Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1238: Upset mood

The clone of the King of Greed licked his lips and said, "That is the guardian released by the killing **** from the heroic prison. Levin, but do n’t worry, they ca n’t leave the range of the heroic empire, they wo n’t come out to interfere with us. The end result We still need to be refined. This is actually a feast for us. After so many strong people have been refined, each of us can make up for it. "

"Howling!" Just then, in the second world below, there was a sudden roar of angry dragon!

I looked down through the endless magic, and faintly saw a huge dragon, who was flying towards them.

Its two front paws are also locked with two large chains, and the space where it passes is cut by two deep cracks.

Its magnificent momentum, the body has not yet arrived, the momentum of the forward, first step through the thick magic encirclement circle, and spread to outer space.

"What a strong momentum!" The space **** was surprised.

"Peerless Demon Emperor Night Sky!" Under the hood of the King of Hell, he spit out a name.

"How could it be him?" The cursed King's clone stunned. "It was suppressed by Huang Di at that time, and then disappeared. So after so many years, how could it suddenly appear here? Could it be that he was imprisoned in a heroic prison, now Let go of God? "

"It should be like this! Its breath is too strong, it should still be the **** of honor! The chain has suppressed his power, so there is no god." The fallen king nodded.

"How powerful it can be, it's not going to be destroyed by us!" Leng Huo, the king of destruction.

The voice fell, and a violent shock wave suddenly shaken from the magic circle below!

巨大 The huge dragon dragon hit an invisible barrier, which is the matrix formation enchantment of the world extinction. The violent impact force swayed the barrier, and the surging magic gas was boiled.

"Howling!" The giant dragon shouted again, and the huge body hit the barrier frantically for a second time, spurring a circle of shock waves to spread out.

The two chains were also waved by his claws, and drew heavily on the barrier, bursting into the sound of landslides.

But no matter how it hits, the barrier is just shock, no sign of breaking. The barrier always blocked it firmly, making it impossible to rise further.

It roared and struck again and again, like a struggling dragon, even if its strength is strong, it can't escape this prison cage.

"Our four space gods personally blocked the space, it must not come out!" The space **** sneered.

顶端 At the top of the distant sky, there was a faint rumbling sound, and it was faintly accompanied by an angry dragon roar, like a dull thunder, spreading throughout the Second World.

大 Large 6 in the Second World, various cities and villages, wilderness trails, countless humans, all stared in horror at the sky, listening to the distant dragon roar. Although they couldn't see anything happening 10,000 miles high in the sky, from the sound that passed down, they could imagine that the situation above was not optimistic.

In the vast ocean, countless marine life has jumped out of the sea. Even those marine giants that have been sleeping on the bottom of the sea all year round have awakened, their heads floated on the surface of the sea, and huge shadows rushed on the dark sponge, like floating islands.

The cliffs, the peaks, the forest treetops, the countless birds and crows whistled, and scattered in horror. Countless beasts snarled and shivered in the woods.

At this moment, the entire Second World is trembling, filled with anxiety, and everyone feels the end of the day.

Today, after countless players went online, they didn't brush the towers of the gods, they didn't explore anymore, they didn't go shopping and strolling. Almost all the players were looking up at the black sky. In the forum, all overwhelming discussions took place on this matter, with the whole people participating and the whole people paying attention.

This upheaval has also affected the real world, and journalists from various countries are reporting on the incident, making various ominous analyses and speculations.

Affected by this, the stock market was bleak, and related stocks in the Second World all plummeted. Even the heroic guild with the highest market value was no exception.

This catastrophe is not related to a certain country or a certain force, but to the entire Second World.


Wandering among countless panic crowds, Huang Yi's thin body stood quietly, looking up at the black sky, leaping out of God, waiting for the return of the peerless demon Emperor Night Sky.

A moment ago, when he returned to the ground from the sky, he immediately let the peerless demon Emperor Yekonghua attack in person, and flew to the high altitude to test the world-defeating array.

The territory of the puppet heroic empire also includes the 100,000 kilometers of airspace in the territory from the ground to outer space. The Peerless Demon Emperor flew to the extreme altitude of 10,000 kilometers, and could touch the outer periphery of the enemies of the World Extinction Array. However, he couldn't cross this height to go to war with those Demon masters in outer space.

Around him were countless frightened and overwhelmed people, and their chattering noises gathered at ~ www.readwn.com ~ hazy, as if coming from another world.

玩家 From time to time those players turned their heads and cast their hopes on Huang Yi.

他们 In their eyes, this man once disintegrated the mortal situation. This time the impossible became possible and the miracle was created. Whenever he saw him, everyone felt inexplicably reassured in his heart. It seemed that as long as he was there, nothing could be solved.

But this time, Huang Yi did not think of a solution.

Light relying on the strength of the player has no hope, unless the player can be promoted to the level 3 of the gods level, to reach the strength of the demon, is eligible to participate in such battles.

Huang Yi is the highest player in the second world camp. Today is a new month. His god-killing name automatically upgraded him to the level of seven steps of 297, but he was still too far away from level 3 of the **** realm.

Except for players, only np is left. The guardians of the heroic empires are indeed very powerful, but they can only shrink into the territory of the heroic empires, they cannot go out to fight, and they do not have the freedom of players.

的 The only np who can move freely and powerfully is the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskar and the only deputy deputy left. But the two of them alone couldn't break this world-destructive array, even if the dean had this finished artifact, he couldn't do it.

Where is the road to salvation?

这次 Did this time really escape the Second World?

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