Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1078: Lost and fallen races

The Oscar Royal College's Politics and Education Center is located in a wooded mountain. Generally, it is used as the senior office of the Dean, Vice Dean, and mentor. Few students are eligible to enter here. Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ..СоМ. But Huang Yi is a key student of the college, and he can come in and out at will to meet the senior management of the college.

At this moment, people here and there are all mentors of the college. They either hurried past with books and documents, or walked to their office with experimental props, or leaned on the tree in the shade to 'communicate' with academic questions, and a strong intellectual breath came toward them.

"Hmm? God, you are here!"

"have not seen you in a long time!"

"A legendary student has just arrived and entered the dean's office."


Along the way, after seeing Huang Yi, those mentors greeted each other kindly. Huang Yi has been studying here for a while, focusing on matriculation, equipment smelting, in vivo refining and other courses. Some instructors have also taught him.

But now Huang Yi's strength has surpassed them, and it is becoming more and more important to the world. He is the key figure to resist the invasion of the Seven Demon Kings.

Huang Yi also greeted them one by one, while walking, gradually came to the dean's area. The principal 'door' of the dean's office is closed. Only the dean, the 'shooter' Ika's office, is open, and he walks directly in.

The dean's office is spacious and bright, with rows of bookshelves, a round dome with painted maps of the Second World, and a ‘fine’ astronomical telescope by the window.

At this point, Deputy Dean God 'shooter' Ika was sitting at a huge oak desk, looking up at an ancient book, and looking up at a student sitting opposite him.

The student turned his back to Huang Yi. He seemed to hear the footsteps at the gate and looked back at Huang Yi.

"Huh? Dragon Spike, why are you here!" Huang Yi looked at the man, slightly surprised.

The student sitting opposite the dean was the dragon thorn!

Dragonstab is the first Godsend student to graduate from the Oscar Royal Academy! He studied in the college earlier than Huang Yi, and when Huang Yi entered the college, he just graduated. His achievement in the formation law class is much higher than Huang Yi. When the Seven Demon Kings invaded the Second World last time, the formation of Dragon Spurs helped Huang Yi and others to fight against the Demons.

In addition, Dragon Spike is also the first player to pass the Oscar Royal Academy Hero Trial, and is the first god-given hero in the second world.

Dragonstab has a very high status in the Oscar Royal Academy. The entire academy has fewer than 10 purple 'color' school students. Dragonstab is one of them.

"I'm here to inquire about the deputy dean about Dragon Realm." Long Tiao nodded toward Huang Yi and said briefly.

"Dragon Realm?" Huang Yi staggered slightly, walked to the dragon stab, looked at the vice president, and asked, "Where is Dragon Realm?"

The Deputy Dean looked at Huang Yi and smiled slightly: "Kill God, I remember that you happen to have a contractual partner of the Golden Holy Dragon, so I will tell you about the dragon world!"

As he said, he paused and continued: "Dragon Realm is an exotic plane! It is the birthplace of the Dragons. When the universe first opened, a group of creation ancestors were born and became ancestors of various races Among them, there are the ancestors of the dragon family-Zulong! Zulong produced a descendant through division, and the offspring reproduced again, and gradually formed a powerful dragon. Later, some dragons left the dragon world and went to the universe. Each world has its branches and leaves. As a result, the Dragons have become a very widely distributed race in the universe. The first dragons in our second world also came from the Dragon Realm. "

"During the ancient times, the dragons of our world used to be particularly prosperous, and three god-sealers were born. However, the dragons gradually declined, and now it is difficult to find traces, especially sacred dragons, dark demon dragons, and golden holy The three top dragons of the dragon, except for your contractual partner of the golden holy dragon, and the dragon man of the golden holy dragon, the second world has not seen these three top dragons for many years, I do n’t know Whether it has become extinct. But this is only the situation of the Dragons in our Second World. Among the Dragon Realms, there must be these three top-level Dragons, even the Dragons that have never appeared in the Second World. Recently, the Dragon Emperor has The adventure, the blood in his body was boiling, and he felt the call of the dragon world, so he asked me about the dragon world and planned to pass! "

"Oh?" After Huang Yi heard it, he couldn't help but patted the shoulder of Dragon Spike and laughed, "Congratulations! This trip to Dragon Realm is a great adventure! I promised you the last time and wanted to give you The blood of the golden holy dragon in adulthood. Now my golden holy dragon partner is in the metamorphosis stage. When the metamorphosis is over, I should be able to be promoted to adulthood. I will realize the original promise.

"Thank you!" Dragon Nod nodded, pouting, "I'm going to Dragon Realm now! See you in the future!"

After speaking, he disappeared directly into the air, as if he never appeared.

In the office, there were only Huang Yi and Vice President Shen ‘shooter’ Ika.

God's shooter Ika looked at Huang Yi and said, "Kill God, I just noticed that you seem to be coming from the Dean's office. Are you looking for the Dean? I'm afraid it will be difficult, since After returning to the Central Continent, he has been busy dealing with the things of the lost race. "

"Lost race?" Huang Yi read these words softly.

"Yes! Lost races, that is, races that have lost their racial heart." God's "shooter" Ika's face "colored" dignified, "when the Seven Demon Kings invaded the Second World, the King of Destruction's clone He led a group of demons and attacked the Central Continent. Seven of them were sacredly destroyed by them, and even the heart of the race was broken. Since then, they have lost the faith of `` fine '' and racial dignity, and have become lost. race."

"So, what about the people of the lost race?" Huang Yi asked.

"They have become homeless and poor people." God 'shooter' Ika sighed. "Those lost races, even if they rebuild their homes, it is difficult to restore their racial heart. Race The heart is the highest sacred object of each race, representing the destiny of this race. Once broken, this race can never return to its peak. Those who have joined the hundreds of millions of God-given talents of this race have their racial skills, The power of racial talent will also be halved. "

As soon as Huang Yi was thinking, the scope of this ‘spread’ was wide!

The one hundred ethnic holy places on the central continent are the one hundred ordinary races that ordinary players can choose! Among the players in the world, the proportion of high-level races and rare races is very small, adding up to less than 100 million people, and the remaining players are all ordinary races, the number is almost 10 billion.

In this way, there are about 100 million players per average race. The destruction of the seven holy racial holy sites indicates that almost 700 million players worldwide have become lost races. Their strength will be greatly affected, and the power of racial skills and racial talent will be halved. In the future, there will be no sanctuary and teaching of ethnic holy sites, and there will be more negative effects.

"Does that lost race have a future?" Huang Yi asked with a frown.

God's shooter Ika nodded: "Yes! These lost races can join other races to seek asylum, swear allegiance to the patriarch of the race, and perform a sacred blood ritual on the race's heart. ——Drop their blood on the racial heart of the race, and then treat this race as their second race. However, their status in the new race must be the lowest, and because they joined the day after tomorrow, there is no corresponding bloodline. Therefore, they will also be weaker in the skills and talents of the new race. In addition, from a psychological perspective, this is also a very shameful thing, and it will often be looked down upon.

"Actually, I am more concerned with the fallen race than with the lost race ..." said the dean, paused, and his voice was low. "Lost race, what is lost is the racial heart, not the inner self. And The fallen race is just the opposite. Their racial heart has not been lost, but they have lost their inner heart and completely sunk. In this invasion of the Seven Devil Kings, some races finally turned to the Seven Devil Kings and became shameful fallen races. .They have lost themselves and become the running dogs of the demons! "

"Fallen race!" Huang Yi whispered these words, suddenly thinking of the blood on the continent of Blood Moon.

The blood race is a fallen race that has already taken refuge in the seven devil kings. However, the blood race is not one of the hundred ordinary races. They are more powerful higher races. Only a few players in the world can become blood races. Huang Yi currently only knows one blood race player, that is, his former teammate Luo Shaodai. You fly.

The fall of the blood race has far less influence than the fall of the hundred major races in the Central Continent. The fall of an ordinary race will ‘spread 'hundreds of millions of players behind it.

"Then, God-given people in the fallen race, where do we go from here?" Huang Yi asked.

"They will face difficult choices!" God's shooter Ika shook his head and sighed. "Either follow the race and loyal to the Seven Demon Kings and become the" fallen. "Or rebel against the race and join those who lost it. Other races become 'awakeners'. Of course, you can also choose not to stand in line and become a 'solitary walker' and still maintain your race identity, but in fact they have nothing to do with races, and they have been far away from races. They are the most miserable. Not only will they be chased down by their own race, but they will also be affected by their own race and suffer the hatred of the remaining races. "

Huang Yi thought about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to the deputy dean's division, Luo Shao took you to fly should be a "lone traveler". He did not join the Seven Demon Kings or other races, but instead maintained his bloodline and chose a lonely path.


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