Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1379: Zhan Xuxue and Dream Zunxian

[Title: Hero prison text Chapter 1379 ethnic war imaginary God and family who dream of God: Huang Hua overflow]

The latest chapter of "Heroes of Prison" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the heart of the best thriller in the thriller paradise, the heart of the League of Legends, the professional life of the strongest cook, the future of the military, the energy chronicle, the rebirth of the last days, the dual pet online supplier!

The king of fear glanced at the princess Xiameng, and then looked at Huang Yi, saying: "Kill God, you don't know that the Xia tribe is also normal, because they are not from our universal universe.

"Not our mortal universe? Is it ... from outside the territory?" Huang Yi was surprised.

The King of Fear nodded: "Xia is originally a great force from the extraterrestrial Xuanhuang world. At present, it is entrenched in the most eastern side of our mortal universe, occupying an important path to the extraterrestrial Xuanhuang world. At that time, I tried to avoid The pursuit of the death temple is through this path of the Xia people, and escaped to the Xuanhuang world outside the domain. The Xia people are powerful and mysterious, even the demons dare not act lightly on them. However, they have always been neutral and hardly deal with us. There is a relationship in the world, and I do n’t know why they came to your ceremony today. "

"Actually, we are here to tell you a message." At this time, Princess Xiameng's maid [Xia Ye] took the words of the King of Fear and looked at Huang Yidao: "We Xia people, who inherit the Xuanhuang world The Golden Mean. The King of Hell sent the genie to our Xia tribe a few days ago, and gave us some benefits, allowing the genie to go through the important channel under our control to the Xuanhuang world. We think This news should be told to you, so that we can show the neutral attitude of our Xia people. "

"Oh? The genie went to the Xuanhuang world outside the domain? What did he go there?" Huang Yi asked suspiciously.

Another maid [Xia Lanyue] smiled slightly: "It's not clear. Our Xia people don't have the habit of inquiring about other people's secrets. As long as they are willing to pay the price, we can allow anyone to freely enter and leave the region, regardless of him. What are you going to do? "

"No matter what the genie does to Xuanhuang World, it is definitely not a trivial matter. You must be careful when killing God!" The king of fear solemnly said that Xuanhuang World is one of the most important worlds outside the world. I did n’t dare to go there with the power of God Over swagger. The strong are out there, stronger than our mortal universe, and they can practice to a stronger level than us without being drawn to their heavenly realm. "

Huang Yi nodded, looking at the veiled Princess Xiameng, and smiled, "Anyway, thank you for coming to tell us the news from afar."

"You're welcome! Princess Xiameng has always wanted to experience the style of killing gods!" Xia Ye said.

"Our war clan also wants to experience the style of killing gods!" At this time, a bold and rough voice came down from the end of the sky!

This sound is like the rumbling drums of battle, making the blood in each person seem to boil, full of war.

Soon, a burly figure came down from the sky with the terrifying coercion of virtual **** level, like a **** from heaven.

This person was covered with bone spurs, and a sharp spur penetrated from the skin, some curved into a blade shape, some straight like a sword, and some with barbs like arrows.

All kinds of bone spurs made him look so stubborn that people dare not approach, lest he be stabbed by his bone spurs.

Soon, he descended on the hilltop square, standing upright there, with a majestic look, eyes full of energy, burning hot warfare, as if he would throw himself into a battle at any time.

At this time, the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan suddenly stepped out of the crowd and laughed loudly: "Welcome the brothers of the Southern Tribe of the war tribe, come to participate in the ascension ceremony of God!"

War Clan!

When they heard the name, everyone was surprised.

The war clan is one of the top races in the universe, and it is a top-ranked race that ranks very high. They are the descendants of the ancestors of the ancestors. They are warlike in nature.

Also the top race in the universe, the Night Race is far worse than the War Race.

The night clan did not have the ancestors of creation. They slowly developed on their own. Eventually, they reached the level of the top race in the universe in terms of ethnic scale and number of virtual gods. In addition, the lord of the dark night was born within the clan. God, in one fell swoop, became the top race in the universe, and there is still a big gap between the top race of the ancestral ancestry bloodlines, such as the Zhan race.

After the war clan named "South Emperor" saw the dean, his majestic expression eased, and he nodded, and said, "I heard that Killing God killed the Queen of Pain, I come here to see!"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Huang Yi, with a hint of curiosity in his war-filled eyes.

"During this ascension ceremony, you will appreciate the style of killing gods, and please be seated!" Said the dean, reaching out to the VIP area.

When the guests of the Xia and Zhan races took their seats, some other world guests came down from the sky. However, they are not the top forces in the universe. After feeling the guardian army of Huang Yi and the guests of so many forces in the VIP area ~ www.readwn.com ~, they looked very respectful and did not dare to do anything rude.

At the last ten minutes before the ascension ceremony, the sky suddenly turned into a dark blue, and the sun was also dyed blue by the sky, shining down, and everyone was blue.

In the VIP area, the mysterious Dream female player, Mengling, suddenly looked up, and immediately stood up and rushed to somewhere in the sky.

In that sky, a woman in a long blue dress descended from the sky, and eventually met with Mengling, and the two came down together like a mother and daughter.

This woman, like the queen in the court, exudes a temperament of motherhood, but she is surrounded by a circle of water vapor, hazy, can't see her figure, very dreamy.

At this moment, the dean took a serious look to the sky, came to the woman, and asked politely, "Dare to ask, you are the [Meng Lan Yao Ji · Meng Canglan] palace master among the five old men of the dream family?"

"It's the palace!" The woman said lightly, "Our dreams are cultivated in dreams all year round, but the child, the spirit of the dream, strongly invited us to come, and the killing of the Queen of Pain was indeed no small matter, and the palace sent This avatar replaces our five old men to participate in the ascension ceremony to kill God! "

Hearing this woman's identity, the audience suddenly took a sigh of relief!

This woman is actually one of the five old men of the Dream!

The Dream Race is the top race in the universe, and they are the descendants of the ancestral "Meng Zu". However, Mengzu did not ask about world affairs. The entire Dream clan was ruled by five gods. These five gods were called the Dream Clan.

This woman can be said to be the highest among all the VIPs in the audience.

Even one of the five elders of the Dream tribe gave the face of killing the gods and sent a clone to participate in person. The specifications of the ascending hall were suddenly improved a lot. 166 novel reading network

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