Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1222: Deep in the bamboo forest

"Grandpa, who are you talking to!" At this moment, a tender voice rang from the room.

Then, a little girl came to the grandfather in front of the door, holding his arm, crooked his head, and curiously looked at Huang Yi outside the door.

The grandfather kindly touched the little girl's head and said, "This big brother just came here, you take him to go shopping!"

"Okay!" The little girl nodded obediently, walked out of the room, came to Huang Yi, took the initiative to grab his hand, looked up at him, smiled like a flower: "Brother, I'll take you here for a stroll Come on! "

"Okay! Thank you very much!" Huang Yi touched her little head.

Next, the little girl led Huang Yi and walked forward.

The big yellow dog lying at the door also stood up, stretched a waist, and then followed his tail by shaking its tail.

Huang Yi frowned as he walked, thinking about the strategy to get out. But after thinking about it for a while, I still have no clue and simply don't think about it again.

He looked down at the little girl and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Shuiyue!" Said the girl lively, shaking her hands high while walking, a pair of big eyes full of aura, and looking at the left and right.

Soon, the little girl brought Huang Yi to a stream. The creek was a little deep, and several small fishes were swimming around leisurely.

The little girl looked up at Huang Yi and said, "I'm too young to get through!"

Huang Yi smiled, went down to the stream, picked up the little **** the shore, walked over the stream, and placed it on the other side.

The big yellow dog also jumped off the stream, drew water, and swam across the shore.

On the other side of the creek is a bamboo forest, with countless bamboo leaves banging in the breeze, like a piece of nature's music.

On the other side of the bamboo forest, there are a few deer holding a red berry in their bows. The little girl saw them, patted the little hands and ran, and touched the heads of the deer, but the deer did not hide Does not flash, continues to look down and eat berries.

In this way, the little girl was playing around while taking Huang Yi around the island. In the bamboo forest, Huang Yi saw a lot of scattered village dwellings. Villagers lived here leisurely, walking slowly and speaking slowly. People and animals here seemed to have forgotten the time.

Gradually, the little girl brought Huang Yi to the end of the bamboo forest. The bamboo there is particularly tall and lush, which shields the sun, and there is a dark feeling in the forest.

In the gloomy forest, a grass temple can be seen faintly. The grass temple has been covered with moss, and it seems that few people come.

"Where is that?" Huang Yi pointed to the grass temple and said.

"That's the shrine! Every year's sacrifice festival, Grandpa will bring delicious food here to worship the ancestors!" Said the girl innocently.

"Take me there!" Huang Yi thoughtfully.

"Okay!" The little girl took Huang Yi's hand and walked into the grass temple.

The grass temple is even darker, with a statue standing in the middle, and some props such as sacrificial runes around it.

The statue was a strong primitive man with thick hair and a piece of animal skin. He held a simple stone spear in his hand, and the stone spear was covered with cracks.

He exudes a wild and barbaric atmosphere, as if he was the leader of a primitive tribe, leading the people to reclaim the land, cut thorns, and educate the common people.

"Huh? That spear ..." At this moment, Huang Yi's gaze was locked on the spear in the statue's hand.

The appearance of the stone spear is exactly the same as the spear of the heavens, even the location of the crack on the spear is the same!

Is that spear carved from the spear of the sky?

Is this statue holding the spear of the split sky the legendary god-sealer of the second world-the barbaric **** split sky?

"Shuiyue, who is this statue? What's its name?" Huang Yi hurriedly asked the little girl.

"I don't know!" The little girl shook her head. "Grandpa said that this statue is the owner of the pretty turtle and our ancestor."

Huang Yi stared at the statue for a long time, and finally clenched the little girl's hand, and said, "Let's go! Let's go back."

Next, they followed the same path and returned to the old grandfather's residence.

At this point, it was already setting sun, and the golden afterglow was shining obliquely on the island.

The old grandfather was still sitting in the chair at the door, holding a bamboo pipe and smoking dry tobacco.

When Huang Yi saw the grandfather again, he opened the door and asked the mountain, "Are your ancestors wild and desolate?"

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes of the old grandfather, and he took the pipe out of his mouth and said, "I don't know. It's been a long time since we have forgotten the name of our ancestor, we only know that he is a powerful man."

Huang Yi explained: "I went to your shrine ~ www.readwn.com ~ and saw the statue, and the spear in the statue is exactly the same as the artifact of the barbaric deity and the split sky."

"Then I don't know. Our grandparents taught history orally, and a lot of information has long been lost." The grandfather shook his head and said.

Huang Yi thought about it and asked, "Are there any items left by that ancestor? Can you show me?"

The old man took a deep breath of dry tobacco and said, "Maybe there is! The antiquities of our ancestors have been piled up in a loft, but it has long been impossible to tell the origin of those things, and I don't know if the person stayed in Items. "

"Can you show me? I might be able to tell!" Huang Yi said earnestly.

"You yourself! The loft is just to the west and you can see it all the way!" The old man pointed the west direction with a pipe.

"Thank you!" Huang Yi nodded, and immediately walked towards the west.

After passing through a bamboo forest, Huang Yi finally saw a mud-made house.

The house was also covered with moss, the door was hidden, and it was not locked. It didn't seem to have thought about anti-theft.

Huang Yi opened the door and walked in, climbed up a staircase in the house, and came to the attic of the house.

There is an old smell in this attic, all kinds of items are randomly stacked here, covered with a layer of dust.

These things are quaint, there are few metal objects, all are pottery, stone, wood, extremely old.

Using his ability to sniff treasure, he began to concentrate on sensing all the objects in this room.

However, the Smell of Treasure ability has not revealed any items that emit light!

There are no treasures in this attic! In the long years, they have lost their power and become an empty shelf.

Huang Yi thought about it and decided to use another discrimination ability!

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