Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1205: flamboyant

"You speed up absorption, I can only delay for a short time!" Huang Yi urged loudly.

Although his Nefarem blood can absorb magical energy, the magical energy in Dragon Valley is too vast, and he will not be able to absorb it for a while.

The twelve virtual gods suppressed the shock in their hearts, and desperately maintained the operation of the Giants, trying their best to absorb the power of the Dragon Valley.

"It's interesting!" The black hole under the hood of the king of **** looked at Huang Yi outside the enchantment slowly.

He raised his arm again, and raised the Hammer Hammer in circles, getting faster and faster, brewing the next vortex.

The vortex just now is about to collapse the enchantment. If it comes again, the enchantment will definitely be completely broken!

"Huh ~" The sound of the hell's hammer rubbing against space is getting more and more intense, and the vortex has emerged as a prototype, becoming bigger and bigger.

Some magical gas and magma sulphur begin to shake out of the vortex!

Black lightning split the space and cracks appeared!

Twelve Xushens and Huang Yi's backs are cold, and a heart beats into their throats!

Finally, the vortex is brewing, it is like a black hole leading to hell, spinning to swallow the world!

"It's over!" The king of **** spat a word lightly, smashing that horror swirl into the crumbling realm again!

The crackled enchantment was like a piece of broken glass, so fragile in front of the vortex!

The hands of the twelve false gods, trembling slightly!

Huang Yi quickly withdrew his palm and evacuated!

"啾 ~" Just at this moment, a clear phoenix sounded suddenly!

The colorful, colored flames descended from the sky, instantly covering the entire enchantment.

At the same time, the vortex of the **** king finally hit the enchantment.

"Boom!" The earth shook violently again!

A turbulent shock wave passed through the enchantment and swept towards the outside.

The previously ravaged ground was lifted again.

As soon as the twelve false gods fluttered, they almost stood still.

Huang Yi was able to fly backwards weakly, like a leaf without resistance.

But this time, the enchantment actually miraculously resisted and was not broken.

Those colorful flames strengthened the strength of the enchantment and locked the attack of the King of Hell in Dragon Valley.

Until then, all the talents appeared, and in the distance there was a flamed bird with colored feathers flying over it. It was the sacred beast, the fire phoenix, the guardian animal of the barbarous temple.

The King of Hell looked up at the colorful flames outside the enchantment, and a slightly unexpected voice came out of the hood: "I didn't expect that even the guardian beast of the barbaric temple came!"

However, he did not stop, continued to lift the Hell's Hammer, drawn a circle, and began to brew a third vortex.

The fire phoenix flew to the sky above Falling Dragon Valley, hovering in a hurry, and there was a bright sound of phoenixes, and its beautiful wings fluttered.

Every time she flapped her wings, a colorful flame fell down, like a meteorite smashing towards the enchantment.

However, these colored flames did not cause any attacks on the enchantment, but instead attached to it, strengthening the enchantment.

It didn't take long for the third vortex of the King of Hell to be brewed and smashed towards the enchantment again!

"Boom!" Wei'an's power shock wave swept out again, flying off the colorful flames in the enchantment, spreading frantically outward!

Shock waves swept through the colored flames and ignited the wilderness, wherever they passed, everything was ashes, like a doomsday scene.

But this time, the enchantment re-stabilized after a violent shake. However, the color flame attached to it was dim, as if it would go out at any time.

The Fire Phoenix continued to flap its wings, and then fell a bunch of colorful flames, and replenished the enchantment.

The Hell King's avatar continued to lift the Hell's Hammer, brewing the next attack.

However, the subsequent attacks by the King of Hell failed to break the enchantment, which became extremely tough under the reinforcement of the colored flames of the Fire Phoenix, and the two sides gradually maintained a balance.

The twelve false gods finally relaxed, panting one by one, concentrating on maintaining the operation of the giant array, absorbing the power of the **** king's avatar frantically.

At this time, Xiaolong realized that his holy flame had no help, and he could not help vomiting.

He turned the dragon curiously, and looked at the fire phoenix with a hint of closeness in his eyes.

He had absorbed an avatar of the cursed king, which was the essence of the life of the black phoenix, which caused him to have some variations of the phoenix, and once had phoenix feathers on his body.

Now, when he saw this fire phoenix, he felt inexplicably a touch.

That fire phoenix also noticed Xiaolong ~ www.readwn.com ~ she was graceful, like a goddess, while dancing in the sky, she turned her beautiful eyes and stared curiously at Xiaolong.

She also noticed that there was a faint breath in Xiaolong's body, which seemed to be that she was the same family. However, Xiaolong is not a phoenix, but a real dragon. The majestic golden scales, with a pure sacred atmosphere, make her feel bright.

A dragon and a phoenix are inexplicably attracted to each other, and gradually fly closer together, and occasionally a dragon yin and fengming sound come together, seemingly communicating.

Although they are different species, they have an inexplicable harmony.

At this time, Huang Yi, who was thrown out very far, just flew back from a distance.

When he saw Xiaolong and Fire Phoenix hovering and dancing in the sky, he froze slightly.

This beautiful scene of dragons and phoenixes dancing like dragons and phoenixes is like a scene only in heaven. Intertwined with the violent attack of the **** king in Dragon Valley, forming a sharp contrast.

Huang Yi returned to the edge of the enchantment and looked inside Dragon Valley. Although the king of **** is still attacking, it is already difficult to break the enchantment, and there should be no change.

Next, just wait quietly.

There will be more and more death kisses flowing from the bottom of the Dragon Valley. Coupled with the giant array of twelve gods, they will continuously absorb the power of the king of hell, the avatar of **** Definitely not always able to resist.

At this moment, the avatar of the **** king seemed to see the situation clearly and suddenly stopped.

The violent impact stopped for a moment and everything came to peace!

From a distance, in the depth of the boiling magic, the figure of the mighty shore of the King of Hell stood silently, hazy.

He stood there motionless, but gave a feeling of palpitations, as if the storm was about to come.

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