Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1200: Dragon Valley

At the beginning, Huang Yi's degree was very slow, but after more than 20 minutes of addition, his degree has become extremely horrible. At this time, flying for one minute can even reach the cumulative flight distance of the previous ten minutes.

The forest below has become a fuzzy block of color, and the specific details cannot be seen at all. Everything around them has become a line. The cloud that was still in the sky the previous moment has been left behind far behind.

Finally, some figures appeared faintly in front of Huang Yi, becoming bigger and bigger in the field of vision, more and more clear, it is the more than ten virtual **** masters!


"Ghost dzi, why don't you bring the killer?"

"At his level of ascension, it would take days and nights to fly to Dragon Valley. We have no time to wait for him!"

The ten virtual **** masters were talking to Gui Tianzhu while flying.

"Hum! It's him who waits for us, not us!" Gui Tianzhu hummed coldly.

"Oh? What's that behind?" Suddenly, a master of the clan looked back behind him and said in surprise.

Everyone hurriedly looked back, and suddenly appeared in horror. A figure in the sky was approaching steadily, and the figure became bigger and clearer.

At that moment, the figure's degree suddenly soared, and they were chasing after them.

Soon, the complete silhouette of that person finally appeared in front of everyone!

"That's ... kill God!"

"How is he? How did he catch up ?!"

"How could he be so fast!"

All of a sudden, everyone was horrified, eyes widened, and looked at Huang Yi, which was getting closer and closer, in an unbelievable rain.

Ghost Tianzhu stared at those shocked expressions and smiled cheerfully: "Don't you all laugh at him just now? Why don't you say that now? His degree doesn't stop there! You will be able to appreciate his horror later. Well, maybe he will be the first one to reach Dragon Valley. "

"Huh! I don't believe it. We are a master of hypocrisy. We can't even fly a little doll ascending to the sky." The two-headed ogre Han Han gave a cold hum and immediately used mystery to glow red blood Suddenly, the degree soared, and suddenly passed over a group of masters of imagination, rushing to fly.

For the sake of face, a master of virtual gods used their secret techniques one after another, speeded up, and flew towards Falling Dragon Valley, throwing Huang Yi behind him again.

After using mystery, everyone looked back at the horizon, and finally there was no Huang Yi, and they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, only one minute later, Huang Yi's unshakable figure appeared again in the sky behind him, becoming more and more clear!

Everyone twitched!

"I don't believe it! I can't fly him!" Mohan bit his teeth and opened his mouth with both heads, spurting blood!

The two blood spurts quickly turned into a mist of blood, enveloping Mohan's whole body, making his flying speed soar again, turning into a light, disappearing in the depths of the sky instantly.

Soon, another two mythical gods came up with a new mystery and followed the last Han!

But the rest of the gods had no way to improve, and had to watch Huang Yi get closer and closer.

"Yeah!" Finally, Huang Yi caught up with the first false god, and in the complicated eyes of that false god, easily passed him!

Soon, the second and third place ... one of the virtual gods was left behind by Huang Yi, and his degree was still soaring, and disappeared in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye. No shadows can be seen.

After another minute, an overlord ghost appeared in front of Huang Yi. The huge body was wrapped in a turquoise light, galloping ahead, and everywhere it was, the clouds were crushed by the tower-like body.

At this time, Huang Yi's degree increased by 5o% again, quickly catching up, leaving the hegemon master behind.

In front of him, there were only the Sodros priest, the last Han, and a heavenly god.

The Celestial was originally the emperor of the sky race, and was born with a very fast flying speed, but only one minute later, Huang Yi caught up with the Celestial God!

"Killing God, I can't think of it, you can catch up with me!" The Tianshen Xushen kept watching Huang Yi chasing behind him and said incredulously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Yi turned into a streamer in his sight, leaving him severely behind.


At this point, the end of the Han dynasty was full of blood, flying desperately, and from time to time looked back behind him.

He hasn't used this **** method for many years. Only a long time ago, he used it several times when he was chased down by his enemies. Since he was promoted to the virtual god, he has never encountered a crisis of life and death, and secret techniques such as blood pupa have become history.

He didn't expect that today, he was actually forced by a junior junior to force out the blood sacrifice technique again!

Just then, his left head looked back, and suddenly his body trembled, and he almost planted it.

I saw Huang Yi's figure, which actually appeared in the sky again, and was rushing to catch up!

Mohan looked anxious and gritted his teeth, but he could no longer speed up, now it is his limit! It can't be any faster!

With a slight smile on Huang Yi's face, a light and clouded look, quickly rushed behind the end of Han and looked at him.

In the end, Tie Qing opened his mouth and just wanted to speak.

But at this moment, Huang Yi uttered a "Boom!", The degree soared sharply, the figure whistled past, and disappeared into the sky at once, not even giving the last Han the opportunity to speak.

After flying for another minute, Huang Yi caught up with the Lord Soderros.

The Lord Soderros noticed the arrival of Huang Yi, and nodded his head and said, "Kill God, I didn't expect you to be so fast."

"Your degree is fast!" Huang Yi came to the Lord Soderros and went hand in hand with him.

Soon, another minute later, Huang Yi's degree suddenly soared by 5o%. Seeing to leave the Soderros leader behind!

But strangely, Soderros also added 5o% at the same time, keeping the same pace with Huang Yi!

This was the case for the next few minutes. The leader of Soderros kept the same degree as Huang Yi. He was not thrown away and the two went hand in hand.

"Coming soon, slow it down!" Finally, the Lord Soderros reminded.

The two slowed down and flew forward slowly.

In the virgin forest ahead, a huge valley appeared like a wound on the ground.

The valley was misty, the bottom of the valley could not be seen, and there was a feeling of palpitations.

"That's Dragon Valley!" Lord Soderros said quietly, looking at the huge valley ahead.

There was a hint of curiosity in Huang Yi's eyes, and he asked: "You said earlier that this falling dragon valley has a huge restraint on the dragon family. I don't know why?"

"This has something to do with a legend!" Soderros said patiently: "During ancient times, a dark dragon was combined with a master **** of Nazarsh, dragons and snakes entangled, giving birth to twins. This The twins have both Nashash blood and Dragon blood. They are amazingly talented and inseparable, and they have quickly grown into a pair of horrifying masters of the world, where they live, they are covered with creatures and die everywhere. They are called by the world as' death 'Dragon Demon' and 'Death Dragon Wing'! Later, the Death Dragon Wing was caught by the people in the Temple of Death, and became the mount of the Death God, leaving only the Death Dragon Demon to stay in this world. Many years later, a few of the dragon clan's God came to the first world and wanted to subdue the death dragon demon. The death dragon demon battled with them, and eventually killed all these dragon gods, and absorbed their dragon power to successfully seal the god. At that time, they The last battle site was here. The huge pit left by the war was called 'Dragon Dragon Valley' by future generations, and a special death secreted by the dragon demon at that time based on the blood of the dragon family remained. Kiss, so here fighting, the Dragon will have a huge role restraint king of **** used to be a Maronite, though now not a dragon, but there still are some inhibitory effect on him! "

"That's it!" After listening to the legend, Huang Yi ~ www.readwn.com ~ couldn't help shaking the strength of the Nachash family again.

So far, he has heard of four Nazaresh godsetters--

The original owner of the Naga artifact [Blue Sea Worry Eye]-Blue Sea Worry.

Naga Supreme [Tarot Jager's Poisonous Heart] The original owner-Tarot Jager.

The original owner of the small glass world in the demon space-Lord Liuli.

There is also the protagonist of this battle of Dragon Valley: Death Dragon Demon.

In the history of the first world, a total of eleven god-sealers were born, and the Naxash clan occupied multiple places!

They said that they had come to the side of Longgu Valley and finally stopped.

Huang Yi stared at the unpredictable Falling Dragon Valley in front and pouted. "Although this Falling Dragon Valley has a huge restraint on the Dragons, how can he attract the King of Hell? He cannot run for no reason. Come to this Dragon Valley! "

"You don't have to worry about this. Recently, a savage **** has returned from an old man. He has some mysterious clues related to the same thing that the king of **** has been looking for. Today he will go to find the lord of **** himself. Use that information as a bait to bring the King of Hell here. The King of Hell will definitely be hooked. "Leader Soderros smiled confidently, looking at Huang Yi's eyes inexplicably a little more meaning, there seemed to be some major secret Hiding him.

After the two talked for a while, a figure finally appeared in the sky, and it was the last man in blood.

After flying to the edge of Dragon Valley, he avoided Huang Yi and Soderros at a distance, and stood alone, his face gloomy.

After a while, the other ten false gods also rushed here, staring at Huang Yi with a complex look.

Huang Yi and Soderros, with their hands on their backs, were talking by the side of Falling Dragon Valley, apparently having waited for them for a long time.

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