Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1220: Wild Turtle Village

After Huang Yi went online, he decided to absorb the five heroic auras of the falling **** continent.

The Fallen Gods Continent is the most dangerous place in the Second World, and it is located deep in the ocean in the desolate southern hemisphere.

Most of the more than two hundred continents in the Second World are located in the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is basically endless oceans, almost forgotten. Even the general world map has removed the southern hemisphere, showing only the geographical features of the northern hemisphere.

The Second World knows very little about the waters of the southern hemisphere, and even the Royal Academy of Oscars does not know what species are in the waters of the southern hemisphere. Only some survivors of the Southern Hemisphere have left some legends of the Southern Hemisphere.

Legend has it that the waters in the southern hemisphere do not reach the bottom, and various strange sea monsters inhabit the deep sea, including some relics from ancient times. They often cause monstrous tsunamis, violent hurricanes, and unmanned people can resist them. Compared to the oceans in the southern hemisphere, the oceans in the northern hemisphere are as safe as ponds.

For these reasons, there are few public teleportation arrays in the southern hemisphere. Huang Yi wants to go to the land of falling gods and can only fly by himself.

At this moment, Huang Yi's avatar fanned the wings of the Sunstrider, and was flying in the direction of the falling **** continent.

In the beginning, he would also pass by some islands and continents, and occasionally see some bustling cities. But after the equator, after reaching the southern hemisphere, the number of islands is getting smaller and smaller, and villages and cities are even rarer.

After half an hour, the speed of the Sunstrider's wings has increased to the speed of light. Huang Yi has completely lost sight of the scene below. There is only a blue chaos in his eyes, as if in a long river of time and space.

However, even when traveling to the land of falling gods at the speed of light, it will take a long time to fly. If it is an ordinary person, it may take years, decades, or even never reach.

After flying at the speed of light for a period of time, Huang Yi suddenly felt a sudden suction, it seemed that there was an invisible force, forcibly slowing down his speed, and he could not be stopped by his strength at the stage of ascension.

His speed was getting slower and slower, and his body seemed to be torn. Finally, his speed slowed down to a certain extent, and those fuzzy and chaotic color patches in his eyes gradually became clear, and he could observe specific things again.

I saw in the ocean below, I don't know when a huge island appeared. There are bamboo forests on the island, and some village huts can be seen in the bamboo forest.

Huang Yi felt that it was the huge island below that slowed him down, like a huge magnet sucking him.

He simply landed and decided to find out.

Just then, he was shocked to find that the island was moving forward at a rapid speed!

It was difficult to detect this movement when observing from high altitude, but after his height was lowered, he clearly noticed that the earth below was moving forward with wind and lightning, and bamboo forests were moving fast like carpets. If he didn't adjust the fall location, he would even miss the island and eventually fall into the wake of the island.

Huang Yining looked closely, and was surprised to find that this was not an island but a giant turtle.

This giant tortoise is so huge that the turtle's back is like an island, covered with bamboo forest, and even some creatures live in it.

This giant tortoise does not know how many years it has been swimming on the sea. The bamboo groves and creatures on its back have always been there, indicating that it has not sunk into the bottom for many years.

At this time, Huang Yi finally landed in a bamboo forest on the turtle's back.

"[System Prompt]: You have found a pretty turtle village with an experience value of +1000000."

"Very tortoise!" Hearing these two words, Huang Yi suddenly emerged a species from ancient times.

In the ancient times, there were many giant creatures in the Second World. They could easily tear the world apart, turn rivers and seas, and even feed on the dragons. The tortoise is one of them.

However, the breeding of these giant species is extremely difficult, and their mental retardation is gradually extinct as human beings gradually grow stronger and the world ’s aura is gradually lacking.

According to historical records, the last appearance of the wild turtle was in ancient times. At that time, the ascendant Bloodhoof, who had just reached the level of the demigod, had once witnessed a wild turtle infestation in the Fermat Trench.

However, Huang Yi is not sure whether the island under his feet is the legendary wild turtle.

The bamboo forest where Huang Yi landed was quiet and occasionally sounded the sound of a cicada's songbird. There seemed to be a few monkeys jumping in the distance, making a clear cry.

The warm sunlight dripped through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, and a breeze blew, making the leaves of the bamboo forest rattle.

Huang Yi stepped forward and walked towards the village houses he had seen in the air.

After exiting the bamboo forest, there are several quaint village houses in front of them, all built of bamboo, with a piece of turf on the roof, and a few flowers blooming on the roof.

The nearest village hut ~ www.readwn.com ~ The door is open. On the lawn in front, a few chickens are pecking at leisure. A big yellow dog is lying at the door and is lazing in the sun.

There was an ancient ballad in the room. It seemed that an old grandfather was humming something softly. In the afternoon sun, it seemed quiet and indifferent.

Huang Yi slowly walked closer to the village house, the big yellow dog at the door raised his eyelids, glanced at Huang Yi, closed his eyes and continued to sleep, without the slightest vigilance.

Huang Yi walked in through the door.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. There are only a few bamboo tables, bamboo chairs and bamboo beds, just like an ordinary family in the village.

Next to a window in the house, an old grandfather was sitting on a bamboo chair, humming the ballad softly, and coaxing a little girl in her arms to take a nap.

The afternoon sun shone on them through the window, and the little girl lay peacefully in the arms of the grandfather, pouting at the mouth, as if she had just fallen asleep.

At this time, the old grandfather noticed Huang Yi's arrival and hesitated slightly, but he was not surprised. He nodded slightly, motioned his eyes to the little girl in his arms, and seemed to keep Huang Yi quiet.

Huang Yi sat down lightly on a chair at the door, the warm sunlight slanted into the room, and a few grains of dust fluttered in the sunlight. In the bamboo forest outside, there was a faint voice of cicadas. The sound was soft and faintly echoed, as if it came from a long distance, stroking Huang Yi's eardrum gently.

He hadn't experienced this feeling of tranquility for a long time. All fame and fortune and hustle were gone, all fighting and killings had dissipated, it was like returning to a carefree childhood.

At this time, a breeze blew into the room, blowing off Huang Yi's eyelids.

In this isolated ancient village, in this quiet and peaceful afternoon, Huang Yi slept so peacefully.

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