Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1236: The catastrophe

Undefeated shook his head, and said, "I can't guess, but also Lord Lord of Destruction, please show me. Heaven" "籁 小 WWWW.⒉3TXT.COM"

The Lord of Destruction stared at the avatar of the Queen of Pain and said: "After the Queen's body of the Pain disappeared, the strongest avatar she left behind lost her consciousness, leaving only pure fighting instincts. Seal. Today, I want to reward you with this avatar, let her be your new body, from then on, you will become a demon-level destroyer! "

"What?" Exclaimed undefeated, staring unbelievably at the avatar of the Queen of Pain!

That is the most powerful of the six avatars of the painful woman who had split up at the beginning, and the strength is overwhelming. Now she is going to become his new body!

This reward is simply a step up to the sky, instantly pushing his strength to the top.

"Thank you very much! Thank you Lord Lord of Destruction!" The undefeated thank you again and again, shaking with excitement.

"This time, you have to do a good job, don't let down my hard work!" After the Lord of Destruction finished, he reached out his hand, detained the Queen of Pain, and began the transformation ceremony of the Destruction Warrior.

Uh ...

For a moment, a few days passed.

In these days, Huang Yi's incarnation has closely followed the movement of the Demons in the First World.

Since yesterday, the demons suddenly gathered the front and adopted a passive defense strategy in all occupied areas. No team took the initiative to attack.

This strange change immediately attracted great attention from the First World. The major forces in the First World, which are based on the theology of the Savage God, also suspended their offensives and kept an eye on the movement of the demons.

Xuan Huangyi was more attentive to this. He switched to the Demon form and went into the Devil's base camp to explore it, but it appeared strangely. All the high-level members of the Devil suddenly disappeared.

Especially those powerful gods, none of them can be seen! It seemed that all of them suddenly withdrew from the first world, leaving only some low-level demons to confuse the outside world.

From this, it can be clearly inferred that I am afraid that the Devil is brewing a drastic change!

Today, Huang Yi went online early and went to the forum as usual to take a look.

"Arab mysterious woman [Tar Nasha] becomes a godsend! The name is [Necromancer] suspected to be a Demon player!"

"The demon has defeated the 3rd Boss of the Tower of the Gods! It will soon penetrate the last layer of the Tower of the Gods!"

"The level of the spirit demon has been increased, and he has been promoted to seven steps to ascend to the sky, which is the same as the killing god."

"Miyamoto Musashi and T.n.T have made public appearances since the War of the Six Kingdoms of the Heroes, and they seem to have made a big move!"

Uh ...

The first few posts in the forum are news from the demons, showing the aggressive posture of the demons.

Huang Yi nodded into the headlines and looked.

"Today, the Arab female player [Tarnasa] is suddenly promoted to be a godsend! It shocked the world. Earlier, there were Arab players sneaking photos of Talnasa and TnT traveling together. The relationship between the two seemed unusual, and combined with TnT Judging from the story of being a God-given hero recently, this female player named Tarnasha is most likely to have obtained the heroic aura from the hands of TnT. Even she herself is most likely a secretly joined the demons Player ... "

At the back of this post, I also posted information that Tarnasha has been investigated, and even related photos and screenshots.

In the screenshot, Tarnasha is a woman in a black robe with a dignified face, like a virgin in the dark church.

According to sources, she is a necrotic assassin, a rare occupation.

Huang Yi can be sure that this female player named Tarnasha is the heroic aura obtained from T.n.T. He had previously speculated that Miyamoto Musashi and TnT should have taken the heroic aura of all five eyes of Falling God 6, and they used three before. Now Tarnasha has used one more. Serving, they should have the last one, and they can train another hero.

第二 The news that ranked second in the 24-hour hot list is the situation of the demons on the 3oo layer of the Tower of the Gods.

The 3oo layer is the last layer of the Tower of the Gods. Each Boss in it is a demigod. The strength is extremely powerful, and non-God players cannot challenge it. At present, there is only a God of Magic player in the world, and only he can challenge this level.

Breaking through this layer is equivalent to breaking through the entire tower of the gods, so the reward of this layer must be the richest in the entire tower of the gods. Countless people in the forum have guessed what items will explode on this layer, and some even speculate that artifacts will explode, even if they are not artifacts, they should be items of the same grade.

Once, Huang Yi also tried to teleport to the 3oo level, and wanted to use the eye of time to look at Boss's dropped items. But there is no way to transmit directly on this floor. The entrance on this floor is a tightly closed door, which requires a corresponding key to open. It cannot be transmitted directly. Huang Yi didn't know where to get the key, but he speculated that it should be through the 29th floor to get the clue.

Now, Tianmo has killed the third boss in the 3oo layer, and his progress is far ahead of everyone. Not surprisingly, the final reward of this 3oo layer should be won by him.

Looking at each of the demons players who are advancing by leaps and bounds, Huang Yi felt great pressure. His progress has been fast enough, but with the help of demons, the demons players improved faster.

Each one of the demons players now has a brain to improve their strength, and it seems that the demons have big plans to start.

After reading several important posts, Xi Huangyi was preparing to leave the forum and enter the second world, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a new post just posted—

"A drastic change is coming! The endless magic of outer space is revealed in the Second World, and it is flying over the entire Second World!"

I did something wrong!

Xun Huang Yi didn't even have time to read the text ~ www.readwn.com ~ entered the second world quickly and appeared in the sacred territory.

At this time of day, it was supposed to be a sunny scene, but the sky was dark, like night.

Huang Yi looked up and saw that the sky in the Second World had already turned into black. That kind of black is not a dark cloud, but an ink-like black, which is the effect that the magic is strong to the extreme!

At this time, the black piece was spreading and flying, madly devouring the little blue sky left in the sky. It's like having an invisible hand, pulling a huge black curtain to cover the entire sky, and then make the entire Second World dark.

"Kill God, the catastrophe is here!" Just then, an old voice suddenly came from the sky.

The words of the crickets fell, and the dean's familiar figure came to Huang Yi's body.

At this moment, the dean's face was pale, and there was no stability and calmness before, as if he were a dying man.

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