Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1076: World pattern

"Brother God, you're finally back!" The five of them stared at Huang Yi, sighing with relief.

"Brother God, have you seen the Queen of Pain? Did you kill her?" Luo Shao took you to take a step forward and asked quickly.

Huang Yi pursed his lips and laughed, "I saw the Queen of Pain, but I failed to kill her. I just took some other measures. The demons should not invade the Second World on a large scale for the time being. Hope you guys Keep it secret and don't leak out our actions this time. "

"It's so good!" A shot of Zhong Erhao's palm, "So many powerful people in history haven't been able to see the queen of suffering, but I didn't expect to see the killer brother. I also participated in this one myself. Action, I really want to brag to my friends! "

"Still with it! Brother Killing God keeps us secret, there must be his reason, we don't divulge it!" He Tu shook his head.

Huang Yi looked around the crowd and was relieved: "Okay! This journey has ended perfectly, everyone can teleport back, everyone is very hard these days, take a good rest and relax! I will also go offline to take a break It's up! "

After speaking, Huang Yi waved his hand to everyone and went directly to the original underground line.

Huang Yi opened his eyes, and now he had become the dark and shabby cell of Rose Prison.

He exhaled for a long time, lying directly on the bed, and fell asleep deeply.

Since these days, he has been worried about this operation in Bloodmoon. He didn't sleep well once, and now he can finally take a good rest.


Huang Jue slept for a long time. When he woke up, it was already noon, and the hot light was shining through the window.

He got up and took a bath, and went to the cafeteria for a refreshing lunch.

"Brother Yi, have you heard the big news this morning?" Huang Yi just found a place to sit down, took the first bite, and heard the voice of a prisoner next to him.

"Oh? Li Lipeng! What news?" Huang Yi turned around and recognized the inmate.

Li Lipeng was a journalist before being jailed and was detained in a heroic prison for reporting on the corruption of the World Federation in East Africa.

Li Lipeng helped his black-rimmed glasses and said, "Since this time, the World Federation has suffered successive military defeats and cannot resist the military actions led by Ni Dongde. Military expenditure is very tight. In addition, the real economy has been continuously ranked first in recent years. The virtual economy of the second world is eating away, and the fiscal revenue of the world federation is greatly affected. A huge fiscal deficit appeared. Yesterday, the world federation issued a new economic policy, carried out a series of economic control measures, and even proposed to increase it in the virtual world. Transaction taxes, which directly affect the interests of most people, are now marching in demonstrations in various countries controlled by the world ’s federations. Independent countries such as China, the United States, and Russia have also made corresponding trade restrictions on the world ’s federations. Even A senior executive in the Asia Pacific region of Time Corps has accused the media that the world federation should not get involved in the virtual world. Now, the world federation is surrounded by internal and external problems and is teetering. If this continues, they will disintegrate sooner or later, the world It will soon return to the previous state of independence "

After listening to the news, Huang Yi expressed a heartfelt smile on his face: "This is the inevitable development of history. The World Federation was originally a special product of the Pacific nuclear leak. It did play a role in the early years, but now the Pacific Nuclear Leak Institute The effects have long been under control, but it is unreasonable for the World Federation to try to hold the highest authority of all human beings and do whatever they want. "

"Then what do you think the World Federation will do next?" Li Lipeng asked.

Huang Yi put down his chopsticks and said, "The World Federation should find ways to expand its ability to control the virtual world, and behemoths like our heroic empire must be their eyesight. Our heroic empire is now in full swing, and it is already difficult for players Down to us. I guess, the World Federation will pin its hopes on NPC forces like the Seven Devil Kings, and hope that the Seven Devil Kings will destroy the Second World, and even destroy our forces and reshuffle the virtual world. . To this end, they will definitely cooperate with more masters like Miyamoto Musashi who join the demon camp to promote the process of the seven demon kings invading the second world. "

Huang Yi said, patted Li Lipeng on the shoulder and continued, "Don't worry, I firmly believe that we can be released from prison. Next, we will continue to expand our strength in the second world and let the world's federal economy The field continues to be impacted by the virtual economy. The economic foundation determines the superstructure. Without the economic foundation, the building of the World Federation will definitely fall. "

"I want to see the day when the world federation falls!" Li Lipeng said hopefully.


After lunch, Huang Yi returned to his cell, and after a short rest, he went back online.

He first went to the forum and took a look at the current popular posts.

"Mysterious player Sky Demon Dragon, get the wings of the artifact dragon, become the eighth largest demon king, and the title is Sky Demon!"

"The Demon Clan got two artifacts in a row, adding two new kings, and the situation in the Second World is even worse!"

"The Devil Dragon was born, and with the power of the artifact, he broke the world records on the 220th, 230th, and 240th floors of the Tower of the Gods overnight, and killed many NPC strongmen in the central continent, soaring 13 levels! "

"Heavenly Little Dragon became famous overnight, and rumors have taken over the endorsement of an internationally renowned luxury product!"

"The age of the universe begins! Many masters such as the Snow Queen, the King of Blades, the Ganges, and Abigail have traveled to other worlds in succession."

"Killing God has risen to level 289, only one step away from the ascent stage!"

"Legendary Pictures announced that it will complete the production of 24 movies in the virtual world in the next three years."

"At 10:38 local time on the 21st of the NYSE ~ www.readwn.com ~ the market value of the Heroes' Guild exceeded the 10 trillion US dollar mark, a record high!"

"A number of analysts have said that Tianmo Xiaoshenlong has locked in advance the best newcomer award of the next annual festival."


Looking around, the homepage is full of various posts, the hottest topic of which is the little magic dragon.

Yesterday he made a strong appearance on the world stage, obtained an artifact, and became the eighth largest demon king. It caused a lot of public opinion all over the world overnight.

Everyone can see that this will be the biggest variable in the current player power structure.

Tianmo Xiaoshenlong holds the artifact, plus the resources of the demons, is fully qualified to compete with top players such as Huang Yi and Thor.

Many thanks to many book enthusiasts, such as "Anuo Shiwa ~ Xin Ge", "Luo Shao take you to fly", "Liu Family Five Young People" and so on, for their great rewards in the near future! (To be continued.)

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