Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1192: The fourth top dragon

The genie took a deep breath, nodded quickly, and said, "Okay, I'll be promoted to an epic hero as soon as possible."

At this time, the King of Hell turned to look at the demon again, and said, "Demon, you must be promoted to the level of demigod as soon as possible, and I will have something to reward you at that time."

"Yes!" God said respectfully.

Then the King of Hell stopped talking.

The undefeated side bit his lip, and there was a hint of loss in his eyes.

Both the genie and the demon were so reused by the king of hell, and he joined the demon family far away, but they were not cultivated so vigorously.

His most beautiful moment was when the King of Destruction was trained to become one of the Twelve Destroyers. Unfortunately, his first appearance was defeated by Huang Yi in the national battle of the heroic empire. Since then he has been intentionally or unintentionally ignored by the Seven Demon Kings.

Undefeated felt a regret in his heart. If he didn't join the Demon Clan in the beginning, maybe he was no worse than now, and he was still a free body, and his fate was in his own hands.


After Huang Yi went online, he received a message that Luo Shao, a senior member of the Yinglong tribe, took you over.

"Brother God, come to the sacred realm, dragon thorns are waiting for you."

Dragon Spike!

When Huang Yi went to the Oscar Royal College a while ago, and asked the dean archer Ika, the dean, for information about the Orcs, he happened to meet the dragon spurs and set off for Dragon Realm.

Later, he saw a message in the forum that the Supreme Dragon World issued a declaration to the dragon clan in various worlds, saying that the dragon clan had cultivated an ultimate dragon man.

The forum is speculating that the ultimate dragon man is the dragon thorn.

"I'll be right away!" Huang Yi returned a message and immediately transmitted it to the sacred realm of the Central Big Six.

As soon as he emerged from the universal teleportation array, Huang Yi saw the familiar figure of Dragon Spike.

However, at this time, two dragon horns grew on the forehead.

Previously, dragon thorns would only grow two horns on their heads when they made some big moves. When the big moves were used up, the dragon horns disappeared. But now, it seems that the dragon horn has become his normal state, and has been growing on his head.

It seems that the dragon thorns went to Longjie to gain a lot.

At this moment, beside the dragon thorn, there was also a girl in a blood-red short skirt, with a slender figure and a pair of horsetails tied at the waist, like a beautiful girl coming out of anime. She was looking up at the dragon thorn, showing a bad smile, like a mischievous little devil.

The dragon thorn was blushing and stood there munaly, seemingly wondering how to deal with the girl.

"Hi ~ Dragon Spike." Huang Yi walked over and patted his shoulder.

The dragon thorn turned to see Huang Yi, opened his mouth, and was trying to speak, but the beautiful girl next to him first stepped in front of Huang Yi, widened his beautiful eyes, and turned around Huang Yi, left Take a look to the right and say, "You are the **** of killing! I have always seen you on live TV. Today, let me take a look at the real person!"

After looking at it for a while, she nodded, and smiled mischievously: "It is really handsome, but not as handsome as my Dragonthorn brother!" After that, she held the Dragonthorn's arm affectionately, and put her head intimately. On his arm.

Dragon Spike moved his arm and wanted to pull it out of the beautiful girl's hand, but the beautiful girl pulled it tightly, and he had no choice but to bite his lips awkwardly.

Huang Yi immediately laughed and asked: "Dragon, who is this beauty?"

"I'm his girlfriend!" The girl said first.

"No, no, I didn't agree!" Dragon shook his head in a panic and pulled his arm out forcefully.

"You must promise!" The girl held the hand of Dragon Spike stubbornly, just without letting it go, staring up at Dragon Spike, muttering a small mouth, and arrogantly said, "I don't believe it, I'm so pretty and cute, you will I feel nothing! "

The dragon thorns shook his head and did not speak. I don't know if he had given up the struggle or defaulted.

"Hey!" The beautiful girl smiled, turned her head to look at Huang Yi again, and said, "My name is Xiao Badai. I am the maiden of the Dragon clan! My elder brother and I are a pair of heaven and earth, even a few dragons. The Supreme said that we two are the hope of the rise of the Dragon. "

"What's going on? I haven't heard you talk about her before!" Huang Yi looked at Dragonthorn and smiled puzzledly.

The dragon thorn turned his head, looked at the little bad, and said helplessly: "I also encountered the little bad this time I went to the dragon world. One year ago, she just entered the virtual world and finished the rare task, she was born directly. In the dragon world, I accepted the key cultivation of the dragon family, and the title was 'Drinking Blood Rose'. Later, she was promoted to the maiden of the dragon family. She never came out. This time she had to pester me to take her out, and I could n’t get rid of it. she was."

"Oh? You are the world's first assassin. You can't get rid of her without a shadow?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested.

"That's for sure!" Xiao Badai raised her small chest proudly, "I'm the last blood dragon in the dragon family ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have tasted the blood of Brother Longstab, he fled to the ends of the earth, I can Find him. "After that, she put out her pink tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, as if aftertastes something.

"Blood Dragon?" Huang Yi crooked his head. "I don't seem to have heard of such dragons."

"This is the fourth top dragon family," Dragon Spike said. "But the blood dragon has never appeared in the second world, and the other worlds have long since disappeared. Little bad is the last tribe in this vein. Seen as a pearl on the palm, the entire Dragon tribe spoiled her to the sky and gave what she wanted. That's why she was so arbitrary. If she wasn't my tribe, I would have killed her long, and hanged on me all day long, annoying. "

"Kill me? Huh! Can you beat me?" Hey hummed, "I have the Dragon Dragon Armor from the Supreme Dragon, I have the Heart of the Dragon from the Dragon, and The sacred amulet given to me by the sacred supreme, as well as elder silver dragon, red dragon elder, poison dragon elder, elf dragon elder, etc. Many and many elders gave me my baby, plus the artifact drinking blood knife that has been passed down from generation to generation by our blood dragon, you Have you ever beat me? I'm also a top-notch player when it comes to strength! You wait, this year's annual ceremony, the best newcomer awards are not necessarily the Sky Devil and the Snow Queen, it may be my little bad! "

The dragon thorn opened his mouth, but could not say anything, and seemed unable to refute it.

Huang Yi couldn't help looking at the little bad!

She is actually a hidden first-class master!

She has never shown any feat in public before, just like the sharp sword of that year, she was born. If it wasn't for the Dragon Spike that brought her out of the Dragon Realm, it is estimated that players around the world would not have known such a number one.

However, she can conceal people from all over the world, but she can't conceal the annual ceremony. She can definitely nominate the best newcomer award this time, and may even win the award.

Tianmo met a heavyweight opponent!

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