Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1206: Improved Death Kiss

The twelve virtual gods did not dare to relax at all, and still tried their best to keep the giants running. They have accumulated a lot of power from the **** king's clone, but they still haven't crushed him.

The King of Hell is like a giant that will never fall. No matter how they absorb it, their power will not dry up.

In fact, if you really want to fight, the twelve virtual gods have no fear of the avatars of the king of hell. No matter how the **** king's avatar borrows power from the body, it is only a avatar after all, and it cannot threaten the twelve false gods.

But in that case, the fighting process must be very long, and the king of **** constantly borrows power from the body, which can always be consumed with the twelve gods, and the twelve gods will also pay a huge price.

Therefore, their plan this time did not adopt a direct fighting method, but instead tried to maintain the giant formation, in this way to absorb the power of the king of **** and supplement themselves.

In this way, after the end of the plan, not only will they not pay a price, but they will also gain tremendous power.

It's just that the King of Hell is difficult to be trapped in the formation. If it weren't for the Fire Phoenix to rush in to support it in time, their plan would have failed.


In the small universe of the seven devil.

The **** king has found the rest of the demon kings, and told them that their avatars were ambush.

"What about the twelve false gods, if you leave, they can't stop you at all! In the future, we will destroy them one by one!" Said the King of Desolation violently.

The King of Hell shook his head: "They formed two formations. One of them is the sleepy dragon formation of the second world ancient goblin family. The five-sided array flag is intact and the array formation is very powerful. And the falling dragon Gu Zhong, seeing more and more death kiss breath, it was a special death kiss secreted by the dragon demon specifically for the dragon family, which had a strong restraint on me. "

"But even then, your avatar can borrow some power from the body and still be able to break through the trapped dragon array and leave Dragon Valley!" Said the greedy king doubtfully.

"It was like this, but the fire phoenix from the pretty **** temple came over, and my avatar couldn't break the sleepy dragon array." The king of **** said in a voice.

"You mean Ling Yu?" The cursed king suddenly shook his head and smiled. "In those days, I thought she was with me as a Phoenix family. She had a good word to draw her into our demons, and she was free. I didn't expect her to be the wild **** I do n’t know shame! ”

"Actually, there is nothing more than a fire phoenix." The King of Hell said, his tone became dignified. "But they also set up another weird formation, which will continuously absorb the power of the king. ,very dangerous."

"Aren't you the best at arrays? What arrays make you feel dangerous?" The Dark Lord was slightly surprised.

"That formation is quite weird. It has similarities with the giant snake formations that the Nazaks once took pride in, but great improvements have been made, and the king must think about it for a while to come up with a solution."

"Then we sent other avatars to support you personally in the past. Now, the four space gods are already trying to maintain the stability of the small universe. We can still draw some power out without disturbing the stability of the small universe." The fallen king said .

Next, several demon kings immediately sent more of their avatars, left the small universe, and quickly went to the wild world of the first world.


In the Falling Dragon Valley, the figure of the King of Hell, Naiwan, still stood in the Falling Dragon Valley, motionless.

Huang Yi has returned to the edge of the enchantment, and his palms have been pressed against the enchantment again, absorbing the magical energy in the enchantment crack.

The fire phoenix knew that Huang Yi was an ally, so the colored flames burning in the realm did not hurt him, like invisible air.

Now, the situation on the court is very favorable for Huang Yi.

The twelve virtual gods steadily maintained the operation of the giant circle, and were always absorbing the power of the lord of hell.

Huang Yi and Fire Phoenix firmly fixed the enchantment of the defensive formation.

In the Fall of Dragon Valley, the King of Hell is also facing a growing kiss of death, and his strength is restrained more and more seriously.

Just then, Huang Yi stunned!

Just now, the palm of his enchantment suddenly absorbed the breath of death kiss!

Death kisses buried in the depths of Falling Dragon Valley have emerged more and more, and now he actually began to see through the cracks and was absorbed by him.

When the kiss of death entered his body, it was merged with his Nashash bloodline at once, and it was extremely smooth!

Later, the blood of Huang Yi's Nachash boiled a little, and seemed to be very eager for this death kiss.

Huang Yi thought for a while, and opened his mouth, and whispered the name of one of the ancestors in Nazarsh: "Zaisin ... zdidib ... diVa ... a1exdurex ... koniss ..."

The Nashish language soon waved out, and his palms became hot all at once, creating a particularly powerful appeal to the death kisses in the Dragon Valley.

Suddenly, there were more death kisses in the Dragon Valley, rushing towards the cracks in the area where Huang Yi was, squeezed into the narrow gap, and was sucked into him.

With the deepening of absorption, the blood of Nashash in Huang Yi's body gradually boiled.

At the same time, the kiss of death secreted by his body became stronger and stronger!

Seeing this trend, he seems to have gotten an adventure!

"[System Tip]: You have absorbed the death kiss of the God Seal [Death Dragon Demon], and the ability to secrete the death kiss has been improved. You can currently secret the [Death Kiss (level Ⅰ enhancement)], the strength is: Can directly poison enemies of one status level. After reaching the demigod, change the judgment method.

Sure enough, his ability to secrete death kisses has improved, and he can produce a more violent toxin effect!

However, the death kiss absorbed by Huang Yi through the cracks is only nine cattle and one hair less than the death kiss in Falling Dragon Valley. The depth of the ground is always oozing a breath of death kiss, far beyond the absorption of Huang Yi.

They are more acting on the avatar of the king of hell, greatly suppressing his strength.

"Your formation can absorb the power of the king. I have not encountered such an interesting formation for many years. However, the king will soon come up with a method to break the formation. You can't kill me after all!" This At that time, under the hood of the King of Hell, an interesting voice came out.

Later, his mighty figure suddenly sat cross-legged in the void, and seemed to concentrate on what was happening.

At this moment, the two-headed ogre Han turned his head, looked at the Lord Soderros, and said with anxiety, "Is your giant formation really as mysterious as you said? The King of Hell is unmatched in the formation, Even among the dragons who are good at formation, we can't find the second strong one who can compete with him. If the **** king breaks the formation, then our action will return without success! "

The leader of Soderros had a dignified face and said, "This formation is improved from Nashash's top formation. The King of Hell is not so easy to understand the cracking method. We only need to fight to maintain this formation, hell. The King's avatar will surely die! "


The avatars of the other demon kings were extremely fast, and after a short time they arrived in the wildness of the First World 6 and flew straight in the direction of Dragon Valley.

"This is not where you should come from!" Suddenly, a voice like a god, rang out in heaven and earth.

The avatars of several demon kings suddenly stopped, turned around and looked around, but could not see any figure.

"It seems to be the one in the Temple of the Savage God!" At this moment, the clone of the King of Darkness seemed to remember something, and suddenly said, "Savvy God, haven't you stayed in your temple all the time? Why are you interested in interfering with us today? "

The voice of that **** sounded again soon: "What you have done has passed the bottom line I can tolerate. If you go any further, I don't mind letting you see my power ~ www.readwn.com ~ I Just wanting to see and see! "Said the clone of the fallen king, shaking his neck, without giving up.

"Okay!" Na Weian's voice answered strongly.

The next moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the horizon. With each step, the dark shadow traveled a long distance, like shrinking into an inch, getting closer and clearer.

Within a short time, the figure had come to the front of the demon kings, like a mountain, blocking their way.

The huge man, with six arms and muscles, was full of brute force, and each arm seemed to tear the world apart.

Its face was fierce, but it was not deliberately pretended, but it was born so, even if his eyes were extremely calm, it made people shudder.

Standing in front of him, you can clearly hear his heart beating vigorously, and even hear the mooring of the blood flowing in his veins. The mighty blood is exuded through the skin, full of endless vitality.

Several of the demon kings saw him, and their faces were all dignified.

This is the clone of the Savage God. He has been staying in the Temple of the Savage God for many years, and he has not left half a step, so that these clones of the Demon King do not know how powerful he is.

Until this moment, after seeing him in person, I felt his boundless power.

That power passed the avatar of every demon king in their presence. It is a difficult task to defeat him and go to the Dragon Valley to help the king of hell.

"You have no time to return now." This avatar of the savage **** looked at the avatars of several demon kings and said quietly.

There was no threatening element in his tone, as it was plainly telling a fact, but the more so, the more the demon lords felt the weight in his words.

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