Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1193: The Dragon Race

Chapter 1193: The Past of the Dragon Race

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly thought of something, saying: "I promised you before, when my golden holy dragon was promoted to adulthood, I will give you a drop of its blood. Recently it has been promoted to adulthood, and I immediately Keep that promise! "

"No need!" Dragon Spike shook his head. "I already have the blood of an adult gold holy dragon in Dragon Realm, and I want to change to another request."

"If I can do it, of course! What requirements would you change?" Huang Yi asked.

The dragon thorn looked at the nearby Yinglong holy land under construction and said, "I and Xiao Badai want to join your Yinglong tribe and create two new clans."

"Yes!" Huang Yi agreed quickly, "But why do you do this? You are not the kind of people who value power very much. You haven't managed your own Dragon Kingdom, why are you suddenly interested in creating a clan? "

"It's not that we're interested, but we have to do it." At this time, Xiao Badai took the words, "No way! This is the task given to us by the three Supreme Dragon Emperors of the Dragon Realm! They want us to take the dragon The growth of people's exhibitions is crucial to the rise of our dragons. "

Huang Yi's expression was a little puzzled. He had heard the words "Rise of the Dragon Clan" from his bad mouth for the second time. The Dragons have always been the top races in the universe, and they are powerful. How can there be a "rise"?

Seeing Huang Yi's expression, Xiao Badai said empatheticly: "Are you wondering, our dragons are already strong, why do we rise? Actually! Now our dragons are in more than ten top races in the universe In the middle, it is only in the middle position. But when the universe opened, our dragon race was one of the top ranked races, and it was comparable to the dream race! At that time, the creator ancestor Zulong passed through himself The method of division produced four descendants, that is, the four top clan of the dragon family-the golden holy dragon, the sacred dragon, the dark dragon, and the blood dragon. Among them, the blood dragon is the most talented one. Bit! Zulong is the most valued one. "

Speaking, Xiao Badou beaked his mouth, and said with some loss: "Later, the four clans continued to multiply, merged with each other, and produced a variety of different clans, but no matter which one, the reproduction was difficult. The number of ethnic groups is difficult to grow. Among them, the Holy Dragon Supreme, the Dragon Supreme, and the Blood Dragon Supreme have tried all kinds of methods to allow the ethnic group to grow. But the Blood Dragon Supreme was blinded by the power, and he ignored the growth of the ethnic group. He only wanted to strengthen his own power. He rebelled against the dragons, killed all kinds of dragon compatriots with sorrow, absorbed the essence of their lives to transform himself, and even tried to absorb a large number of dragon spirits from the underworld, and finally made himself The existence of a Yuelong clan. Later, he created a brand new force-the demon! He is the one of the seven demon kings-the king of **** · Yan Mo! "

Huang Yi realized suddenly, saying: "It turns out that the King of Hell is a child of Zu Long, who was once the blood dragon supreme?"

At the time, when he was doing the hero trial, he heard the sacred dragon Georgia told him that the King of Hell was a traitor to the Dragon clan, but Georgia didn't elaborate at that time. He didn't know the details until now.

"Yeah!" Xiao Bad nodded, "But the King of Hell is no longer a dragon, he has overtaken all dragons, and even the ancestors can't hold him back. The demons he created are even more The first force of the universal universe, strictly speaking, the Devil is not a race in the traditional sense, but a mixed race, which gathers the strong of various top races, such as the queen of pain of the Zerg, and the dark king of the Light. Wait, the cursed king of the Phoenix tribe and so on, this is much stronger than our dragon tribe! "

Xiao bad sighed and continued: "Since the blood dragon supremacy rebellion, the dragons have suffered great vitality and their overall strength has greatly decreased. Later, in order to solve the problem of scarce tribal people, one dragon tribe began to travel to all universes and opened up Ye. The first world is the one with the most abundant resources and the best conditions, but it is already the world of Naxash, and the dragons are not doing well in it, so the focus is on the second world. Holy Dragon Supreme, The Supreme Dragon and the Supreme Dragon Realm have sent their clan members to the Second World. The Dragons have indeed been glorious in the Second World for some time, and even three God-sealers were born later, but ironically Yes, they also had civil strife, which eventually led to the decline of the second world dragons. "

Huang Yi nodded: "This I know, when I was a hero trial, I personally experienced this civil unrest. The golden holy dragon and golden holy scales led the army to attack the dark demon dragon and magic scorpion, and a sacred Dragon Georgia is sitting idly by, and they were good friends when they were young. "

At this time, Xiao Badai turned his head to look at Dragonthorn, and continued: "At that time, our ancestors of the Dragon family also made a great plan. After going through countless years, this brother Dragonthorn was finally born. Perfect fruit. "

"Is it the Dragon Plan?" Huang Yi asked.

Some time ago, he saw the corresponding record in the mysterious letter of Nashash. Nakashi was inspired by the Dragon Plan of the Dragon Clan, and mated with some lower-level Krakens, such as the Sea Snake, to generate a number of derivative races, and the Naga Clan was born.

"Yes!" Xiao nodded nodded, holding the Dragonthorn's arm tightly. "Brother Dragonthorn is the final result of our Dragonman plan. After going to Dragon Realm this time, he received three The strong cultivation of the supreme dragon world has become the first ultimate dragon man. He has all the advantages of the dragon, but does not have any disadvantages of the dragon. More importantly, his bloodline is very inherited, which is perfectly inherited The advantages of human beings have finally solved the problem of difficulty in breeding the Dragons. So this time, the three Dragon Realms have given us a task to let us vigorously develop the Dragons. Recently, you just created a race and happen to be related to the Dragons. Race coincides with our mission, so we come to you for cooperation! In this way, our mission can be easily completed. I want to create a blood dragon, representing the vein of our blood dragon. And dragon Brother Assassin is awesome! He used to be a dragon of the golden holy dragon, but after being cultivated by the three dragons, he has crossed the concept of ethnic group and represents the entire dragon family. He will create a divine dragon ! "

Huang Yi touched his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Now, our Yinglong tribe has three ordinary clans: Bailong, Hailong, and Shenhai. The number of people is unlimited, but the strength is not strong. In addition, There is also an elite clan of the Holy Dragons, which will be stronger, but can only have a maximum of 10,000 people. Even if the upper limit is expanded in the future, it is only a small scale. The blood dragon is also a top-level dragon family, so the blood dragons should There is also this limitation. Dragon Spike is an ultimate dragon man, so what special advantage does the Dragon Dragon he created have? "

"Yes!" Dragonstab nodded, "The Shenlong Clan created with my blood can reach the strength of the advanced race, and this clan has no limit on the number of people."

"So abnormal?" Huang Yi was suddenly shocked. "Strong to this extent, there are no clan restrictions. Once this clan comes out, ordinary players all over the world will give up the original race and join the clan! The other clan members of the Dragon clan will all want to turn around. In this way, the advanced race is completely meaningless, and players do not need to buy advanced virtual equipment anymore, and they can join a race with the same strength as the advanced race. "

"There are still restrictions!" Xiao Badai interjected, "If you want to join the Dragon Dragon Brother's Dragon Dragon, you must go through a race trial set by our dragon family. Only after passing the trial and proving that you have certain strength, can you join This clan. Otherwise, even the patriarch, you cannot promote people to the Shenlong clan without authorization. If all players in the world have the strength to pass this trial, then everyone can join the Shenlong clan. However, this trial should not Simple! Our Dragon clan doesn't want some people who can make enough money. Only by setting trials with a certain degree of difficulty can we pick out a group of real talents. "

"Then, you have a blood drip ritual!" Huang Yi said, shaking his palms, taking the racial heart out of the storage ring, and presenting it in front of the dragon thorns and the small bad ones.

The heart of that race was beating vigorously, and the voice of "咚咚咚" exuded a strong vitality.

Even the heartbeat with the dragon thorns and the small bad heart beat up at this frequency.

The dragon thorns rolled up their sleeves, put their fingernails on their fingertips, and wanted to bleed.

"I'm here first! I'm here first!" Xiao Bada yelled and pulled the dragon's thorns, slashed his finger with his nails, and dripped a drop of bright red blood.

After that drop of blood dripped into the heart of the race, the heart of the race was absorbed very slowly, just like the blood of the golden holy dragon that absorbed the dragon, it took a long time to completely absorb it.

"[System Tip]: The blood is the blood of the top dragon [Blood Dragon], the strength is too high, the clan's racial skills and racial talent will be more powerful, but the number of members of the clan will be limited, and the current maximum is Thousands of clan members. Consumption of racial contribution will increase the upper limit of that clan member. "

Sure enough, this new blood dragon ~ www.readwn.com ~ also has a strict limit on the number of clan members like Shenglong.

At this moment, the Yinglong clan has two elite clan, which respectively represent the two top dragon clan, the golden holy dragon and the blood dragon. However, these two elite clans can be freely promoted by the clan's patriarch, and there is no hard threshold and flexibility.

"Well, next, it is the most powerful God Dragon!" Huang Yi passed the heart of the race in front of the dragon thorn.


The following words are free of charge:

Recently, I have been thinking about how to write it later. I only have a rough outline, but I haven't figured out the details, so the first two chapters are two thousand words. They are very short, and I have finished reading them all at once. It ’s all transitional content, not a specific plot. It may look very watery, sorry.

In fact, you can write a branch line for a long time, but this is endless. In order to have a reasonable ending, we must strictly follow the main line and proceed rationally step by step. If you keep writing the branch line, it will be very sudden at the end. The digging hole was filled with a bulldozer, and it was carried in one stroke.

In order to write the main line, each story must be related to each other, affect each other, and echo the previous writing. This should consider how to write hundreds of thousands of words in the future, how to think about the ending, and then sort out the previous foreshadowing and bury a new foreshadowing to deduce the plot direction, what each character has to do, and each other must What effect it has, how to blend each line, how to develop it step by step, how to inherit and merge, and how to close all the lines at the same end point at the end.

It's like playing chess, you have to think far ahead. Therefore, it is difficult for me to make great strides every day, sometimes I can only write some excessive plots, leading to some characters, settings, materials, etc. that will appear later. But after you think about the outline, you will make great strides to advance the plot.

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