Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1204: You don't know anything about Strength 1.

However, the twelve false gods were not affected in the slightest!

The main defense formation composed of these five array flags can isolate the Dragon Valley from the outside, and things outside can enter, but the inside cannot come out!

Those vast death kisses were all sealed up inside the enchantment, and didn't spread to the outside, only the King of Hell was poisoned.

However, he was only poisoned. Such a fierce death kiss could not poison his avatar.

At this moment, the balance was finally broken, and the king of **** fell into the downwind again. Even if he waved the hammer of hell, it would be difficult to break the enchantment again!

The expressions of the twelve false gods finally relaxed.

Lord Soderros turned his head and glanced at Huang Yi in the distance.

He had just noticed that Huang Yi had ended his hiding and had taken some action. Then, the King of Hell suddenly became weak, which was obviously related to Huang Yi's actions.

There was a smile on his face, and it seemed that it was a wise decision to involve this God-given man this time.

Lord Soderros turned his head and looked at the dim and mighty shore of the King of Hell, the endless magic deep in Dragon Valley, saying, "King of Hell, give up the struggle! You know nothing about power!"

"Looks like you don't know anything about me!" The calm voice of the King of Hell came from the depths of magic.

As the words fell, a whole new power suddenly appeared on the King of Hell!

The strength of this power instantly replenished all his sucked-in power, and the magical shockwave was also spilled out!

The magical energy of the entire Dragon Dragon Valley suddenly increased, spreading frantically outwards, and even the blocked enchantment bulged outward, like a balloon filled with too much gas.

The King of Hell finally borrowed power from the body!

His body is hidden in a small universe. From ancient to modern times, he did not know how powerful his body was. This avatar borrows the power of the body and is almost immortal!

At this moment, the avatar of the king of **** once again picked up the hammer of **** and smashed towards the enchantment!

"Boom!" The next moment, the ground shook!

The enchantment shook violently, and the entire land was trembling with this blow, spreading out in all directions outside the Dragon Valley.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Next, the falling dragon valley continued to violently roar, and the earth could no longer calm down, and was constantly in a violent vibration.

Outside the virgin forest, the trees were uprooted at all times, and countless birds and beasts fled in terror.

Looking through the endless magic, you can faintly see the figure of a mighty shore in Falling Dragon Valley, constantly waving a sledgehammer, and hitting the formation enchantment, never tired.

The faces of the twelve false gods regained their dignity, stamped nervously, and tried to absorb the power of the formation!

Huang Yi is still flying around Falling Dragon Valley while secreting a kiss of death. He had no other choice but to wait for all the majestic death kisses in the depths of the earth to emerge.

Over time, the death kisses that are gushing out from the depths of the earth will surely grow more and more, and they will all gather in the Fallen Dragon Valley, which will have an increasingly serious impact on the **** king's avatar!


At this time, the huge sycamore tree was countless miles away from Falling Dragon Valley.

The fire phoenix had stopped bathing in the sun long ago, returned to a branch of that huge sycamore tree, stood quietly on it, buried his head in the beautiful wings, and gracefully arranged his feathers.

At this moment, a pulsation came from the ground in the direction of Longgu, causing the huge sycamore tree to shake slightly, and the huge leaves rattled.

The fire phoenix stuck his head out of the feathers and looked at the direction of the fall of Dragon Valley, making a dissatisfied chirp.

"Ling Yu, go to Dragon Valley and help the Lord Soderros." At this moment, a branch of this tree near the branch of the tree came out of a tree house that did not eat fireworks. sound.

The fire phoenix looked back at the tree house, stretched his neck, and made a loud tweet.

Then, it fluttered its burning wings and flew in the direction of Falling Dragon Valley.


The power borrowed by the avatar of the **** king from the body is too great. Even the giant array of twelve false gods cannot absorb this added power quickly!

That enchantment has reached a critical point under the repeated attacks of the King of Hell!

"Ka-chan ~" Finally, the first crack appeared on the enchantment!

At the moment when the crack appeared, the endless magic of falling dragon valley quickly penetrated into the crack and quickly corroded around the crack!

A smoky smoke burst from the crack, and it seemed to be getting corroded!

The twelve Xushens changed their faces, staring at the crack, and the posture of Lian Yin was slightly flustered!

Just then, a golden light poured out suddenly, lighting up the world!

The twelve false gods narrowed their eyes and turned to look in horror.

I saw Huang Yi riding a huge golden holy dragon, appearing in front of the crack in the enchantment, like a dragon knight descending from the sky!

That huge golden holy dragon exudes the breath of an adult dragon family, each golden scale is blooming with golden light, and the pure sacred breath is released outside!

"Adult gold holy dragon!" The next moment, the twelve virtual gods were all surprised at the bottom of their hearts and refreshed their understanding of Huang Yi again!

The golden holy dragon in adulthood is at least a demigod. At the stage of ascension in Huangyi District, he actually has an adult golden holy dragon!

"Xiaolong! Quickly spray the cracks of this enchantment with Shengyan to suppress the magical energy that leaks out!"

Xiao Long nodded, opened the huge dragon mouth, and sprayed out a golden glow!

That holy flame, like a torrential flood, hit the gap of the enchantment fiercely, dissipating the magic in the gap.

Soon, the magic qi and Shengyan reacted fiercely in the cracks, melting each other and annihilating each other, and a fierce "Zi Zi" sound came out.

The tendency of cracks to expand finally stopped and maintained a balance!

However, this will not last long. Before Huang Yi was not promoted to demigod, Xiaolong could not spit Holy Yan with the strength of demigod. As soon as the time limit is reached, it can only fight with the strength of the ascent to the sky, it will take a long rest to recover, and then it will not be able to suppress the infiltrating magic.

"Kill God, I didn't expect you to come to death, it was really unexpected to the King." The King of Hell noticed the arrival of Huang Yi, and suddenly stopped the Hammer in his hand.

At this time, a whole new force emerged from the body of the King of Hell!

A more intense magic gas shock wave swept away in all directions, shaking the endless magic gas in Dragon Valley to a frenzy!

In the boiling magic air, the voice of the helllord's domineering voice came out again: "But how many of you are useless, the strength of my body is endless, you can't kill me!"

The words fell, the king of **** raised his arms high, and lifted the hammers of **** round by circle, getting faster and faster, like a big windmill!

Soon, the hell's hammer was smashed into a huge vortex, and space was swallowed up by this vortex!

Endless magic gas and magma sulphur are gushing out in the vortex!

The screams of countless souls came from that vortex, making people shudder!

Finally, the king of **** smashed the vortex from the hell's hammer into the enchantment with all his strength!

That seemed like a groundbreaking hammer!

Time has stalled!

No sound!

No light!

"Ka-K-K-K-K-K ..." After a moment, the dense cracks filled the entire enchantment!

Outside the Dragon Valley, all twelve virtual gods trembled and spit out a lot of blood!

Huang Yi and Xiaolong both flew out!

The intense shock wave penetrated the enchantment and spread out in all directions!

Wherever it goes, the earth is lifted up like a rug, and all the lush primitive trees are flying to the sky, exposing the roots!

With just one blow, Huang Yi and the elaborate ambush of the twelve gods were almost completely defeated!

The five array flags have shook from the void, and the flags are full of cracks, which must be destroyed at any time!

Array enchantment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't see a complete place anymore, the whole body is covered with cracks!

The magical spirit in the fall of Dragon Valley penetrated into every crack, eroding madly!

Enchantment begins to collapse in all directions!

This time, even Xiaolong can't take care of it!

Its Holy Flame can only be sprayed on one part, not all of it!

"No! He's coming out!"

"We are going to fail!"

"Hurry up, kill yourself!"

An empty **** shouted in despair!

At this moment, a thin figure suddenly flew back from a distance in the direction of Dragon Valley, with a majestic look of death!

That person was Huang Yi who was Zhenfei!

Enchantment is about to collapse, he didn't run away, but rushed back!

Finally, Huang Yi returned to the edge of the enchantment, immediately stretched out his hands, and pressed it against the cracks in the enchantment with a fearless gesture!

"He's dead ?!"

"That is the magical energy released by the king of hell. Even half of the demigods dare not resist, how can he resist?"

A bit of a god, as if seeing the consequences of Huang Yi being corroded into dregs!

However, Huang Yi touched those magical qi, and did not show any strangeness. He was still very good. His hands were like nails, and he pressed on the enchantment so tightly.

Soon, the endless magic in Falling Dragon Valley began to converge towards Huang Yi's palms, all absorbed by his palm!

"What? He can absorb the magic of the **** king ?!"

"how can that be?!"

"Oh my god! What kind of constitution is he ?!"

All the gods were shocked!

Even the magical energy released by the king of **** can only choose to resist, and Huang Yi took the initiative to inhale the magical gas, without even a little strangeness!

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