Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1068: The strongest evolution in history

"[System Tip]: Your poisoning time is less than 1 hour!"

Just then, Huang Yi received another system prompt to make his current situation even worse!

On the one hand, the other demon kings are coming, on the other hand, the poisoning time is getting closer and closer, and the time left to him is getting less and less, and he must immediately resolve the Queen of Pain!

With his current state of poisoning, it is impossible to pose any threat to the Queen of Pain unless he can release the toxins from his body.

But this is the snake venom secreted by the masters of the Nakashi family, how can they be lifted in a short time?

Huang Yi frowned and fell into hard thoughts.

"Huh? Snake venom ... snake!" At this moment, Huang Yi flashed a flash of light in his mind and suddenly thought of something.

He shook his palm and took a bottle out of the storage ring.

The bottle contained a few drops of dark red mysterious blood.

This is the blood of the mysterious python!

He got the blood of the mysterious python two years ago, but he couldn't absorb it after repeated attempts. When he was upgraded to level 270 last time, he tried again, but the system still indicated that the blood was too strong. Unabsorbable. I do n’t know what the mysterious python is from, it is so powerful!

Now, Huang Yi happens to be snake venom!

If you can learn the long-wind, low-wind, and low-temperature literary temperature, ww ■ w.cf≈wx.ne ■ t, the blood of the mysterious python can be absorbed and evolved into that kind of snake race, can it automatically become immune to snake venom?

However, according to his speculation, the blood of the mysterious python should at least be at the stage of ascension before it can be absorbed, and he is now at level 288, and the hope of success is very slim.

But now he has no choice but to choose a try!

He immediately opened the bottle and dripped the blood of the mysterious python into the palm of his hand!

"[System Tip]: You have obtained the blood of the mysterious species, did you choose to absorb evolution?"

Huang Yi took a deep breath, holding the last hint of hope, and chose "Yes!"

Time seemed to stagnate at that moment!

"[System Tip]: Because you have been infected with the snake venom of the Nazak tribe, your body is full of the flavor of the Nazak tribe, and you can perfectly fit with the blood of the Nazak tribe, and you have successfully evolved into the form of the Nazak tribe!"

Blood of Nashash!

Hearing these words, Huang Yi's mind was blank!

The blood of the mysterious python he got was actually the blood of Nashash!

That **** honey python is actually a Nazarsh!

No wonder this drop of snake blood has such high intensity that it has been unable to absorb it. It turned out to be the blood of this super race!

The secret that bothered him for two years is finally unlocked!

But soon, he came up with more doubts!

Some time ago, he clearly heard that the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan said that the Nazak race is a great race in history. It once dominated the entire First World, but it has already become extinct. Only their derivative races. Naga survived and dominated the oceans of the First World.

But now the news clearly shows that Nasha has not become extinct! The mysterious python that Huang Yi saw at first was a Nazarsh!

He also remembered clearly that the mysterious python had said to Black Snake, one of the three generals of His Majesty the King of Pirates of the Pirates, that he could easily reach the level of heaven. At that time, the black snake was only a few hundred levels of strength in the sacred realm, far from the level of the heavens. There is no way for ordinary people to allow the black snake to cross such a large gap and be promoted to the level of heaven. But the mysterious python has a method, which shows that it is by no means an ordinary snake race. Only the super-race race such as Nazak has this ability, but at that time it did not know what the reason was, and it could only temporarily be like the black snake. Little people mixed together.

In addition, Huang Yi also detected that the **** honey python had visited the island with mysterious eyeballs and entered another place through the black hole in the eyeball organ. Not long ago, the blade went to the mysterious island and personally explored the black hole, but the blade and Huang Yi had almost the same strength and could not enter the black hole. This also shows that the mysterious python is not an ordinary snake race, and Nazarsh Also fits perfectly.

From the blood strength of this mysterious python to the clues it showed, this mysterious python is not only a Nazarsh, but also a great figure of the Nazarsh family.

In any case, this is a shocking news. I did not expect that Nachash, the super race who dominated the First World, is now alive again! It seems that the situation in the first world is about to change drastically, and the first world is the first in the world. If anything happens, it will likely spread to the entire universe, including the second world where Huang Yi is located.

At this time, Huang Yi's palm had completely absorbed that drop of Nashash's blood, and the body quickly began to evolve towards the characteristics of the Nashash tribe. The whole process was very smooth, and it was expected to take only a few minutes to complete.

This time, he was completely blessed by misfortune. He was poisoned by Nashash's snake venom, which actually matched the characteristics of Nashash's blood, and absorbed this high-strength Nashash's blood in one go.

If it is normal, he will not be able to absorb until he reaches the sky, and it will probably take a long time to completely absorb. Just like the blood of the King of Darkness, it took so long since he absorbed the blood of the King of Darkness last time, and it has not been absorbed till now, and the blood is still condensed under the skin of his palm, like A stubborn mole. And now, the blood of Nashash later came up and was absorbed all at once.

At this time, Huang Yi's skin began to squirm, and a series of snake scales grew, neatly arranged. Each snake scale is a perfect rhombus, exuding a faint blue luster in the dim air, when viewed from a distance, it is like wearing a close-fitting armor. At the same time, his legs began to merge, and became longer and softer, and eventually merged into a snake tail, which could creep forward.

However, his body did not turn into a snake, and still looked like a human. Many races will have a human form when they are high-ranked, but with some characteristics of the race, such as tauren with long horns on their heads, and sea fishmen with fish gills on their faces. Huang Yi's current form is the human-shaped Nazak, which has only part of the characteristics of a snake, but as long as he is willing, he can still become a complete snake form.

Finally, the evolution of the body is over!

At this time, Huang Yi was covered with snake scales, and his lower body was a thick snake tail ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looked like a Naga, no one would think that he was actually a Nazarsh.

[System Tip]: Congratulations on your evolution.

Current evolutionary form: Nasar

Current Form Expertise:

Poison abilities reach the level of God, and non-God Sealers cannot do any poison damage to you.

Master the common abilities of all aquariums.

After entering the first world, you will not be excluded because of the rules of the world, but you will have all the power.

Gain the status of [First World King Race] with many privileges. Including but not limited to all First World races, it can have a deterrent effect. You can know all the large-scale ethnic languages ​​in the First World. You can use all public city teleportation arrays, and you can transmit across continents ...

Current capabilities:

[Death kiss]: It can secrete kisses from the universe to poisonous death. (To be continued.)

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