Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1378: Mysterious Oriental Power

[Title: Hero prison text Chapter 1378 of the mysterious power of the East: Huang Hua overflow]

The latest chapter of "Heroes of Prison" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the best hearth champion heart thriller paradise the strongest cook soldiers in the future Yuan Neng Chronicles rebirth in the last days of the dual pet League of Legends professional life online goods supplier Huang Yi this guardian army appeared, then The process of coming down was much more harmonious. After the guests from all the world came, they presented gifts and sat down in the VIP area in an orderly manner, and no one was rude.

Just then, in the clear sky, there was a sound of ethereal and melodious music, just like the sound of natural sound.

Everyone looked up, looking up curiously.

I saw the end of the sky, a gorgeous golden car was approaching, and a line of women dressed as waitresses played the piano and played around the car, throwing dew petals, like a fairy, elegant.

This pedestrian immediately attracted everyone's attention. Only the ancient family with a rich history of precipitation will retain this etiquette, and the visitor must be a big man.

But the car was covered with curtains, and the characters inside could not be seen clearly.

"Who the **** is that? Our invitation list doesn't seem to match this number." At this time, several etiquette instructors of the Royal Academy of Oskans talked head to head.

Countless reporters and players have also expressed doubtful expressions. Even if they are well-informed, they can't guess which force this pedestrian comes from.

Suddenly, the King of Fear looked for a moment, as if he remembered something, and was slightly surprised: "Is it them?"

As soon as this word came out, most of the entire Guardian Legion were bewildered. Only a few of the strongest guardians showed a thoughtful look.

"It's possible!" Luoyu Zhiyu · Shanyu nodded, staring motionlessly at the shuttle car driving in the sky, said lightly: "Only that mysterious family of the East can have such complicated etiquette."

"But they are too far away from the Second World, and they only became the king of the world three days ago. In just three days, the news could not have spread so far! How could they have received the news and arrived in time?" Izeus shook his head.

"They hold the mysterious eastern power, maybe there is some way to know what is happening here! When I was still a god, I once met the god-sealers in their clan in heaven, which is so special." Yuan Youyou said.

At this time, the gorgeous golden wagon drove over the square and finally stopped.

When you watch this cricket car up close, the shock is even more intense. The body is engraved with intricate patterns, countless fine engraving lines than hair, and carved the patterns of phoenixes, dragons, unicorns, and crickets .

Among them, the dragon dragon's pattern is not the kind of winged western dragon commonly seen, but an oriental dragon like a snake, a little bit like the peerless demon emperor night sky.

The waitresses around the shuttle car are still playing the piano and playing loose flowers, as if purifying this space, creating a beautiful environment for the people in the shuttle car.

Everyone listened to this fairy music, smelling the fresh floral fragrance, as if the entire soul had been baptized.

Finally, all the maids stopped, and one of the maids closest to the car reached out and carefully opened the curtain of the car.

The next moment, a slender beautiful white foot protruded from the car.

This beautiful foot is like a masterpiece of heaven. The contours of the ankle are flawless and the skin can be broken. As if any sun, wind, frost, snow, or even dust, it will stain this beautiful foot. It can only stay in the greenhouse for maintenance. However, you can only look at it from a distance, but not play.

All the thoughts of the crowd have been caught by this beautiful football. The audience was silent, holding their breath waiting for the beautiful football master to appear.

Finally, the curtain was completely opened, and the people in the car slowly got out of the car.

At that moment, the audience trembled!

It was a beautiful fairy-like girl. She wore a veil to wrap her delicate body and outlined a beautiful outline. She had a veil on her face, she couldn't see her face, but only a pair of clear and pure eyes, spotless, as if she had never seen anything unclean since she was born, her eyes were all beautiful Things.

Such a young girl does not eat fireworks and stands high, but it makes people feel a sense of closeness.

There are already two peerless beauties on the field, one is the Snow Queen and the other is the mysterious player of the Dream family, Mengling.

The temperament of the Snow Queen is the beauty of the iceberg. She is cold and distant, and does not make people want to be close.

Mengling's temperament is dreamy, as if it is not real, it will disappear in the next moment, and it will not be grasped at all.

And the young girl who appeared in the car was inhumane, pure and extremely beautiful. Anyone with a little flaw would create an insurmountable gap with her.

After this fairy-like girl got out of the car, she turned her head slightly and looked around at the people below. In the end, she stopped her pure eyes on Huang Yi's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ The beautiful eyes slightly bent, forming a beautiful arc.

No one can imagine that under her veil, a world-like smile must be revealed.

At this time, a maid next to her nodded and said softly: "Dear Lord God of Killing, this is our Xiameng Princess of Xia tribe, she is also a godsend. A few days ago I heard that you have become The King of the Second World, on behalf of the Xia tribe, came to congratulate. If you are disturbed, I also hope to forgive you! Princess Xia Meng has an immortal mouth and cannot speak easily. My name is Xia Ye, and this Xia Lanyue is Xia Princess Dream's two closest maids, we will communicate with you for her. "After that, she pointed to the other maid next to her.

The maid named Xia Lanyue also smiled slightly and nodded towards Huang Yi.

Hearing the voice of the maid, seeing the smile of the maid, the people on the field were like a spring breeze, just two maids, already so knowledgeable, spoke softly, the smile was gentle and gentle, showing an excellent tutor, then this summer Is Dream Princess OK?

What's more, this summer princess is actually a player!

Obviously, she is another top player hidden away from the second world, only now for the first time.

"I'm sorry, but I'm ignorant. I have never heard of the Xia people." Huang Yi said apologetically.

In fact, it's not just him, countless people on the field have never heard of the Xia tribe. If it is the top race in the universe, everyone should have heard of it more or less, but the name of the Xia tribe is strange.

The maid named "Xia Lanyue" smiled and said, "In fact, we don't need to introduce you. The fear king of your heroic empire once had a relationship with our Xia people. You might as well let him speak."

Huang Yi heard the words, turned his head in doubt, and looked at the King of Fear. 166 novel reading network

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