Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1201: Giants

All the gods were silent, and those who had mocked Huang Yi before all closed their mouths tightly, only Gui Tianzhu's face had a cheerful smile. ??

At this time, the Lord Soderros turned his head and looked around the people again and said, "Everyone, to deal with the **** king's avatar, we must use the formation method. We will arrange two formation methods, one main attack and one main defense. Among them, The main attack formation is the most important. It requires our twelve virtual gods to participate in person. I will give each of you a formation map. There are twelve formation eyes in the formation map. You stand in the corresponding formation eyes and form The main formation of the "giant formation" is written on this sheepskin roll. Please take a look. "

After speaking, he shook his palm, took out a stack of sheepskin rolls, and put one for each.

In the end, he came to Huang Yi and gave him a map of formation, saying, "Kill God, you just need to be familiar with this formation, you don't need to participate in the formation, just wait for the opportunity outside the array!" "

"Good!" Huang Yi nodded, took the sheepskin roll, and looked carefully.

When he saw the pattern of the formation method, he slightly hesitated. This was an extremely strange formation method--

Humanoid formation!

This array method is mainly divided into two components, the head and the body.

There are seven arrays of eyes on the head: eyes, ears, two nostrils, and mouth.

The body has five eyes, which are hands, legs, and trunk.

The entire formation is finally combined to take on the shape of a giant.

According to the description of the sheepskin volume, once this combination is successfully combined, it will continuously absorb all the forces within the range of the formation, and weaken the strength of all beings in the formation.

The Lord Soderoth once again said: "The **** king's avatar is extremely difficult to deal with. He can borrow power from the body at any time, almost immortal. If by ordinary means, the twelve of us may not be able to consume him, but with The Giant Array is different. This Giant Array will always absorb the power of the King of Hell's avatar, making his avatar no matter how much power it has from the body, and it can only be drained by us. "

After speaking, the Lord Soderros shook the palm of his hand and took out five small flags, saying: "Next, I will arrange a main defense formation, so that once the King of Hell breaks into this Dragon Valley, he will be Stuck, unable to come out. "

"That's ... the flag?" Huang Yi couldn't help wondering when he saw the five small flags in Soderros' hands.

"Yes! This is the banner!" Soderros smiled. "This escape banner was made by the ancient goblins in your second world. In ancient times, when we masters of the gods went on a tour in the second world, , Got this set of top-level flags, and it has been used until now. "

After that, the Lord Soderros took out a banner and gently inserted it into the void!

The next moment, the array flag was nailed into the air desperately, blooming a faint brilliance, and then disappeared into the void, and could not see the slightest.

Soderros flickered, disappeared in place, and set the flag in the rest of Dragon Valley.


In the small universe of the Seven Devil Kings.

In a space, various meteorites, corpses, and bones floated. At this time, five figures were standing in this space, looking forward.

The man in the middle, wearing a black cloak and a black hood, is an empty black hole under the hood, which is the king of hell!

The other four people stood on his right and left, each with a noble atmosphere, as if they were born above mortals!

These four people are the four angels of the space temple that the king of **** has just come down from the space temple of heaven.

In front of them are seven beautiful planets, the one in the middle being the largest, emitting a dazzling light, like a sun. The remaining six stars are arranged sideways and orbit it, like a small galaxy.

"Your little universe really deserves its name! I have seen a lot of sealed magic space following the **** of space, but there is no sealed magic space that can be compared with your small universe!" At this time, a man wearing a purple robe Aloud.

His name is Ji Sheng, the oldest of the four space gods, and he has followed the **** of space for the longest time.

"I used to think that Dragon Realm was the largest sealed space, but you are more of a small universe than Dragon Realm, and it is a galaxy!"

"However, it is extremely difficult for such a large sealed space to maintain its stability. No wonder you need to invite us to the Nether to take advantage of our space expertise to stabilize this small universe."

Several space gods looked at the seven planets and said one after another.

The black hole under the hood of the King of Hell turned to look at the four gods, saying: "This time, I will take out twenty virtual gods and one hundred demigods to fight in the First World in this small universe. Please fill in their vacancies and maintain the stability of this little universe ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sheng Sheng bears his hands and nods his head slightly, saying: "You can rest assured that our four space gods, plus you demon kings The body, and the virtual gods and demigods you left behind, are enough to stabilize this little universe. "

"However, this is not the only purpose for which I invited you to the Nether. I have more important things to ask for your help." Under the hood of the King of Hell, a candid voice sounded.

"Oh? More important things? What?" Wu Sheng asked, and the other three space gods all turned to look at the King of Hell.

"After a while, I would like to ask you to cooperate with me to set up a large array of world extinction and refine the second world." The King of Hell said slowly.

"What? Refining the Second World?" Those space gods all changed their faces!

Even if they are from heaven, they have seen the world and are shocked by this crazy plan of the king of hell!

"If it is refining other small worlds, it doesn't matter, but the second world is too famous. There are as many as ten God-sealers. Refining such a world will involve a wide range, not good aftermath!" With the starlight, the boy who seemed to have billions of stars in his body said hesitantly. His name is Xinghe, and he is the youngest of the four space gods.

"There are as many as ten God-sealers in the Second World. We have refined the Second World. Those second-world God-setters in the heavens will definitely trouble us." Said a woman with snowflakes all over her. Her name is Xueyue Xingchen, and she is the only woman among the four angels.

The last space god—Kronos also shook his head and said, "Even the first world of refining is better than the second world of refining! At that time, Lord God proclaimed" The Book of Divine Gifts "to the Three Realms. This is where the God-given person is born into the Second World. If the Second World is refined, I am afraid that it will violate the will of Lord God. "

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