Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1187: Little Glass World


Chapter 1187: Rose Prison

The next day, after Huang Yi went online, he learned that the first world had undergone drastic changes.

The Naga clan paid attention to the information he provided yesterday, quickly dispatched an army, attacked the four key defensive empty islands, and successfully occupied them.

The 13 key islands of the Demon Clan have already been broken by Naga, and they can no longer connect to each other to form a line of defense. They have become isolated and scattered points. The defense ability has been greatly reduced. Under threat.

In addition, the four demigods who were taken away by Huang Yiyun led their men and women to the West Pa mainland to attack the West Pa city under the control of the hegemons. As a result, the Patriarch ambushed nearly twenty demi-gods in Xiba City in advance, and directly destroyed the four demon demi-gods and all their men and horses.

In just one day, the demons suffered a series of blows, not only occupied four important islands, but also lost four demigod masters.

This drastically changing situation made Huang Yi feel a little bit of relief. The demons should be dragged longer in the first world.

But he did not dare to think that he could defeat the demons directly in the first world. The demons are too powerful. This time they invaded the first world. They just sent a small number of people and horses. Even the virtual gods in the demons have not yet dispatched.

In addition, the six demon kings each sent only one avatar this time. The remaining avatars have not yet been put into the battlefield, and their strength has been preserved intact.


On the other side, Liuli Small World.

The small glass world is a strange alien space in the first world. The inside is crystal clear, as if made of glass, beautiful, and its entrance is located in the glass sea. This was originally a demon-seal space found by the famous Nacha Shifan **** [Luri Master] in the history of the first world. At that time, the Lord Liuli hid in this demon-seal space and isolated the pulling force of the gods from heaven, so he could stay in the universe.

But later, a gap appeared in this sealed space, and it was not reinforced in time. The traction of the heavens penetrated into it, and Lord Liuli was finally sealed. Since then, this small space has become a famous alien space in the First World.

A few days ago, the three ancestors of Naga introduced the avatars of the three or six demon kings to the small glass world to fight, and for several days they did not decide the winner, but unexpectedly there were four princes' avatars. Out of their magic weapon, the war was reversed at once.

If it were just the avatars of the Demon King, it would be impossible for their three virtual gods to defeat so quickly, but the magic weapon would be completely different.

"You two don't have to struggle anymore, you can give up the Queen of Pain, you can die happier." At this time, a group of dark lights kept squirming and made a thunderous noise.

This group of dark light is exactly the clone of the dark king. He was holding a strange black round wheel in his hand, and the round light exuded a vast light, like a dark scorching sun in his hands.

This round is the famous magic weapon of the King of Darkness-the Wheel of Darkness, also known as the "Black Sun", but the light it emits is not the warm sunlight, but the light of death.

In history, the Dark King once held this magic weapon and destroyed every world.

The wheel of darkness is like a black sun, rising in the horizons of those worlds. The black light shines on the earth. The places where it shines are corrupted, no grass grows, and life ends. When this round of the black sun fell from the sky on the other side, the entire world had been illuminated once and turned into a dead world.

This round of black sun has become a horrible legend in the universe. As long as the black sun rises in any world, then which world will be destroyed.

"We have already said that we have not touched the Queen of Pain at all. At that time, we were just stealing her divine honey." The two ancestors of Nashash hurriedly shifted their eyes and did not dare to look directly into the darkness Wheel of light.

"As long as you destroy your Naga tribe, then we will naturally find the Queen of Pain." The King of Destruction casually said, punched out, and even the whole small glass world shuddered slightly.

At this moment, the vicinity of a blue glazed glass suddenly wriggled, and then four great shores appeared.

Of the four great shore figures, two have a pair of meat wings behind them, while the other two are giants as tall as mountains.

All four of them exude a strong sense of imagination, proud of heaven and earth.

When the two elders of Naga saw the four strong men, they were all happy!

They all recognized that the four were gods of the Celestial and Patriarchs. Obviously they had accepted the request of the snake-haired banshee Medusa and came here to help them.

"The first world is not a place where your demons can walk freely!" Said a tyrant giant, taking a big step, like a mountain standing in front of the fallen king.

"Our Celestials, we will never allow your demons to come in our first world!" An imaginary **** of the Celestials fanned the flesh wings behind him, and suddenly went around behind the king of hell, his hands flashed red. Attack on the neck of the king of hell.

"Our demons are only for the Naga clan. Your hegemons and heaven clan come here to help, is this to kill you?" The Destroyer roared, his fists shot out, forcing an old Naga ancestor to retreat.

An overlord's false **** quickly rushed over to help the Elder Naga fight against the clone of the King of Destruction. While holding out a huge palm to block the fist of the Lord of Destruction, he sneered, "You are only targeting Naga? Don't be kidding! Your three new kings are prestigious! These days, they have killed There are several demigods of our hegemony and the hegemon. Your demons have never understood mercy. When Naga is destroyed, it is our turn to hegemony of the hegemons and the hegemons. Finally, the entire first world will be taken by you! Our three races have now formed an alliance. Not only that, in the future, all forces in the entire First World will form an alliance to jointly fight against your demons. Don't try to destroy the First World! "

"Huh?" The four demon avatars were all stunned, and they didn't know the news till now.

However, they don't have much blame in their hearts. The demons always do whatever they want, and kill whoever they want. The three new kings are very much valued by them. Since they killed the demigods of the Overlord and the Heavenly Tribe, that's okay. They will destroy the Overlord and the Heavenly Tribe together, but it's just a little trouble.

But after they returned, they still had to ask the three new kings to see what the purpose of the three new kings was before killing the demigods of the hegemons and the heavens.

Next, the fighting in the small glass world became more intense.

Everyone here can shake the breath of divine power between raising their hands and raising their feet. The glass boundary of the small glass world is hit by the vast shock wave over and over again. It is already full of cracks and there is a tendency to be broken. .

After playing for a period of time, the avatar of the **** king got out of the war circle of two heavenly gods. The empty black hole under his hood turned his head to look at the surrounding situation.

Previously, when Naga Xushen Wan Xuanxiu was dying, he had exploded to death the avatars of the cursed king and the greedy king, and even returned to the demon space with the two magic king avatars. Now there are only the avatars of the four demon kings and two magic tools, and the overall strength is not as good as the other six gods of the other.

If the six virtual gods took out artifacts, maybe the devil's avatar would fall down next.

"Go!" The black hole under the hood of the king of **** spit out a word decisively, then stretched out a white and flawless hand, and waved gently at the other demon kings.

At the next moment, the avatars of the four demon kings all disappeared without a trace, and only the remaining magic qi was still in the air.

The six deities in the first world lost their goals and stopped.

"Thank you for your help," said one of Naga's ancestors, gasping and thanking him.

"We have been in friendship for so many years, and this little favor is nothing." An empty **** of the heavenly family waved his hand and said casually.

"Yeah! Although we are fighting over these big clans on weekdays, in the face of the enemy of the demons, we better unite. This time the demons only showed a small part of their strength, we Fighting back the avatars of these demon kings will not make them hurt their bones. "Said an illusive **** of a tyrant.

"This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The demons' ambitions are not small. All three of our tribe have demigods fallen under the demons. We must unite and fight back the demons!" A Nagazu old man Nodded his head and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. "Our Naga tribe, yesterday sent someone to the Temple of the Savage God, and asked the figure of the Lord Savage to go out, but failed. The statue of the Lord Savage has always been Without intervening in the fighting, these eras have not been half a step away from the barbara temple. However, if the situation is really critical, you are invited to take another walk with us. Our tribe will join the barbara ’s clone. There is a much greater chance of success when I go out. I believe in the avatar of the Lord God, and I don't want to see that the first world is still ravaged by the demons. "

"Don't worry, the gods of the gods haven't shot yet!" An imaginary **** of the heavenly family was optimistic, holding his hands on his chest, and slowly said, "Masters of the **** of gods are like clouds, even the gods have more than ten gods It is equivalent to the strength of our three clans. Our three clans have some seats in the Presbyterian Church of the Savage Gods, especially your Naga tribe and two of the eight archbishops in the Savage Gods are your Naga A group of people. As long as we are united, we have an absolute right to speak in the barbarians, enough to influence their decision-making. "

At this time, an overlord's virtual **** suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to look at the two Naga's ancestors: "I heard that the second world killer is also allied with your Naga? The power of His Majesty seems to be very powerful. There are false gods, all gods, and false gods. Is this true? "

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