Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1191: The Great Plan of the King of Hell

While Huang Yi was watching the forum, the other side, the genie was watching the forum at the same time.

The posts he saw were almost the same as Huang Yi, including the promotion of Tianmo to the first place in the world rankings, the fourth annual ceremony forecast post, and so on.

When he saw the news that the heroic empire had formed an expeditionary army and was preparing to go to the First World to help Naga fight against the demons, he was completely certain that the God of Killing had indeed formed an alliance with the Naga. From this point of view, the man who disguised himself as the Lord of Darkness was likely Naga. The man came to the Second World in order to keep the ally of God, and transferred their three new kings.

He immediately entered the virtual world and appeared in the parliament hall of the Demon Base Camp.

At this time, the avatars of the four demon kings are exactly here, in addition to the Patriarch, Undefeated, Tianmo and others.

The genie bowed and respectfully said, "I have seen four Lord Demon. I have been absolutely sure that God Killer has allied with the Naga clan, and that the heroic empire is forming an expeditionary army and is preparing to send a group of God-given people to First World helps Naga fight us. "

"I have already been told this news by the undefeated, and we are discussing the next plan." The clone of the fallen king nodded, his face was dignified, "Not only that, but the theocratic religion has also announced that it has officially united the first world. All forces fight against us together. Except for the hegemons, the heavens, and Naga, the other forces, large and small, have allied with them. In addition to the barbarism, at present, their masters of virtual gods have passed. With the Thirty, most of the powers of the First World have condensed together. It must be said that the First World is indeed the most powerful one. The power we send out now is not their opponent at all. Next, we must use our real strength. We have decided to increase the number of twenty virtual gods and one hundred demigods into the first world. "

The genie hesitated for a moment, and said, "What are we going to do with this so much power? What did our little universe do? We took out four magic weapons before, and we have already taken a lot of risk. Now if we draw our hands again, our little universe There will be no stability! Even if we win this war, we will lose more. "

At this moment, the king of **** stretched out a fair hand, made a rest assured gesture, calmly said: "Don't worry about the small universe, I will go to the space temple and ask a few old friends to help."

"Temple of space!" The genie was surprised, "Do you know the **** of space?"

"Of course I know." The King of Hell gave a slight laugh. "I have helped the God of Space before, but of course what kind of character is the God of Space? Of course I won't come to help us with such trivial things. I just went to ask this time. There are only a few gods in the space temple. They are not gods and can go to the lower world. The space secrets they master can just stabilize our little universe. "

"Isn't the space temple in heaven? How can you ask them?" The genie continued to ask.

"The celestial and mortal realms are not completely isolated. There are some gaps that can lead to the celestial realm, and some people often take risks from those crevices and quietly go to the celestial realm. But crossing the crevices is dangerous, and you will lose your life if you do n’t pay attention. Do it separately. "

The King of Hell said, paused, and continued: "Actually, I'm not afraid of the first world, no matter how strong they are, I have something in my heart. What I really fear is the second world, the God-given man of the second world, is I also cannot predict a kind of existence, they are the variables of the entire universe and even the entire three realms. We can no longer let them go. This time I asked the gods in the space temple to come and help, and I must always deal with the second world."

"What to do?" Asked undefeated curiously.

"I want to refine the Second World and look for something." The King of Hell said casually, "I will arrange a large array of world extinction with the friends of the space temple, with thirty-six gods and thirty Six virtual gods are used as array eyes. After the formation of the array, the second world will be brought into a void furnace for refining. After refining, the second world will be erased from the universe. At the same time, what we are looking for , Maybe it will show up. "

The King of Hell said, paused, and said quietly, "In fact, we have invaded the Second World countless times since these epochs, in order to find such things, but we have not found them. This is the last resort for me. Appears, it marks a drastic change that affects the Three Realms. I have no time and must use this ultimate method. If that thing is indeed in the second world, after the second world is refined, the remaining impurities will be removed , The whole world will only have that kind of thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because that kind of thing cannot be refined, it will definitely stay. "

"Well, what about the ten-billion-year-old man?" Undefeated swallowed his throat and asked stuttering.

"Naturally gone," said the King of Hell softly, as if talking about a trivial matter. Destroy a world, kill countless souls, and can't fluctuate his emotions at all.

After listening to the plan of the king of hell, even the genie and undefeated players who joined the demons felt a tremor from the bottom of their hearts.

The bad things they had done before were nothing compared to the plan of the King of Hell.

The writing of such a big man is not something they can understand.

At this moment, the King of Hell suddenly turned his head, and the black hole under the hood was directly facing the spirit, and suddenly asked, "How is your spiritual religion?"

The genie slowed down and hurriedly said, "At present, my spiritual religion has replaced the creed of many small worlds. Countless missionaries are preaching in every world of the universe. Believers are proliferating every moment. On the scale, It has crossed any religion in the Second World. "

The King of Hell nodded: "That's good! You quickly promote to epic hero, then I will pass on a poison to you, the legacy of the demon **** of poison. I will let you use this poison at that time, Go and spread the plague in the Second World. "

The genie stunned in his heart and asked carefully: "Like the AIDS virus of the year?"

At this moment, the King of Darkness shook his head: "Moxibustion is a kind of failed plague. I brought this plague to the Second World. I just wanted to see the effect. Although many people were poisoned, but in the end It has been wiped out and has not been able to continue to spread it. This time, the poisonous power that the King of Hell will pass on to you is far more than that of AIDS, and it will cause serious damage to God-given people. Our goal is to infect all Providence. "

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