddenly sounded. Luo Shao took you flying and black smoke was emitted from all over your body. The skin on your body turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly rotted. His meat wings were also quickly eroded There were several big holes.

"Ah!" Luo Shao took you to fly fangs with a grin and screamed, the attitude of the flight was crooked, and finally planted it.

He traced a tragic trajectory from the magic of the sky, and fell fiercely on the ground. Huang Yi also fell from behind Luo Shao and took you to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Luo Shao took you to squirm in pain, his body was rotten up and down, the meat on the palm was no longer visible, only the white bones remained. His face was corroded to look like a dead body, his flesh was connected, and he could see the bones inside.

"Kill, kill God Brother, these magical spirits are too strong, I can't carry them anymore, and I can't take you there anymore." Luo Shao took you to Fei Fei and turned to look at Huang Yi, and said painfully.

Huang Yi fell not far away, and his body was in the midst of the magic of the sky, but he was not corroded. His Nefarem blood is the blood of the gods and demons. He already possesses both the constitution of the gods and the demons. He has 100% immunity from the magic damage. For him, these magic qis are no different from the air.

Huang Yi looked at Luo Shao taking you to fly, nodded, and said weakly: "Then the next road, let me go down alone!"

Luo Shao took you to fly and turned to look at the front, where there was a lot of magic, and the beehive was hidden in the depth of the magic. It was completely unclear. The Queen of Pain was inside the beehive. Know how many hardships and hardships you will experience. The Hundreds of Demons under Her Majesty the Queen do not know whether they will come to protect the Lord.

This time the action that seemed to be about to be successful, in fact, was out of reach. For a short distance, he couldn't go anyway.

Luo Shao took you to fly and bit his lip unwillingly. In the end, he sighed helplessly and retracted his gaze.

He turned his head, looking at Huang Yi on the ground with anticipation and anxiety, distressed and said, "Brother God, are you weak like this, or do you insist on going? There is a crisis and there are likely to be thousands. Wanji's demons block your way! Once they fall into their hands, it will be more serious than death! At that time, it will not be as simple as dropping a level, it is likely to fall completely and there is no chance of rise! "

"I'm going! Go anyway!" Huang Yi said firmly, slowly climbing up, sitting on the ground, always watching the direction of the hive, his eyes burning, "Although millions of people will go!"

"Although I'm going to sacrifice thousands of people!" Luo Shao took you to fly and read this sentence, knowing that Huang Yi's determination is as firm as iron, cannot be shaken, and he will not persuade now.

He looked at his rotten body and smiled relievedly, and said, "Kill God, I wish you all the best, I'm going to die soon, and I will go with Overlord, Qingming, Hetu, Zhonger after I resurrect Good boy, they will meet, and we will pray for you from a distance. "

As he said, he paused, a pride flashed in his eyes, and continued: "This journey is the most memorable journey in my life. I never dreamed of it. One day I could actually go with Brother God to kill. In all possible dangers, I came to this evil world and hunted down the Queen of Pain. This is a mythical and epic story. I actually participated in it, and I will not die in my life! Kill God Brother, you must live. All our dreams depend on you ... "

In the end, his voice was so audible that he finally fell to the ground, motionless.

His body had decayed so badly that there were sensible bones everywhere, like a dead body.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at Luo Shao's corpse flying with you, inexplicably a trace of sadness!

His last companion died like that!

This team is left alone!

This time, the Overlord picked four people from the heroic empire, Qingming, Hetu, Zhong Erhao, and Luo Shao, to take you to fly, and follow him to the Blood Moon Continent to perform the task. These days, they get along day and night and have long been sympathetic.

Each of them had their own abilities, completed their respective missions, and contributed to this operation. But now, just as the journey is about to reach its end, when the Queen of Pain is about to be seen, they fall down one by one and can't go any further.

Next, we can only rely on Huang Yi alone.

"Please rest assured! I will take your share with you ..." Huang Yi whispered to Luo Shao's corpse that took you flying, his face was firm, and he took out the artifact embryo named after him ——The wrath of killing the gods, supported on the ground, became a crutch, propped up his body, and staggered and walked hard to the depths of the magic.

This is the most difficult journey he has ever traveled ~ www.readwn.com ~ His poisonous time has been less than three hours, and the toxins in his body are increasingly harmful to him!

He was all supported by a will, and his uncle's body walked steadily, and every step took a huge effort. The whole world was hazy in his eyes, and the sky was spinning. It may fall at any time. Province personnel.

Finally, Huang Yi passed through the heavy magic and came to the huge hive!

This is the source of the magical energy. The rich magical energy gushes out from the inside like a hurricane, blowing his cloak back and forth.

The Queen of Pain is in it!

Thanks to the drifting soul and other friends for their great rewards. I saw some friends in the book review area asking for group IDs. The group IDs are related to the works, but I do n’t go to the group very much. It may be messy and there are all things. Add something to my QQ. My QQ is 398115791 At a meeting two or three times a month, I may not be able to receive all the messages, but as long as I go online, the messages I can receive will basically reply. (To be continued.)

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