Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1085: Weird enchantment

After being surrounded by the red 'color' matrix circle, Saranto did nothing. He asked 'sexually' to put down the crutch, sat cross-legged, and actually rested on the spot. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹ.сом is updated fast.

Obviously, he has absolute confidence in this red 'color' matrix, and is not worried that Huang Yi will break into it.

At this time, Huang Yi came outside the circle of the red 'color' array, tried to lift her feet 'sexually', and wanted to rush in.

However, an invisible enchantment blocked his footsteps, preventing him from stepping into that red 'color' circle.

He asked for ‘sex’ to slay the wrath of killing God and attack the enchantment!

"Ding!" The wrath of the **** of death split on the enchantment, making a dull impact, but the enchantment remained motionless.

Huang Yi intensified the attack, and the wrath of the **** of killing was almost danced into a phantom, and it was densely split on the enchantment.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The enchantment made a crisp impact sound, and withstood each of Huang Yi's attacks firmly, but was unable to break through.

Huang Yi is now under the ‘sexual’ increase twice that of the wings of killing, but he still ca n’t break the formation enchantment!

He has a very strange feeling, it seems that the strength of this formation enchantment will change with the change of his attack! His attack power becomes higher, and the strength of that array of enchantments increases simultaneously!

Obviously, the enchantment of this red 'color' circle has a rare characteristic. It cannot be forcibly broken by relying only on high attack power.

Huang Yi felt a bit tricky. Brute force to break the matrix method is no longer feasible, and the knowledge of the matrix method he learned is not useful. 'No idea.

He can't break through the barrier of the red 'color' matrix now, and can only watch Saranjo in the red 'color' matrix.

Soon, the invincible time of Huang Yi's Guardian Wings was over, and from now on, Saranjotu could already hurt him again.

However, Saran Rutou still sat cross-legged in that red 'color' circle, and did not mean to attack Huang Yi, so he sat in the void so calmly and ridiculed to look at it With Huang Yi.

Huang Yi “touched” his chin and thought about it. Now he can't attack Saranjotu. This fight is no longer necessary, so leave it and fight again next time.

He immediately turned around and walked outside the range of the banner, and soon came to the border of the large circle of blue 'color'.

He lifted the wrath of killing the gods and began to attack the boundary of the blue 'color' formation. He wanted to brute force to break the line and leave here.

However, the familiar scene happened again. After his attack fell on the boundary of the formation, just like the attack on the red 'color' formation before, it could not be split at all.

He didn't believe in evil, and used various methods to attack, but it was useless. Every time he increased the attack, the strength of the enchantment increased along with it.

That array of enchantments seems to be related to the attacker. No matter how strong Huang Yi is, he can't break through the enchantment of this array of enchantments. Like a manpower, he can't lift himself up.

After just attacking for such a period of time, the effect of Killing Wings also faded, Huang Yi lost twice the increase of ‘sex’ and returned to the original ‘sex’ state.

He stopped the wrath of God in his hand and no longer tried in vain.

He frowned, remembering what Saranjoto had just said--

"I will at the cost of my freedom, draw the ground as a prison, imprison myself, and open the third layer of the ancient array flag-the battle array!"

Obviously, the third tier of this ancient array flag is very costly, and it requires the price of freedom of Saranto.

Saranto should be trapped in that red 'color' circle forever, and will never come out again.

The purpose of doing so is likely to be to trap Huang Yi.

Now Huang Yi is also trapped in this formation, and the brute force attack on the boundary of the formation has no effect, so he can only kill Saran Rutu, the founder, but Saran Rutu is again the red 'color' The formation is protected and cannot be killed.

Teleporting skills are also useless. You cannot teleport away in this formation!

It's useless to go offline. This formation is not broken. He will still be in this formation after going online.

Suicide is useless. This formation is so powerful that even if you commit suicide, you will not be resurrected in the city, but will still be resurrected in this formation.

The situation at hand turned into a dead end.

Yellow overflow can't go!

He's stuck inside forever!

Of course, this is not an absolute "forever". Saranto's life is limited, and one day he will die old, and then the formation method will naturally be lifted. But I do n’t know how many years later, Huang Yi will certainly not be able to wait that day.

"Kill God, you are helpless now!" At this time, Saran Ruto smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will also taste despair, pain, madness, numbness. You, like me, have already been I'm stuck here forever and can't go out again! I deprived you of my freedom at the cost of my freedom. Let us grow old in this formation! You will not be alone with me . "

Huang Yi did not pay attention to the sarcastic ridicule of Saran Ruto, standing silently in the void, 'touching' his chin, thinking about the way to crack.

The heroic guild players of the angry ocean battleships below have seen this stalemate and talked about it.

"Looks like Brother Brother God is trapped in that method!"

"Saran Ruto was too cruel. In order to trap and kill the elder brother, he even gave up his freedom."

"It's all because the ancient array flag is too weird. This thing has been lost for a long time. Who knows that Saran Ruto can still get it. If there wasn't the ancient array flag, the **** of killing God should have killed him already! "

At this time, the captain of the angry ocean ship, Tutu World, suddenly turned his head and looked at the players around him, saying "color": "Everyone listens to my order, we attack and attack that enchantment ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ See if you can rescue Brother God of Death. "

After all, he took the lead in waving his weapon and attacked the formation in the sky.

The rest of the hero guild players also wielded their weapons and attacked, and Guanghua's skill, Guanghua, poured his brains towards the boundary of the array.

Those melee class players rushed into the sky, came outside the boundaries of the formation, and launched various melee attacks.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding ..." Suddenly, the enchantment of the Fa sent a dense crowd!

All skills, all weapons, all attacks hit on it, almost drowning that array of enchantments!

However, the formation enchantment can still withstand all the attacks, and it will not break any attacks!

These hero guild players have encountered the same problems as Huang Yi. No matter how they increase their attack strength, the enchantment of the formation can still resist them.

Whether the attack power is high or low is not the key to breaking. Q

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