Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1067: The Queen of Pain manifested herself!

Huang Yi looked up at the high-altitude beehive, and the dense beehives were filled with monstrous magic, like deep-seated magic caves. I didn't know how much danger was hidden inside.

The scream of the Queen of Pain has long ceased, and I don't know what happened. There was a dead silence inside the hive, and no sound came out, making people even more fearful.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, holding on to the wrath of killing the gods, took a difficult step, stumbled into it, and disappeared into the depths of the magic.

This hive is much larger than that on the Blood Moon Continent. After Huang Yi entered, it seemed as if he had gone to another world. Looking at it, there was only a vast magical energy, dim and dim, and he could not see the boundary.

But at the end of the line of sight, there is a tall, spherical building!

He had also seen a circular building in the hive of the Blood Moon Continent before, which was the core area of ​​the hive. The top of the round ball building was the king's platform, which was a place where only leaders could go up!

Such a ball-shaped building also appeared in this hive, and the Queen of Pain is likely to be nearby!

Huang Yi spotted that direction, walked step by step with the wrath of killing the gods.

His feeble shaking footsteps sounded lonely in this large empty beehive, penetrated the heavy magic, and spread out in all directions.

The further you go, the more enchanting you are, as if you walked into the ocean of enchantment and walked slowly in it, there was a sense of stickiness.

After struggling for so long, Huang Yi finally approached the round ball building. The magic here is the strongest, violently impacting outwards, he arched forward vigorously, every effort to take every effort of the whole body, a little carelessness will be blown out by this raging magic.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there was a heavy gasp coming from the depths of the magic in front of me. That sound was like pulling a bellows, and the magic around me was blowing with it. Pentium surging.

Huang Yi's heart stopped for a moment, and time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

"You're here." A deep woman's voice rang out from the depth of magic, and the voice was majestic, high above him, like a queen, but full of tiredness. After a woman turned clouds and rain on the bed, she gasped and spoke, exuding Temptation.

"Queen of Pain!" Hearing this voice, Huang Yi's body trembled suddenly, as if after a lot of hard work, he finally found the thing that he had been searching for a long time!

The Queen of Pain really is here, not too far in front of him. Although she can't see her, she must be in the magical spirit ahead.

In the history of the Second World, no one has been so close to her body!

Huang Yi was the first. He reached a point where none of the predecessors had come!

He is about to make history and see the Queen of Pain!

However, with the opening of the Queen of Pain, those gushing magic energies also became more violent, like a violent wind sweeping wildly, and Huang Yi's body was blown away and kept falling back at any time. Get out!

Huang Yi's knees softened, he lay on the ground, grasped the ground tightly, and crawled forward without image.

His clothes, face, and lips soon became dusty and dirty, but he ignored them, keeping his eyes on the front and crawling forward with all his strength.

Even if he climbs, he has to climb the last distance to see the Queen of Pain!

Finally, after crawling for a distance, Huang Yi's sight appeared with a body outline. The body, like a huge mountain of meat, fell on the ground in front of it, and the endless magical energy poured out from it.

The body was like a beetle, but bigger than any beetle he had seen before. In particular, its abdomen occupies almost two thirds of the body. It seems to conceive a future for a race. Endless larvae will be born from this abdomen, then move to the entire universe and expand and multiply into the world.

The more you climbed forward, the body became clearer and clearer, and the lines on the body began to show up. Circles of black, circles of yellow, delicate and complicated, mysterious and gorgeous, just like the masterpiece of the creator!

Climbing forward, the body's head also became clear. Like other bees, it had a face in the middle of its head.

The face was a woman, and it could be seen that it was supposed to be a peerless beauty, but now the face was completely distorted, the hair was scattered, the body was covered with dust, and the noble temperament disappeared!

At this moment she closed her eyes tightly, with exaggerated smoky makeup painted around her, showing a cool blue and black.

What a familiar smokey makeup!

What a familiar face!

This is exactly the Queen of Pain!

This body is the body of the Queen of Pain!

In the history of the second world, countless ancestors went forward and succeeded, and they could not find the hiding place of the Queen of Pain. Finally, at this moment, for the first time, someone saw the Queen of Pain!

This is a historic moment!

It was also at this moment that the eyes of the Queen of Pain were finally opened, and the two black eyes under the smokey makeup were like two black holes, reflecting the figure of Huang Yi!

"Kill God! It's you?" The Queen of Pain showed a slight surprise on her face, staring at Huang Yi, her pale lips trembling, "Why are you here ?! You came to die!" What? "

Her tone was very weak, she could not hear the meaning of painful struggle, she seemed to have no strength to go to painful struggle, and even opened her eyes to say a word was already the limit.

She was lying motionless on the ground, unable to move, she just heard someone's footsteps enter the hive, she didn't know who came. It wasn't until now that I opened my eyes that Huang Yi arrived.

If it was her before poisoning, Huang Yi had already noticed it before she was close to the hive, and she could kill it between her hands. But now, she can't show her all kinds of methods, and let Huang Yi come to her to recognize it.

Huang Yi lay on the ground, looking at the queen of painful queen opposite, and said weakly, "I'm here to kill you, you are very poisonous, not far from death!"

"You just want to kill me with your little heavenly powerhouse?" The Queen of Pain seemed to hear something funny, and coughed, and laughed, "Yes, I did get poisoned, I Already noticed, this is the kiss of death from the universe to poison, and it was secreted by the masters of the Nazarsh tribe. I originally thought that it was the poison of the Naga masters of the first world against me. The character behind you is you! You, a small heaven, can kill me like this, enough to stay in the annals of history, but you are far from qualified to kill me. "

The Queen of Pain said, squinting her eyes slightly, looking at Huang Yi for a while, and continued: "I was on you and I smelled the kiss of death. You should be poisoned now! You are all a general How did the dead kill me? "

Huang Yi didn't speak, and strove forward a few more steps, his face flushed, clenching his teeth, holding the wrath of killing God, raising it tremblingly and chopping down towards the Queen of Pain.

"Ding ~" The wrath of the **** of death fell softly on the Queen of Pain, as if knocking on the gold iron, causing no harm.

"I said, it's useless!" The Pain Queen lay on the ground and laughed again, gasping, "This is my body, but not the fragile avatars of the past. Although I was very poisonous, I lost all my strength But even when lying down, demigod masters have to spend a lot of effort to kill me. And the mortals under the demigod are more than willing to hurt me. Not to mention you today, even the peak period You cannot kill me, you give up! "

Huang Yi pursed her lips, did not speak, and began to try her own means to attack the Queen of Pain.

"Rattled" the voice sounded one after another began, Huang Yi-use their capabilities towards the Queen of Pain attacks in the past!

But the Queen of Pain couldn't make it, ignored all his methods, and even ignored Huang Yi's Nefarem skills.

If it was the peak period of Huang Yi, there might still be a bit of qualification to try, but now he is too weak, it is difficult to raise arms, the effects of various means are greatly reduced, and he cannot deal with the Queen of Pain at all.

This is the body of the Queen of Pain. Even if she is seriously injured, even if she is extremely poisonous, she cannot help but lie on the ground.

After trying various methods, Huang Yi had to give up the futile attempt ~ www.readwn.com ~ weakly paralyzed on the ground, gasping, thinking while resting.

Suddenly, the situation on the field became very weird. Huang Yi and Queen of Pain, one of the top 10 billion players in the second world, and one of the supreme powers who have been involved for several epochs. The meeting between the two people should be a thrilling fierce battle situation, with a slap in the face of a landslide. But now, the two are weakly paralyzed on the ground, close at hand, without the image of being high above normal, they can hardly move even if they move, no one can do nothing.

The Queen of Pain looked at Huang Yi, and looked out of the hive again. There was no fear: "Kill God, if you want to kill me, you must hurry up. The remaining demon kings should already feel my breath is very weak. , Presumably now is coming to see what happens, when they arrive, you will have no chance. "

Although she has lost all means, she cannot directly contact the Seven Demon Kings and her hundreds of millions of demons, telling them that she has been poisoned. But as one of the seven devil kings, she has a faint spiritual connection with the other demon kings. The other demon kings can perceive that her breath is very weak now, and they will definitely come to investigate and see what happened.

Huang Yi's heart was so tight that he had to find a way to solve the queen of pain before the other demon kings arrived! (To be continued.)

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