Heroes Prison

: Block word modification instructions

In the past two days when modifying the word block, because [tnt] and [特 ..] were blocked and changed to *, which greatly affected the reading experience, especially the name tnt, which is too important and must be changed. That is, two "." Signs are added in the middle.

I have just received feedback from some readers that the starting point currency subscribes to the previously modified section. I researched it. If you choose automatic subscription and you have not subscribed to the previous friend, you may appear to subscribe to the modified previous article section. Friends who have subscribed to the previous article section will not be affected and will not be charged again.

The chapter I am modifying this time has about one hundred chapters. If you want to avoid subscribing to this one hundred chapters, you can temporarily cancel the automatic subscription first, and wait for two days before you automatically subscribe. If you have been subscribing to a friend before, or do n’t care about subscribing to the previous article section, you do n’t need to cancel the automatic subscription.

I'm sorry for the confusion caused to everyone. I asked the editor, and the editor couldn't modify so many blocked words in the background at the same time. I could only manually change them one by one.

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