Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1385: Scarlet Siren

"That range has narrowed a lot!" The Snow Queen speculated. "First of all, the descendants of Sagittarius can be ruled out. The Star clan under Sagittarius has been extinct, and no more clan. The Dragon, Dream and War clan have established diplomatic relations with our second world They are allied, and they should not be them. The rest are Zerg, Moon, Demon, Kador, Guang, Xuan, etc. "

"The light family can also be excluded," Huang Yi added. After he evolved with the blood of the King of Darkness, the blood of the light family has been in his body, and other light families can be sensed, but the golden light just did not have the light of the light family.

"Since it has arrived in our second world, it will certainly not be resigned, and it should appear again in the future. We must be more careful." The Snow Queen looked at the direction of the disappearance of the golden light, and her face was dignified.


Towards the moment of sailing, Huang Yi returned to the ancient Godship of Thor.

All members of the expedition have arrived. Almost all of the world's top masters gathered here, and the bustle was lively.

Accompanying the forum are celebrities such as poets, Wen Tao, and Unintentional Memory, as well as journalists from various media, who will report on this action throughout the process.

At this time, Thor stood at the bow of the ship, looked around the crowd again, and exclaimed loudly: "Time is up! Let's go!"

"Boom ~" The ancient Godship uttered a dull, long-distant roar, as if an awakened ancient giant, began to leave the port, and accelerated toward the ocean in the southern hemisphere.

After ten minutes, the sea is in all directions, and no islands or ships can be seen. If a player at a lower level has an accident in such a place, he may drift for years without encountering passing ships.

The ancient Godship began to sail at full speed, as fast as if it were flying above the sea. The gigantic giant waves were smashed by the bow of the ship. Some sea monsters with short eyes wanted to come and make waves, but were strangled by the ancient godship's enemies before they approached.

Along the way, the ancient Godship did not know how many storms, whirlpools, sea beast territory, death forbidden land, and other dangers, but all passed through safely.

At this time, the ancient **** ship sailed into a strange sea of ​​blood. The seawater here was like blood, exuding a strong **** smell, the sky was covered with blood-colored dark clouds, and the blood-thin thunder flashed from time to time.

"What man! How dare you break into our Scarlet Siren's territory without permission! Sudden death!" At this moment, a roar rang from the distance, and the two mermaids with harpoons flew towards the ancient Godship aggressively, Have the strength of the elementary sky domain.

On the deck of the ancient **** ship, a master master waved his staff at will, released two ice arrows, and frozen the two mermaids on the sea.

"Wow," the two mermaids shattered into ice scum, dying sharply.

If you were here a year ago, it would be the two mermaids blocking the road that can block the crowd, but now the strength of the crowd is not afraid of any danger along the way.

"Bold! How dare to kill my servant of the Scarlet Siren!" At this time, an old man in a scarlet robe, holding a cane, rose from the sea of ​​blood, and stood in front of the ancient **** ship.

The weather conditions of this old man's ascent are relatively strong, and he should have the ability to ascend to the sky in six or seven steps, which has surpassed the patriarchs of many races in the Central Continent.

If it was a year ago, when the player's strength was generally weak, she could indeed walk sideways.

But now, this strength is not enough to see in the face of the master of the ancient Godship!

The giant bear's palm flickered, and he took out his artifact to hunt the whip, and flung it towards the old man.

The whip of the hunting **** resembled a snake, flying away in the air, and instantly caught the old cricket in the distance.

As soon as the giant bear's arms were closed, the hunting whip quickly rolled the old cricket onto the deck of the godship and landed in front of a group of experts.

At this moment, the old man finally realized the strength of the crowd, and he knelt down on the deck. He looked tremblingly at the masters who were watching him, and could not even speak.

"You just said, you are the Scarlet Siren?" Asked the bear slowly while playing with the hunting whip.

"No, I dare not be daring! Adults spare their lives!" Said the old man, his hair spreading, without the slightest appearance of being a strong man.

The giant bear glanced at her and continued: "I once saw in an ancient book that the ascendant Bloodhoof created a Scarlet Siren Legion. There were hundreds of demigods. The leader of the legion was even more A hypothetical strong man named [Scarlet Siren · Nitler]. But after the Ascendant · Bloodhoof fell, [Scarlet Siren · Nitler] led the Scarlet Siren Legion to sneak in The vast deep sea, nowhere to be found. Could you be the Scarlet Siren of this generation? "

The old man's face changed, but he nodded quickly, panicking: "Yes! Yes! I am the Scarlet Siren of this generation! But when passed down to my generation, there are only some sacred realms and heavenly realms left. Even my scarlet Siren, who has only six steps to the sky, will not pose any threat to adults! "

After hearing these words, everyone was interested, but the old lady who met in the middle of the road unexpectedly had a relationship with the Ascendant Bloodhoof. Maybe they could play a role in their investigation.

In fact, this is not a coincidence. The Ascendant Bloodhoof is one of the top ten seal gods, which has a profound impact on the history of the Second World. Most of his people are important historical figures, almost covering the second The whole history behind the world. Therefore, those who are slightly capable now can easily trace back to the top ten gods by going back.

At this time, Huang Yi separated from the crowd and came up to the old woman, and asked, "Tell me about the history of your **** sea monster army!"

The old man looked up at Huang Yi, and saw that he was wearing a crown of thorns, and had a pair of divine wings behind him, with an extraordinary manner, and everyone around him was faintly respectful to him. I guess this must be the leader of this group of masters Characters.

She quickly smiled happily, took out a book on the cover of Scarlet Shark Skin, presented her hands to Huang Yi, and said, "This is the historical material handed down from our generation of Scarlet Sea Monster Kings. It records our Scarlet Sea. The entire history of the Demon Legion, please adults to look around! "

Huang Yi took the book, opened the cover of the shark skin, and his long history appeared in front of him.

The front part of the book mainly introduces the establishment process, ceremony, organizational structure, etc. of the Scarlet Kraken Legion.

Huang Yi looked at it page by page, and suddenly stopped at a key piece of content-

The Ascendant Bloodhoof fell strangely behind the seal of the gods, and the Scarlet Kraken King Nitler led the Scarlet Kraken Legion into the Bloodfury Trench to settle down. Later, he led a group of demigods and left the Second World, saying that he would go to the First World to complete a last wish of Lord Ascendant Bloodhoof. But three months later, only one demigod escaped, saying that Scarlet Siren Nitler had offended a big man in the Temple of Death in the First World and was arrested ...

Offended a big man in the Temple of Death and was arrested!

Seeing this sentence, Huang Yi suddenly remembered the hero prison!

Of the people who were captured by the Temple of Death, in all likelihood they were held in heroic prisons.

Will the Scarlet Siren Nitler still be in the heroic prison?

He is a character at the level of virtual gods, and was only captured in ancient times. It is not too long away now, and he should be able to live to this day.

Huang Yi has released all the criminals who can be released in the top 100 cell. Except for those cells in the top ranking that cannot enter, there are only some criminals who are unwilling to sign a contract with Huang Yi.

He vaguely remembers that in the cells between the 20s and 40s, there were indeed a few criminals who did not sign a contract with him. The criminals in this region were often the strength of the virtual **** level. If Scarlet Siren Nitler is still there, it should be one of those criminals.

Huang Yi immediately closed the book ~ www.readwn.com ~ and stared at the old man who was still kneeling on the ground, and said, "Give me the scarlet Siren's token! Either the seal or the jade seal, the scepter, or whatever. All items representing the identity of the Scarlet Siren, or items of great significance to the Scarlet Siren, are given to me. "

The old lady thought about it, and finally took out a scroll, respectfully presented it to Huang Yi, and said, "This is the ancient times, the ascendant · blood hoof was handed to Scarlet Siren · Nitler. The appointment is the oldest and most precious thing in our Scarlet Kraken Legion. "

Huang Yi took the skin roll and capped it for a moment. The skin of the skin was strange, a bit like snake skin, and covered with a layer of fine scales.

He opened the scroll and looked at it. There were a few lines of text written in the universal language. It seemed to be the handwriting of a big man. Even after several epochs, the text still revealed a thick and majestic breath. Words are bright.

The general content of these words is to appoint Scarlet Siren Nitler as the head of the Scarlet Siren Army and to do some important private affairs for the ascendant Bloodshoe.

Huang Yi put away this scroll and looked around the crowd again, saying: "You wait, I'll go to the hero prison first."

After speaking, he took out the book of heroes, and read the sentence "Fear the gods, the hero prison!" On the title page, summoned the entrance of the dragon head, and strode in.

Based on his memory, Huang Yi visited each of the false **** criminals who had not reached an agreement with him before, and eliminated them one by one.

Half an hour later, he arrived at cell 38. In this cell is a man in a blood-colored robe. He has a fish tail, but snake skin on his skin.

From the appearance, this man is the most similar to the Scarlet Siren among the criminals that Huang Yi has come into contact with.

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