Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1188: Devil's Guess


Chapter 1188: Rose Prison Chapter 1188

An old Nagazu said gravely: "It's true! Unconsciously, the Second World has risen again by these god-given people. When we repel the demons, we must turn around and contain the Second World, otherwise Sooner or later they will surpass our First World. "

The two virtual gods of the Ba and the Tian races nodded, and a cold look flashed in their eyes.


The lords of Hell, Darkness, Destruction, and Fallen Kings left the small glass world and returned to the home base of the Devil.

At this time, they finally knew the changes that had taken place these days. Of the 13 key islands of the Demon Clan, five of them were already occupied, and four demigods were killed.

They immediately convened all the second-level seniors of the Demon Clan in the First World, and held a large meeting in the Demon Base camp.

"Undefeated, I heard that you took the initiative to pass the island you defended to the Naga clan?" At this time, the empty black hole under the hood of the King of Hell turned to the undefeated and questioned. : "That battle, you ordered the withdrawal?"

Undefeated was watched by the black hole under the hood of the king of hell, and immediately felt his lips dry, licked his lips, and said, "Yes! I did as the Lord of Darkness ordered!"

"Um? My order?" The Dark Lord wondered.

Undefeated suddenly hesitated, and said, "Yeah! That day, your projection came to our handsome account in person, and gave me and the Patriarch a separate order. You asked me to give that island to Naga and seduce Naga. Go deep into the ambush and destroy them again. "

"When did I make such an order?" Said the King of Darkness, turning his head to look at the Patriarch again, and there was a hint of anger in his tone.

Pain gurus Geran Cannian stunned, hurried forward, and said quickly: "Yes! You did come to a projection that day, and you gave me an order personally, let me find three new kings to attack together Demigods of hegemony and heaven. "

The genie stepped forward and respectfully said, "Dear Lord King of Darkness, the other day our three new kings were about to kill God in the Second World Orc Holy Land, and a projection of you suddenly came , Let's return immediately to the first world and say that we have important tasks to hand over to us. Have you forgotten? "

"I've never ordered it like this!" The Dark Lord was surprised.

"What? You didn't give such an order ?! Didn't we meet Lord Lord of Darkness ?!" The three new kings, the Patriarch, and the undefeated were all shocked.

Not only them, everyone in the audience was shocked!

There was a weird atmosphere in the air, and they finally found that the war seemed to be manipulated, and they had been blinded before!

The King of Darkness exhaled heavily and said in a deep voice: "These avatars have been fighting in the small glass world these days. The other avatars are in the space of the Devil, and they have not come out, nor have they come to the projection. Go and give you a mission. You should have met a fake me! "

"It's impossible!" The Gorefiend froze slightly. "That projection is exactly the same as you in any respect. If it is fake, I can definitely see it."

The clone of the fallen king suddenly turned to look at the Patriarch, saying: "Pain Patriarch, you have been alive in the Devil for several epochs, and you ca n’t even see that the King of Darkness is true or false. ? "

"The subordinates can't see it!" The Pain Master shook his head: "The projection that gave me the order at the time was indeed the projection of Lord Dark Lord. No matter the breath or feeling, it was exactly the same as Lord Dark Lord. The Lord of Darkness is a unique black light body among the Light clan, which cannot be faked, and I will never read it wrong. "

"Oh? That's interesting! Someone can fake the King of Darkness to such an extent!" At this moment, under the hood of the King of Hell, a meaningful voice came out of the empty black hole.

"Then who is impersonating the Lord of Darkness and giving us orders?" Undefeated startled questioned.

"Will it be killing the gods?" The genie touched his chin and paced back and forth. "The man who kills gods is so tricky that he can hardly do anything. He has previously shown his ability to change to other races, sometimes it changes. Jackie Chan, sometimes a sniffing cat, sometimes a half-orc. It stands to reason that he can become the Lord of Darkness, it is not impossible! "

"I don't think it's possible!" Tianmo shook his head. "The changing ability to kill God should be very low-level. It's too difficult to pretend to be the Lord of Darkness. It can't be seen by the Patriarch. Moreover, before killing God, he changed from time to time, that is, those forms. He has never seen him transform into the Lord of Darkness. "

"I don't think it's possible to kill God!" The Pain Lord capped his scepter, guessing: "It should be a master of the Naga tribe. Once the Nazarsh tribe, they have a very powerful ability to transform, from childhood From the beginning of the era, it can change into the appearance of various races. As a derivative race of Nakashi, Naga also has some of these abilities, maybe a master of Naga, using some strange props to enhance the ability to transform So that I ca n’t even see through. "

"I think so! We just need to see who is the most beneficial to this, and who is really fierce!" A demon demigod nodded, agreeing with the statement, "the man was transferred to four islands They let them turn to attack the Western-style city of the hegemony, but they were ambushed by the hegemony in advance, and the whole army was overwhelmed. This is obviously a fake order deliberately issued by Naga in order to win the war. They benefited The biggest person. "

"Since the Naga family did it, why did they let us kill the demigods of the Celestial and Overlord? Isn't this weakening their allies?" The blood devil shook his head and asked.

"It's easy to understand!" The Patriarch explained, "At that time, the hegemons and the heavens did not really ally with Naga, but only sent some people to form an alliance with Naga. So Naga must try every means to get The tyrants and the celestials have a huge hatred against us. As long as we kill their demigods, the tyrants and the celestials must truly form an alliance with Naga. "

"But what happened to the projections we met in the Second World?" The Blood Demon continued to question, "If the Naga tribe disguised as the Lord of Darkness, why did you work hard to go to the Second World and give us orders? ? And it is at a critical moment that God is about to be killed by us! "

"Because at that time, Naga and God-Slayer were allied!" Tianmo quickly gave an explanation. "Naga seems to attach great importance to the alliance with God-slayer, and even poison poisons such as Death Kiss have been killed. God, they have to defend God, so they will transfer us away at the critical moment when we are about to kill God. "

Although Tianmo has not seen Huang Yi and Naga form an alliance with his own eyes, he has seen these news in the forum. At that time, when Huang Yizhang destroyed the Orcish tribe, in the presence of people all over the world, he deliberately revealed the news of alliance with Naga, and also took out the poison poison of the kiss of death, leading everyone around the world to believe that from then on, , Naga has already formed an alliance with Huang Yi.

"What? Killer and Naga are allied?"

"Is it killing God to kill God? Our war with the Naga tribe originally gave the Second World a chance. He actually took the initiative to insert a hand. Does he feel that he has been too comfortable in the Second World?"

"People of Godsend are advancing too fast. If the Naga people get the help of those of Godsend in the Second World, we can't drag on this battle anymore! The more we drag on, the greater the variables!"

For a while, many demons on the field talked.

"We will know if we investigate." At this time, the clone of the fallen king said, "Next, let's look at the situation on Naga's side to see if they are allied with God of Kill. If they are allied with God of Kill, Then the person disguised as the king of darkness is likely to be a Naga family. The person first went to the second world, saved the life of the ally of killing God, and transferred the three new kings back to the first world. Then He also gave false orders to the Patriarch, asking him and three new kings to kill the demigods of the Patriarchs and the Celestials, forcing the Patriarchs and the Celtics to form an alliance with Naga. In the end, he gave back to the four The demigods on the island issued false orders to send them to death, and easily occupied those islands! "

"Huh! Naga has such a big appetite! With only a fake King of Darkness, I get so many benefits!" The Lord of Devil nodded, chirping.


At the same time, in the Second World, a meeting of the Empire of Heroes was held at the same time.

In this meeting, a new face appeared-Naga demigod Wexzun.

Yesterday, after Huang Yi's incarnation reached an alliance with the Naga clan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Vickerszun immediately came to the Second World and personally inspected Huang Yi's forces.

At this moment, Vickszun sat tremblingly in the conference room, clutching the gold gun tightly in his hands, and couldn't even breathe.

Because in front of him, sitting a group of mighty figures, headed by the strongest guardians of the heroic empire—

Angel of the Underworld · Yiming Maple, Feather of Fallen Feather · Break Feather, Wandering Angel Carat, and the cat of Takasma.

They all have the power of virtual gods. Among them, the messenger of the underworld · Yi Mingfeng, falling feathers and broken feathers were once gods and gods. This is a height that the virtual gods of the Naga family have never reached.

In addition to them, some of the other demigod guardians also came. Before they went to jail, they came from various worlds, and even angels in the heavens and the spirits of the underworld, which opened the eyes of the young Naga, Vexzun.


Thanks to many book enthusiasts, such as Hulk, shadowowlynx, 8 songs, wzero bath blood devil, and others for their great rewards in the near future!

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