Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1077: Gorefiend's Revenge

Huang Yi knew that sooner or later there would be a battle between him and the Demon Dragon. -Especially the small demon dragon of the demon also joined the demon camp, becoming the eighth largest demon king, and will inevitably face each other in the future.

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly saw a new post that was posted shortly after it was published. It took less than half an hour and had more than five million responses—

A Letter to Kill God

The author of this post is awesome.

Huang Yi immediately clicked in and looked at--

"Kill God, I believe you've heard my name! Yeah, now who in the world doesn't know my little demon dragon? You must be very weird, we don't know each other, why would I single you out? Write this letter for you! "

"In fact, we have met for a long time, but your nobles have forgotten a lot and must have forgotten. Almost two years ago, when you were a novice, you destroyed a half-orc camp called Feng Linzhai. It happened that I was there and killed by a monkey monster that you released. "

"At that time, I was just an obscure ordinary player. Even if you were killed, you do n’t know my name, and it is difficult for me to find a super master like you to take revenge. To this day, I still remember how I was that night Aggrieved. Since then, I have been chasing you as a goal, you must not imagine what kind of life I have lived in the past two years, how many tribulations I have experienced. Of course, you do n’t need to know, you just need to know , Next, I will get revenge on you! "

"Actually, it is not only me, the ninth largest demon, the blood demon, who hates you, and will take revenge against you immediately. The orc tribe he belongs to was once destroyed by your army, his relatives and friends , Tribe people, all died in your hands, only he survived by himself. Sometimes, I really admire you, I can provoke enemies everywhere. But in the future, you can't do what you want. . "

"In the past two years, your light has been too dazzling, and you have done so many amazing things that many people say that no one in the world can defeat you. But I will end your myth by myself. I will let you I tasted the taste of Fenglinzhai two years ago. I have tasted it ... "

There are millions of responses to this letter. Among these replies, some praised the Demon Dragon for being very inspirational, some accused Huang Yi of killing innocent people, and some accused that the Demon Dragon should not use the power of the Demons to avenge it. There are also some people who hate Huang Yi, who are fanning the rumors, using some things that are not true, and scolding Huang Yi, and some fans of Huang Yi are defending him.

As a party, Huang Yi chose to remain silent after reading this post, but did not respond.

In fact, he apologized for the accidental death of the Demon Dragon, but the situation has reached this point and can no longer be recovered. Tianmo Xiaoshenlong joined the Demon Clan, this is iron heart to find revenge on him, there is no room for relaxation.

Huang Yi left the forum and entered the second world.

His incarnation appeared on the hero continent, while the body was still on Ross Island in the Blood Moon Continent.

As soon as he was online, his incarnation in Heroes Continent received a message from Qin Shiyu—

"Brother Yi, five hours ago, we had more than a hundred ocean-going ships. In the course of ocean trade on various continents around the world, they were maliciously sunk. All the crew members said that the attackers were half-orcs. Some of the masters of the family are some orc players. What plans the half-orc family may have to implement against us? At present, the number of sunken ships is still increasing. I have notified all the captains to make them more Be careful."

After receiving this news, Huang Yi's heart was a little stunned, and the revenge of the blood demon really came immediately!

He and the half-orc race had deep grievances, and he had 'forced' the patriarch of the half-orc holy land-the 295 barbaric saint came to the hero continent to kill him, but was later deputy dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan Obstructed by the shooter Ika, the saint had to return to the central continent resentfully, respect the "Convention on the Balance of Heaven" promulgated by the Royal Academy of Oskan, and not send the masters of Heaven to the troubles of those weak continents.

After that, the hatred of Huang Yi and the half-orcs was silent for some time. Until now, the half-orcs have begun to engage in big moves again!

These ten are related to the blood demon-bloody night · streaming warbler! The blood demon is a half-orc. He just obtained the blood-stained appearance of the artifact yesterday. He was booked by the king of **** as the ninth demon king. His strength has increased and he is able to find Huang Yi to take revenge.

But he couldn't go to the hero mainland to find Huang Yi's trouble directly, because now the heroic empire already has twenty guardians of the demigods, and even two virtual gods have two, and they operate like copper walls and iron walls. Unless the avatars of the seven demon kings come together, it is impossible to spread wild within the range of the hero continent.

The Gorefiend can only start from outside the hero's continent, and the ships of the empire's ocean-going trade have become the best targets. The hero empire has thousands of ocean-going ships. The guardians of the ships are usually only at the intermediate level, and it is okay to deal with ordinary enemies. However, if there is a master's door to target, then there is nothing to do.

This ship strike incident was supposed to be done by the Goblin Masters of the Orc Holy Land and high-level Orc players ~ www.readwn.com ~ in order to attract Huang Yi to appear!

Huang Yi pondered for a while, and now he can't rush into it. It is best to go to the Royal Academy of the Central Continent to explore the situation of the half-orc holy land and listen to the dean's opinion.

He was on the island of Ross, right next to the teleportation array. He immediately set foot in the teleportation array, using the privileges of the "Guardian of the World", and after several transits, he crossed the distance of hundreds of millions of miles and teleported to the Royal Continental Academy in Oscar on the central continent.

The Oscar Royal Academy's teleportation array is built on a high ground overlooking most of the campus of the Oscar Royal Academy.

Looking around, some buildings around the college have been damaged and some people are busy tinkering.

When the avatars of the seven major demon kings invaded the Second World, the avatars of the king of destruction once made a big noise in the central continent, and the Oscar Royal Academy was caught off guard and damaged some buildings. Fortunately, it was later maximized. The guardianship was turned on, which saved the entire academy.

Huang Yi left the transmission square, took out his top purple ‘color’ school card, hung it in front of the ‘chest’, and went all the way to the political and religious center of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

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