Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1203: Hell's Hammer

"Okay! I'm waiting for you!" Said the mysterious python, gradually disappearing into the air.

The avatar of the king of hell, looking at the place where the mysterious python disappeared, thought for a while, and soon disappeared into the air.


There was a dead silence in the Falling Dragon Valley, only the desolate wind was blowing quietly, and the dense mist slowly drifted, covering the depths of the valley bottom.

At that time, the legend that Nacha Shifeng the **** of death killed the dragon demon and killed several dragon gods here was already buried in the valley bottom.

The twelve false gods and Huang Yi have been hidden, completely erasing any traces.

Hidden in the hidden Huang Yi, has been staring at the huge Dragon Valley in front.

He could faintly feel that there was a huge breath of death kiss hidden deep in the ground.

The kiss of death was like a sea of ​​boundlessness, boundless and incalculable. It seems to have been buried underground with history. What is drifting in the valley now is just a little breath that escapes from the venomous ocean.

Once the death kiss is truly awakened, it is not just the Dragon Valley, it is estimated that the entire barren continent must be alive!

Huang Yi was thinking, the air in front of the Dragon Valley suddenly shook, and a figure wearing a black cape and a hood suddenly appeared in the Dragon Valley.

There was an empty black hole under his hood, and he looked around, as if looking for something.

This figure is exactly the clone of the King of Hell!

"Oh!" At that moment, the twelve mighty shores suddenly appeared in the void surrounding the fall of Dragon Valley, and everyone's body exuded a surging imagination of godliness!

These twelve silhouettes instantly started the giant formation, covering the whole Dragon Dragon Valley, locking the King of Hell inside!

"King of Hell, stay here as your avatar!" Lord Soderros, on the eyes of the most important torso in the giant formation, looking at the king of **** in the formation, his painted face appeared. A conspiracy smile.

The black hole under the hood of the king of **** calmly looked at the twelve figures and said, "It turned out to be a trap. But it doesn't matter. I don't know how many traps I have encountered in my life. It is these traps that make the long life change. It's fun. "

At this point, the Giant Formation has begun to exert its effects, and began to continuously absorb all the forces in the formation.

The diffuse mist in Falling Dragon Valley boiled quickly, seemingly stirred by an invisible force.

The black cloak of the King of Hell danced wildly with the wind.

The giant formation is a top-level formation method. It returns to its original form. There is no exaggerated dazzling light effect when running, and it hides the killer under the dull surface.

"Somewhat interesting." The King of Hell whispered to himself, and immediately flew out of Dragon Valley.

When he came to the border of Dragon Valley, a transparent barrier rose suddenly, blocking the front, and locked him in Dragon Valley.

This is exactly what the Lord Soderros used to use the five array flags to set up the main defense line to isolate Dragon Valley from the outside world.

At this time, not only was the King of Hell unable to get out, but even his orders could not be communicated. He was severed from the rest of the Demon Kings and could not be called to support him.

Under the cloak of the King of Hell, a white hand was stretched out, and the long fingers were black mist, and they were grabbed towards the boundary of this defensive formation.

The black gas on his fingers quickly spread out and penetrated into the barrier, and the transparent matrix enchantment began to gradually become black.

However, the barrier did not waver, and it remained well ahead.

The king of **** intensified the offensive, and a fleshy palm attacked the barrier!

All of a sudden, surging magical gas blasted out, like a raging wave, hitting the enchantment over and over again.

These turbulent magical energy quickly spread to the whole Dragon Valley, and it suddenly became dark!

In the Dragon Valley, all the remaining plants withered instantly and turned into fly ash. The soil on the earth also melted, and it seemed to return to chaos.

Under the repeated attacks of the King of Hell, the enchantment finally began to shake, even if it was a top-level banner, there was a tendency that the King of Hell could not be trapped.

The leader of Soderros changed his face, and quickly said: "No good! Actively close the seal and speed up the absorption!"

The words fell, and the twelve imaginary gods looked at each other, and their hands quickly traced a trajectory, forming a phantom.

With the acceleration of their actions, the effect of the giant array is getting stronger and stronger, absorbing all the power of Dragon Valley.

The endless magic of falling Dragon Valley boils madly, and countless flying sand and stones are roaring in the air!

The body of Wang Wei'an, the hell, stood in the storm, standing still, like a giant that never fell, attacking the enchantment continuously.

But soon, his attack was much weaker than before, and the range of the enchantment was getting lighter and lighter!

The power of this avatar has been sucked more and more by the giant formation, and it has started to affect the actual combat effectiveness!

And in this falling dragon valley, the death kiss of the dragon demon who was the **** of Nacha Shifeng that year was left against the death kiss secreted by the dragon family, which had stronger restraint ability on the dragon family.

Although the King of Hell has been separated from the Dragon for a long time, he will still be suppressed by this residual death kiss. The power of this avatar cannot be fully exerted!

Fortunately, this remnant kiss of death has a long history, was buried deep and deep, and has not been fully inspired, otherwise the restraint of the King of Hell will be more intense.

And the twelve virtual gods forming the giant formation, the breath has become more vast than before, everyone has been greatly supplemented.

All the power lost by the King of Hell was absorbed by their twelve!

Just then, the palm of the king of **** flashed and took out a strange sledgehammer.

This sledgehammer has no fixed shape, like a black cloud of smoke, and the border is constantly floating.

The hammerhead is a black hole. The black hole is unpredictable, constantly spinning, and from time to time, some hot magma is thrown out, accompanied by black lightnings, emitting a strong sulphur smell, as if it is a reduced version of hell.

The air split by these black lightnings has melted into space cracks.

"Hell's Hammer!" Gui Tianzhu saw the hammer and spit out its name in a deep voice.

Hell's Hammer is the magic weapon of the King of Hell!

In ancient times, the Seven Devil Kings broke the East and West continents of the Second World into more than 200 pieces.

Of these fragments, two are the largest.

The largest fragment of the eastern continent is now the central continent.

The largest piece of the western continent, called the Hope Continent, was later crushed by the hell's hammer with the hell's hammer.

Hell's Hammer is such a powerful magic weapon. Under one blow, a continent will shatter!

This hammer emits a strong smell of sulfur, which can spread throughout the world even if only a trace is revealed. Some species with a strong sense of smell can smell this kind of breath and can't live it all day long.

After Hell's King took out Hell's Hammer, the whole person's breath was renewed, as if the Hell's King just played just now, and now he really entered the state.

The king of **** clenched the hammer of hell, and casually hammered at the barrier of that enchantment!

"Oh!" The next moment, there seemed to be a trembling between heaven and earth!

A fierce roar rang from above the enchantment, shaking the twelve virtual gods' hearts!

Huang Yi clearly felt that the hammer of **** seemed to be not in the enchantment, but in his chest, even his heart would jump out!

The enchantment barrier hit by the hell's hammer trembled violently, and the hit part bulged outwards, as if it were a balloon about to be pierced!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The action of the King of Hell soon turned into a phantom, and the Hell's Hammer struck again and again, exactly hitting the same spot.

The dense sound of impacts, like countless hastily countdowns, sounded between heaven and earth, prompting everyone's heartbeat to speed up.

On the bodies of the twelve virtual gods, sweaty beans burst out, and everyone exhausted the fastest speed to print their seals and forcibly increased the absorption of the giants!

Both sides are racing against time and have an invisible confrontation!

Huang Yi looks like an outsider, watching the contest quietly.

At this critical juncture, only he is idle. If there are any variables that can change this balance between the two sides, it is him!

The next moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ he quietly appeared from the void, flying secretly in circles outside the Dragon Dragon Valley, his palms were shaking constantly, and there was a saying in his mouth: "Zaisin ... zdidib ... DiVa ... Alexdurex ... koniss ... shipnorth ... Guderians ... Darkwalker ... LKIns ... Vinham ... Trafa ... "

He is using the ancient Nazarsh, these words are all ancestors of Nasarsh then!

Among them, just happened to include the death dragon!

The strength of each ancestor seemed to travel through time and space, and all were attached to Huang Yi's body.

The death kiss toxin in his body almost boiled, secreted frantically, and sprinkled all the way as he flew.

The kiss of death is colorless and tasteless. It will be noticed only after poisoning. Neither the twelve false gods nor the king of **** have noticed that the death kiss toxin has appeared in the air.

Huang Yi was only three steps to the sky. The death kiss he secreted could not pose any threat to these gods and the king of hell.

But his purpose is not here. He did it to awaken the ocean-like death kiss that fell asleep deep in the valley.

The death kisses he secreted, like a primer, gradually penetrated into the depths of the earth, and they gradually resonated with the death kiss that has been buried for countless years.

The death kiss from the death dragon demon begins to wake up!

Gradually, the majestic kiss of death gradually poured out from the depths of the earth, and began to exert its true power.

The action of the king of **** wielding the hell's hammer suddenly slowed down, and it seemed to have suffered some kind of interference!

The majestic kiss of death finally suppressed him severely!

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