Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1239: Last 1 sky

At this time, a huge shadow suddenly descended from the sky, like a mountain range in the sky above Huang Yi's head. The majestic blood was released outside, bringing great oppression. It was the peerless demon emperor night sky. .

When it looked downcast, the original majestic momentum became a bit daunting, apparently it was unable to break the world-defeating array.

"How?" At this moment, the Dean hurried to Huang Yi's side and asked anxiously.

Xun Huang Yi shook his head: "This is the strongest guardian of our heroic empire, but it has not broken the World War!"

"I had already anticipated that such a great array of extinctions would be almost impossible to break!" The dean took a heavy breath, drew his palm, and took out a precision sphere instrument.

东西 This thing is a bit like a globe, but it is a magic item. The sphere represents the second world, and the map of the second world is painted on it.

At this time, most of the area of ​​the sphere was covered with a black barrier. Those blacks are constantly spreading and will soon be closed. Only a small area in the south of the central continent is not covered by black.

The Dean stared at the instrument and Shen said: "This is the Magic World Instrument. The black area represents the area of ​​this world of extinction. Now only the last piece of sky is left untouched. If it is surrounded by that sky, Before, we could not break this formation, then the second world would be completely included in the formation and completely blocked! Is there any way for you? Hurry and try this last chance, otherwise there will be no chance !! "

After speaking, Dean Wu stared at Huang Yi with anticipation, and seemed to instill all hope into him. The reason why he came to Huang Yi for the first time today instead of looking for other super-class masters such as Thor, Pharaoh, and so on, is because Huang Yi has cracked the mortal situation many times, making the impossible possible.

The other players around me also turned to look at Huang Yi, with an urgent desire in their eyes.

Xuan Huangyi closed her eyes, isolated all those eyes looking to herself, and thought about it in her heart. The more such a tense moment, the less panic and calm you must be.

The individual plans quickly came to his mind, and then they were immediately rejected, as if there was an invisible scanner, quickly scanning every thought.

After a while, Huang Yi finally opened his eyes and quickly said, "Next, I will transfer all the guardians of the heroic empire to the sky above Moon City in the south of the central continent, and work together to keep the last sky. At the same time, when you start the Georgia artifact, the red star shines from the red star in the universe toward the second world, interferes in that sky from the outside, and cooperates with our guardians internally and externally to see if we can stop the mass extinction diffusion!"

"Okay!" The dean nodded heavily, his figure flickered and quickly disappeared into the air.

Next, Huang Yi launched the King Mode of the Hero Empire and yelled at the entire Hero Empire.

"All the guardians of the empire of the heroic empire obey, and immediately go to the city of the moon in the southern part of the central continent to defend the last sky of the second world!"

This yell by Huang Yi spread throughout the territories of heroic empires on all continents. As long as players and np in these territories all heard the voice of the king!

令 This convening order was issued, and the guardians scattered all over the world rushed towards the Central Continent in a hurry!

No matter where they are or what they are doing, they all stop invariably. In response to Huang Yi's call, they rushed to the central continent from all corners of the world.

After the crazy expansion of the heroic empire some time ago, the territory has covered many continents in the Second World. Among them, through the alliance and cooperation of the central continent, a large number of cities suddenly joined the heroic empire. The first city to join was Moon City. At the time, Huang Yi also came here to negotiate with the owner.

After Huang Huangyi teleported to Moon City, his vision was suddenly wide open. The sky here was still blue sky and white clouds, and he was not surrounded by the black gas of the world extinction.

But this is the last clean sky of the entire Second World. As soon as a while, this sky will be swallowed up by the mass extinction.

At this moment, the streets and alleys in the city were in a panic, countless pedestrians stopped and looked up at the sky

One of the breathtaking gods masters.

Just after Huang Yi issued a convening order, more than forty masters of the gods have been teleported here. They stood in the sky over Moon City, exhaling the breath of the gods, like dozens of stars.

Among them, the underworld messenger Yimingfeng, the falling feathers and the broken feathers, the wandering **** Carat, the **** of fantasy, the mad monarch Izeusus, and more than a dozen virtual gods, are as dazzling as more than a dozen suns, arched by the stars The moon and earth surround the middle.

The space in which they are filled is filled with surging breath of divine power. The idle people can't fly to that area at all, and they will be blocked far away by their breath before they approach.

Under the attention of millions of residents of Moon City, Huang Yi flew directly into that circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ and stood with the dozen or so virtual gods.

He turned around and looked at more than a dozen virtual **** masters and dozens of demigods outside them, saying: "Next, you immediately flew to an altitude of 100,000 kilometers, and work together to interfere in that sky, blocking the spread of the world's annihilation. Come here. In addition, the Dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan will use the time of the artifact Georgia to cooperate with you from outside the Second World. It will depend on you if you can stop the World War!

"Okay!" The violent monarch Izawa Shumo fisted up, can't wait to fly to the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky in a blink of an eye.

A master of the gods, also rushed into the sky, and the speed was so fast that in the space there were traces of straight ascents, which looked like dozens of rockets launching in unison.

Soon, these masters of the gods flew to the extreme altitude of 100,000 kilometers, and began to interfere in this space.

A red breath of divine power was released from their bodies and diffused outwards. In a short time, they covered this large area and dyed the entire sky red.

Millions of inhabitants of Moon City below them suddenly saw that the sky above them had changed from blue sky to red sky, and the light falling down was also red, like the last glow of the sunset.

The second world at this time is like the moment when the sunset is about to end. This is their last sky. If this sky cannot be preserved, then the entire Second World will be completely swallowed up by darkness and never see the sun again.

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