Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1237: Refinery 2nd World

At this time, there were many others around. They heard the dean's voice and turned around.

"What happened?" Huang Yi quickly asked.

Dean Wu looked up at the endless black sky, swallowed his throat, and trembled, "This is the world extinction! The demons are going to refine the entire Second World!"

"The Great Destruction ?!" Huang Yi heard a familiar name.

Last time, when the Seven Demon Kings invaded the Second World, four Demon demigods led a group of top heavenly powerhouses, arranged a large array of extinction, and wanted to refine the heroic empire.

There are seventy-two eyes in the Great Era, each of which is a master of the Demon Clan. The stronger the 72 masters of the array, the stronger the refining effect. The scope of the last annihilation, only covers the hero empire. Later, Huang Yi and others killed some masters who arranged the formations before cracking the formations.

"Let's rush to kill some of the masters of the demons and break this formation!" Huang Yi said in a hurry.

"This time it won't work!" The Dean shook his head with a hint of despair in his eyes. "I just went up in person a moment ago and wanted to obstruct them from setting up this world of destruction, but was beaten down almost instantly. If it weren't for me having an artifact protector, I'm afraid I'm dead now. This time, the Devil has used 36 virtual gods and 36 demigods to arrange the extinction array. It even includes the avatars of the six demon kings. And the four ambassadors of the space temple, the four ambassadors of space are originally best at abilities such as space. They participate in the arrangement of the world extinction array, the effect is more powerful, they will completely block the space around the second world, cut off Any connection between the Second World and the outside world. This time, the entire Second World, all creatures, all races, all everything, will be trapped here, refined by life into nothingness! There is no way to save! "

After hearing the dean's remarks, the crowd around him changed greatly and exclaimed.

"how can that be?"

"Are we all going to die here?"

"Is there any solution?"

Uh ...

"Doesn't our heroic empire have so many powerful guardians? Can't we stop them?" At this time, a heroic empire's player couldn't help asking the dean.

The Dean shook his head and said, "The Guardians of the Heroic Empire cannot leave the Second World to fight in outer space. At most, they can only resist the refining force from within the Heroic Empire and delay the second. The world has been refined for only time and cannot change the end result. "

"It's no wonder that the power of the demons in the first world suddenly emptied. It turned out to be in the second world. I went up to see for myself." Huang Yi said, immediately fanning his wings of freedom and sunstrider, toward the sky Hurry to fly.

At this point, most of the sky in the field of vision has become dark, darker than the night without stars and moon. Although it is dark at night, it does not make people feel suffocated, and the black in the sky at this time is the essence of magic, which locks the second world into a closed space, flying upwards, The more I felt a sense of depression, as if flying towards a huge black wall, I was going to be killed by it.

Flying and flying, Huang Yi felt more and more pressure, his wings flapped more and more slowly, and the burden on his body became heavier, as if there was an invisible force in the sky pressing downwards. Everything is pressed to the ground.

Finally, after flying to the sky 50,000 kilometers above the ground, Huang Yi has been unable to move, and his body is under great pressure. No matter how hard his wings are fanned, it is difficult to rise further. If he stopped flapping his wings, he would even be quickly pressed down to the ground by the huge pressure and fall into a meat sauce.

Zhi Huang Yi knew that he had reached the limit and could not rise any further.

On weekdays, as long as you are a world-class master with a level of 25o or more, you can easily fly out of space beyond 10,000 kilometers in height as long as you spend some time. And as you fly higher, the air will become thinner, the resistance will become smaller, and the degree of rise will become faster and faster. The last 50,000 kilometers will take less than one tenth of the first 50,000 kilometers.

现在 Now, this rule is reversed, and the more you fly, the slower and slower you become.

He wiped it

Rub the sweat on his forehead and look up panting heavily.

The endless black sky over the puppet became even more terrifying, boundless and unable to escape.

Uh ...

七 In the outer space of the Second World, seventy-two masters of the Demon God Realm are enclosing the entire planet of the Second World in a specific orientation, forming a difficult matrix method.

These **** masters are one by one, and each is a world-leading demon head that is enough to destroy a small world, leaving numerous legendary epics. It is difficult to kill any one of them ~ www.readwn.com ~, and it is foolish to want to kill all 72 people. There is no force in the whole mortal world to do it. Even the dream race of the top racial race in the universe, which is currently ranked number one, must retreat from such a situation.

Among the seventy-two arrays, the core array of arrays is controlled by the virtual god-level avatars of the six demon kings and the four space gods in the heavens.

"In a while, we can completely block the Second World. At that time, people outside ca n’t get in, people inside ca n’t get out. The Second World will be isolated from the universe and brought into our void furnace. Eliminated, "said the King of Darkness easily.

"It's not absolute, there is at least one place where we can't block it." A space **** waved his hand.

In the black hole under the hood of the king of hell, there was a hurrying voice: "It doesn't matter, the king has already considered that place, and has made arrangements, there will be no problems. The real thing to worry about is that Our little universe, you are summoned out all of a sudden, our little universe has become very unstable. We must refine the second world with the fastest speed, and then return to the little universe. "

"I'm afraid, it's very difficult for us to refining the second world soon!" A space **** looked at the second world below, his eyes locked on the small central big 6 and Shen said, "I feel In the second world, there are actually dozens of masters of the gods, even more than ten virtual gods, some of them even shocked me, it seems that there is a kind of existence of all gods and false gods. Second world Isn't it a serious recession? How come there are so many strong? "

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