Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1086: Ancient Goblin Explorer

The scenes came to a standstill again. Almost all the methods that can be thought of so far have been used, but none of them can break through the formation matrix. -

If you want to crack this formation, you can only find someone who knows this formation, know the secret of this formation, and then you can break the formation according to the method.

Now in this world, there are no people who understand this kind of formation, not even the formation mentor of the Royal Academy of Oscars.

Well, you can only look for it from history!

At this time, Huang Yi, who was far away from the hero continent, immediately took out the "Book of Heroes" from the storage ring and began to look it up.

The book of heroes records all the criminal information after the cell number 100. What Huang Yi is looking for is the famous master of matrix formation in history.

In the book of heroes, including corpses among the corpses, there are recorded tens of thousands of heroes from different worlds of the universe. But there are only more than 5,000 criminals still alive, which has narrowed the scope.

Huang Yi glanced ten lines at a glance, glanced at each name. After more than ten minutes, his eyes suddenly stopped, locked on a name-

Ancient ‘fine’, ‘wave’, ‘wave’ grid (level 252, number 244)

In this person's prefix title, there is no relationship with the formation method, but there are the words "refinedly" in ancient times!

And such things as the banner are precisely invented by the ancient 'fine' family.

The ancient ‘fine’ people are very famous in history because they have genius-like creativity, have had many great inventions, and are a race advocating science and technology. Huang Yi has been exposed to the technical legacy of this race many times before.

In the field of manufacturing, the ocean airship of the Heroes' Guild was invented by the ancient 'fine' family.

In the field of 'medicine', Miyamoto Musashi's 'medicine' laboratory is also a product of ancient 'sperm', and an endless stream of s-class 'medicine' was born.

In the forging field, Huang Yi ’s epic equipment, the Thunder Guard, is a forging master from the ancient ‘fine’, which was refined by using the two broken arms of the thunderbolt ‘woman’ emperor.

In the field of matrix formation, the ancient ‘fine’ invented the formation flag, and also created a variety of new top-level formation formations.


The ancient ‘fine’ has had great achievements in almost every technical field. However, the fighting strength of this race itself is not very strong, but it depends on the glory of science and technology for a period of time, and then it will decline and eventually become extinct. Only some of their inventions are left behind.

Huang Yi, holding the idea of ​​trying it, turned to the page number of the criminal and looked at the specific information of the other person--

The "bo" grid, the explorer of the ancient "fine" family, is also a strong three-step ascendant, and likes to explore the "waves" in all universes of the universe. He is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. After entering the 'Flower' Garden of the Temple of Death, he was arrested in a heroic prison ...

Huang Yi decided to get in touch with the criminal. Although the other party is just a traveler, not a professional array mage, but the travellers are often involved in various fields, maybe they have some knowledge of the flag.

In addition, the other party was still a powerful three-step ascendant who had seen various scenes and had rich experience.

However, the criminal's level is now only 252, and he is no longer a three-step powerhouse, which shows that the criminal's strength has declined.

In the Hero Prison, many criminals have lost their strength, which is not as good as the peak period.

For example, Emperor Somret was once a top demigod, but now falls to the level of ordinary demigods.

The criminal that Huang Yi killed for the first time, the Hydra Deadscale, was once a mount of the **** of law, but the level was only 250, which is also the reason for the decline of strength.

There was also a doom angel killed by Huang Yi, who was once more a god, but then the godhead was broken and fell into a pseudo-god, leaving only the strength of heaven.

Huang Yi's incarnation immediately summoned the hero prison and went to the stone room.

The name of the ‘Bo’ grid is lower than Huang Yi, and the corresponding key has fallen to the ground, so there ’s no need to grab it.

Huang Yi lowered her head and began to patiently look for Key 244 among the dense keys on the ground.

After ten minutes of searching, he finally found the key and came to the corresponding gate 244 of the cell 'door'.

This is an ordinary cell with a 'door' slit to observe the criminals inside. Huang Yi looked in through the 'door' slit.

I saw a small figure in the huge cell. It was emaciated, less than a meter tall, but it had a big head. His skin is dark green 'color', his ears are pointed, and his eyes are 'fine' and weird, which is a typical 'fine' appearance.

At this point, it was lying on the ground, writing something with its fingers, and a face seemed very focused.

"Hello!‘ Bo ’grid!” Huang Yi knocked on the cell 'door' and said hello from a distance.

Until then, ‘Bo’ did not notice the arrival of Huang Yi, raised his head and glanced, frowning, and a little dissatisfied: “Please call me free‘ Bo ’, thank you!”

His voice was sharp, coupled with his short body, like a naughty child.

"Unfortunately, the free 'Bo' grid has lost its freedom and can only be imprisoned in this small cell!" Huang Yi said, looking at the floor of the cell.

The ground is densely packed with text, and some places are accompanied by a pair of 'plug' pictures, which seem to have been written by the 'Bo' grid.

The cell of the Hero Prison is very wide, much larger than a football stadium ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the floor of such a huge cell is actually full of text, like a strange carpet.

"Bo" grid frowned, and said, "But" Bo "grid's heart is free! Free" Bo "grid can write travel notes on the ground of this cell every day." Bo "grid has traveled the world , I have encountered countless stories, seen countless local customs, and studied all kinds of strange technologies. Even the wide cell floor in the heroic prison, I ca n’t write so many experiences! "

"So, hasn't the free 'bo' lattice ever studied matrix formations?" Huang Yi asked.

"Bo" Geang raised his head, "Ting" raised a small "chest", and said, "Of course I have studied it! When Bo'ge explored in the dungeon and ruins, he was often used by various strange array methods. Stuck, but the 'Bo' grid is inherently free, and no matrix can trap the free 'Bo' grid! "

Huang Yi smiled and raised the key in Yang's hand, saying: "Now you have a chance to be free. As long as you promise to be the guardian of my heroic empire and help me study the formation, I will take you from the hero Released in prison, making you a truly free 'wave' cell! "

"Become a" cross "!" Bobo snapped his fingers and agreed without hesitation. Q

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