Heroes Prison

: 1221 There is a fairy mountain in the South China Sea, and Yun Shen is unknown.

As if after a long time, and as if only for a moment, Huang Yi heard an old man talking to him.

The voice was a little hazy, with a faint echo, it seemed to come from a long distance, but it seemed to be close to the ear.

"Why did you come here?" The old grandfather in the room asked softly when he arrived beside Huang Yi.

Huang Yi's thoughts slowly returned, and his expression was a little dazed, and he rubbed his temples.

This old man just spoke a wild language. This language was the language of primitive humans in ancient times. It has been lost for a long time. If you change it, you will definitely not understand it. However, after Huang Yi became the guardian of the world, he gained many privileges. One of them was linguistic. We can know all the ethnic languages ​​that have passed through on a large scale in the history of the second world.

Huang Yi rubbed his eyes and stumbled, "I don't know, I was going to fall to Shenda 6 but suddenly I suffered a strange power that sucked me into this island."

The old grandfather stroked his long white beard and laughed, "It seems that the pretty turtle is treating you as food. In these years, the heaven and earth's aura has become thinner and harder, and it is more and more difficult for the pretty turtle to find food, so I chose Food is becoming more and more casual. As long as it has the strength to reach the sky, it will eat whatever it is. "

"Really a pretty turtle ?!" Huang Yi was startled slightly, "Isn't the pretty turtle extinct long ago? How can there still be?"

"The world is too big, and people have too little knowledge, so that's why I said it." The grandpa looked up at the blue sky outside the door, staring at a receding white cloud, and said quietly: "According to the ancestors to stay for generations According to the legend, this wild turtle is a mount of a great person in the ancient times, but it has survived to the present. According to the outsiders, it seems that there is no such creature outside. "

"Live from ancient times to the present? Did it beat time?" Huang Yi asked. Ancient times is the oldest period, and there are only a handful of creatures that can live from that time to now, and most of them are located in the sealed space, such as those criminals in the Hero Prison and the Seven Demon Kings.

"It didn't beat time, it just escaped time." The old man shook his head. "Actually, this pretty turtle is not in the outside world. It is a small world in itself, and it and the people on the island where it is caught can It greatly delays the passage of time. It only appears occasionally to the outside world, and only lucky enough people can see it. "

"Originally, is this the legend of Xiandao?" Huang Yi suddenly felt suddenly.

In the mouths of some fishermen by the sea, I often hear the saying, "There is a fairy island in the South China Sea, and Yun Shen is unknown." It is said that in the depths of the southern sea, there is an immortal island hidden between clouds and mists.

It seems that Xiandao is probably this pretty turtle. It is not in the second world, so you can't find it anywhere. Only when it actively appears to the outside world can it be seen.

"Xiandao ..." The old grandpa heard the words, stroked his beard, and laughed, "It sounds beautiful, but it is cruel. People who enter this island will never be able to go out. After that, they will slowly die old here, and eventually become nutrients for this wild turtle. "

"Did no one ever go out in history?" Huang Yi frowned.

"Yes!" The grandfather caressed his beard and stared at Huang Yi. "You were sucked into the island by the wild turtle, but it is actually the future food of the wild turtle, but it is not eaten by mouth. This kind of very old and benevolent creature will only imprison you on this island, and when you die, all your natural will be absorbed by it. "

"What about you?" Huang Yi asked.

"I am naturally its food." The old man smiled kindly. "Not only me, but my grandparents and grandparents, are all the food of this wild turtle. But we will multiply from generation to generation and become its continuous food. This is our destiny."

With that said, the grandpa paused, and his tone became stubborn: "From the records left by our ancestors, our ancestors are as old as this wild turtle. They are the last children of the great existence in the ancient times. Their offspring are confined to the back of this wild tortoise, and here is their entire world. Generation after generation, born on the island of this wild tortoise, growing up, getting married, having children, aging, dying, and eventually Into nourishing turtles. "

"Child!" At this time, the grandfather reached out and touched Huang Yi's head. "Accept this fate! Many outsiders in history have inadvertently broken into this place, many of them are big men with superb means. But after they came here, they all became ordinary people ~ www.readwn.com ~ They also tried to escape from here, but to no avail, they also had anger, fear, despair, but eventually they returned to peace and accepted such a fate , And eventually died here. Some men and women still combined with each other, leaving offspring, and lived a happy life. "

When Huang Yi heard this, he could not help but perceive his own strength, only now that his strength had all disappeared, those skills and equipment had failed, and he could not give him any help. He had become an ordinary person.

"I am a godsend, different from others. I should be able to go out, as long as I am dead, I can go out!" Huang Yichen whispered.

"A man of God's gift? A strange name. But no matter who you are, it's useless. You can't go out, even if you give it a try." The grandfather said gently.

Huang Yi thought for a while and finally committed suicide.

There is no loss after the incarnation, nor will it go to the underworld, just like dying in the tower of the gods, but it will consume the number of daily resurrection.

When Huang Yi's avatar was resurrected, he suddenly appeared in a bamboo forest. The scenery here is a bit familiar, the serene bamboo forest, the crisp and sweet cicadas, everything is so similar to before.

There was an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and he quickly walked out of this bamboo forest, and sure enough he saw the familiar village house just now, saw the pecking chicken on the lawn at the door, and saw the nap lying at the door A big yellow dog saw the old grandfather sitting on a bamboo chair in the door.

"I said that no matter what method you use, you can't get out." The grandfather shook his head and smiled.

At this moment, Huang Yi's mood was finally a little heavy. His incarnation is really trapped, and even the means of death and resurrection is useless! His incarnation will stay in this isolated island forever, he can't go out and can't bring any help!

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