Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1235: Destroy the altar

Among the seven universes of the Seven Demon Kings, undefeated is flying towards the Altar of Destruction with anticipation. @ 乐 @ 文 @ 小 @ says |

A few days ago, he received a signal from the tone of the **** king that he was about to be reused. It seems that several demon kings intentionally focused on cultivating themselves so that they could achieve the status they have with the demon, genie, musashi miyamoto, and tnt.

For the past few days, his heart is full of joy, and he has been waiting for the reward from several demon kings to himself.

Just now, he finally received the order of the Lord of Destruction to immediately go to the Destruction Altar of the Destruction Star in the Demon Universe.

When I heard this place name, I was undefeated and knew that I was about to have a major opportunity!

The star of destruction is the planet exclusive to the king of destruction in the demonic universe.

The Altar of Destruction is the place where the King of Destruction builds the Devil of Destruction.

Destroyers, also known as Doom fighters, are extremely powerful. This method is actually putting the player's soul into a super strong npc corpse, so that the player will always have this body, but it can no longer be upgraded like the player.

Although in many places there are "democracy warfare" and other means, for example, during the extermination battle of the semi-orc sacred place some time ago, there were several orc players who controlled the corpses of the ancestors to fight. But that means is only temporary and cannot last forever. Doom is permanent and has no time limit.

这 Before that, he had gone to the Altar of Destruction twice before being undefeated, and the King of Destruction has twice become a Warrior of Destruction.

For the first time, he and the eleven other players, together with the destroyed king, created the destroyer corresponding to the twelve constellations. He is the head of the twelve destroyers Leo. The strength surpassed Miyamoto Musashi and tnt at the time.

But their twelve Destroyers just joined the national war of the heroic continent, they were killed by Huang Yi, the end of the reincarnation, and they lost their faces and became a laughing stock among the demons.

After that, the undefeated and destroyed king replaced a brand new demigod body, which is now undefeated. His strength has been placed among many players in the second world, and it is already considered aloof. Even in the face of super-class masters, these days he fought in the first world. Thanks for your efforts. But he was dwarfed by comparison with the demons and spirits.

Today, he was recruited to the Altar of Destruction for the third time. According to the conventional speculation, it should be replaced with a stronger body and become a stronger Destruction fighter. From then on, he will truly be on the same level as the demon and the genie.

He soon, undefeated, saw far away, and a dark outline appeared under the dark clouds in the sky.

Jain is an ancient huge altar, one level above the horizon, like a plateau.

Jain Altar is actually a corpse mountain formed by the bones of billions of Warcraft. The monstrous evil spreads far away. Even if you are in the sky, you will feel a palpitation.

After Xun Fei approached, he saw the altar in the distance, undefeated, and stood on the shore of a mighty shore.

伟 The figure of the mighty shore is formed by hot lava, and there are thick cracks on the body, and red magma can be seen vaguely under the crack. There was a violent breath from him, and even the surrounding air was rippling, refracting his body and swaying.

That is the King of Destruction! Among the seven devil kings, he is second only to the king of hell!

When the demons invaded the Second World before, the Lord of Destruction only divided one of the demigod avatars and caused the Central Continent to turn upside down. The two vice presidents joined forces to resist it.

Two days earlier, in the battlefield of the First World, a virtual **** clone of the Lord of Destruction slashed a barbaric **** of virtual gods alone, shocking the entire First World.

I soon flew to the body of Wang Wei'an, the undefeated, and quickly landed, kneeling on the ground, and said respectfully, "I've seen the Lord of Destruction."

The king of destruction waved his hand and said, "You don't have to bow to me. Your contract owner is the Queen of Pain, not me."

He stood up, undefeated, but his head was still deep, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

The King of Destruction looked down undefeated, and slowly said, "Your body is okay to deal with ordinary people, but the power of killing God has increased too quickly, and it has even been able to help the twelve virtual gods in the first world to deal with it. The clone of the king of hell, if you meet the **** of killing, I am afraid there is nothing to end. Recently, the king of **** decided to refining the second world, and you need your shot. Your strength is still too weak. Today I will replace you with a new one. Body. "

He said, the King of Destruction looked not far from the left, and said, "You look up to the left, what's over there?"

Undefeated, he quickly raised his head and looked to the left.

The next moment, his body trembled fiercely, and he stayed where he was.

He saw a familiar figure ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was a beautiful and **** woman, wearing a short black skirt, exposing two long and white beautiful legs. Her face was beautiful and moving, her eyes were exaggerated with smoky makeup, her eyes were deep and blurred, and her eyes were captivating.

Her breath is extremely powerful, like a queen above, all men must bow to her feet and submit to her.

"Master Queen of Pain!" Murmured undefeatedly.

"Yes!" The Lord of Destruction nodded. "That is the Queen of Pain, your covenant master."

But I soon found that the undefeated, the painful queen was motionless, like a sculpture, without any response.

But the horrifying breath emanating from her body is real, not an illusion.

The King of Destruction saw the doubtful expression on the undefeated face, and said, "Presumably you can see that this Queen of Pain has some problems. In fact, this is just a clone of Queen of Pain. Some time ago, the Queen of Pain wanted to invade the second. In the world, a total of six avatars have been divided. Later, one avatar was killed by five god-given people, including the God of Sword, the Sword Emperor, the Sword Emperor, the Thunder God, and the Dragon Emperor, and a more powerful avatar. In the long period of time, it was broken into the essence of life. Fortunately, the king of **** shot in time and gathered the avatar, but she also suffered a heavy blow. After withdrawing from the second world, the Queen of Pain gathered the four avatars back. Once you have the ontology, speed up the healing process, leaving only one of the most powerful avatars in case you need them, which is the avatars you see. Now, can you guess, why did I call you here today? "

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