Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1269: Fruit of life

The chief of the Templar knight stared at Assin's body solemnly, saying solemnly: "Our Templars' mission is to protect the security of Purgatory, but we have not had time to rescue Lord Assassin. This is our fault. ! As the chief of the Templars, I am willing to exchange life with Lord Assassin! "

"Master, don't!"

"How can we sacrifice you with so many Templars?"

"Use my life!"

"Come for me! It's my pleasure to let me exchange the life of Lord Assassin!"

Soon, countless Templars scrambled, and all wanted to sacrifice themselves!

Kidd was shocked by the selflessness of these Templar knights. After a while, he calmed down and stared at the most powerful leader. He said, "You are the strongest player on the field. Exchange your life with Ah. Sasin is indeed the most suitable, but I ask you again, are you really willing to sacrifice yourself for Assasin? When I cast the life exchange forbidden spell, you must voluntarily accept my power of forbidden spell, there must be no trace of it. Barely, otherwise Assassin will not be saved. "

"I do!" The chief of the Templar nodded decisively.

Then he glanced back and looked at the subordinates who had been following him for a long time. He seemed to keep everyone's face in his heart, and said in earnest: "I have decided my heart, don't advise me any more. Although I am dead , But the tradition of the Templar cannot be broken, you still have to abide by the Templar's commandments, be brave and selfless, and loyally guard the periphery of Purgatory! "

Speaking, he suddenly exclaimed, "Feng Chen, get out!"

The words fell, and a group of strong men rushed out of the group of Templars, standing firmly in front of the queue, and said forcefully, "Feng Chen is here!"

"From now on, you will lead the Knights Templar!" Said the chief of the Templar, solemnly took off his body armor and sword, his hands were solemn, and he solemnly gave it to the man named Feng. Dust Templar, like a solemn ceremony.

"Yes!" Feng Chen answered with a heavy voice, stretched out his hands, and carefully took the armor.

When he touched the marks of the sword on the armor, two lines of tears rolled down immediately.

Those traces reminded him of the years when he had fought alongside the leader. The depression in the shoulder pads was left two years ago when fighting with the dream master. At that time, the leader took the blow of the dream master in order to protect him. After the battle, the leader was cultivated. It took more than a year to recover from that shoulder injury.

At this moment, the Templar turned to Kidd and said, "Okay, let's get started!"

Kid nodded, flung his palm, and took out a milky fruit.

This fruit is radiant and radiant, with a faint scent, and a strong aroma drifts away. When people smell it, they feel that their spirits are multiplied and they feel enthusiastic. Some people's injuries are even directly cured by this aroma.

"Fruit of life!" At this time, Pharaoh spit out a name in surprise.

"Yes, it is the fruit of life!" Kidd nodded, rubbing the magical fruit in his hand, and said, "This fruit of life is the fruit of the tree of the world planted by the **** of life, for ten thousand years. In order to produce a fruit, which contains surging vitality, no matter how many injuries, if you eat it, you can heal. It is a healing treasure at the same level as the Zerg God Honey. Unfortunately, the king of destruction · Warskull destroyed the world The battle of the gods of the sword king and the sword king completely destroyed the tree of the world, and the fruit of life has since disappeared. I once fortunately obtained this fruit of life in the ruins of the tree of the world. . "

After speaking, Kidd squeezed the fruit of life gently!

The fruit suddenly came out with a drop of crystal clear juice, and the fragrance in the air suddenly thickened several times, the aroma was pressing.

"Drink this drop of juice of life, and fully activate your life potential, so that I can exchange your life with Assassin more smoothly." At this moment, Kidd flicked the palm of his hand toward the crystal juice With the Templar Chieftain dumped.

The drop of fruit juice made in heaven and earth slowly fluttered in the air, reflecting the shining light.

The Templar chief immediately opened his mouth and put the drop of life juice into his mouth.

Then he pouted his mouth. His solemn expression was like seeing the flowers of Chaoyang under the frost, and it bloomed in an instant, and returned the taste: "Oh! It's so delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious thing in my life. This is the best gift before my death, as if even death is sweet. "

"Next, you lie next to Assasin, put your hands on your own chest and Assasin's chest respectively, and I will begin to cast the life exchange forbidden spell!" Kidd pointed to Assasin on the ground. Talking ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Templar leader quickly walked down and put on the corresponding posture.

Kidd immediately surrounded the bodies of the Templar chief and Assassin, and at a certain pace, stepped on some mysterious footwork, singing an obscure melody, like primitive humans dancing around the campfire.

With his concealment and footwork, milky energies emanated from his body, converging on the corpses of the Templar chief and Assassin, shuttled constantly from their bodies, conveying something.

The Templar's leader frowned slightly, his face showing a slight pain, and whenever the milky energy penetrated his body, the corner of his mouth trembled slightly, but he could not bear any sound.

Kid's footwork is getting faster and faster, the chanting melody is getting faster and faster, the tone is rising sharply, those milky white energy are running faster and faster, and every second will be worn between the Templar and Assassin Through several times!

The Templar chief's face grew paler, his body trembling violently, as if he had been subjected to some severe torture, and his body was soaked with sweat.

The Templars pouted tightly, staring at the picture with tears in their eyes, gritting their teeth to prevent the tears from flowing down.

In the end, Kidd's footwork stopped and the melody came to an abrupt end.

The white energy burst and burst into the air, and the Templar chief's body suddenly violently shaken, then his head was crooked, completely motionless, without any vitality.

At the same time, Asasim's body next to him trembled suddenly, his chest began to undulate slightly, his fingers flicked slightly, as if holding something.

After a while, his closed eyes suddenly opened, emitting a sharp light.

Assassin is finally resurrected!

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