Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1386: Falling God Continent new rules

At this moment, the man turned his head to look at Huang Yi at the door, and frowned slightly, and said, "Why are you here again! I said last time that I would only be loyal to one person in my life, and I would not become Your guardian, you die! "

Huang Yi took out the scroll directly and shook it towards him, and said, "Is this master you said the Ascendant Bloodhoof? Is this the appointment he gave you?"

The man slightly moved when he heard the name "Ascension Bloodhoof", but after seeing the appointment letter, his face was completely frozen, and he looked at the letter of the appointment letter blankly, biting Lips and eyes are full of complex expressions.

Seeing this expression, Huang Yi was relieved, it seems that this person is probably the Scarlet Kraken King Nitler.

Huang Yi stepped forward and came to the man, and said, "Indeed, you are telling me that I am now leading the second-best group of strong men in the second world to investigate the ascendants and blood of the **** continent. The mystery of Hoof's death. If you are his subordinate, then just walk with us, maybe you can reveal the truth of his death. You should be very much like knowing the cause of his death! And, we have just encountered the blood of this generation Sir, this appointment is for me, don't you want to see your descendants? "

The man stared at Huang Yi for a long time, and finally pursed his lips and said, "Yes! I am indeed the Scarlet Siren Nitler in the appointment. The Bloodhoof Lord valued me so much, and I But did not complete his last wish! I'm sorry Lord Bloodhoof! "

"His last wish? What is his last wish?" Huang Yi asked.

Scarlet Siren Nitler shook his head: "Now I can't tell you, I have to look at your capabilities first. Since you are going to investigate the mystery of Lord Bloodhoof's death, then I promise to be your hero The guardian of the Empire will cooperate with you fully. If you can find out some truth, I will tell you his will at that time. "

"All right!" Huang Yi said, took out the national flag of the heroic empire, and signed a guardian contract with Scarlet Siren Nitler.

After signing the contract, Huang Yi lifted the seal of the cell and left the heroic prison with the Scarlet Siren Nitler, and went to the ancient Godship outside.

Soon, the people around were attracted by the blood-colored sea monster King Nitler next to Huang Yi, and turned to stare at him.

The old man kneeling on the ground saw the Scarlet Siren Nitler, and the whole man grew up like a stone sculpture, and was speechless.

After a while, she quickly raised her head and said, "I've seen my ancestor! I've seen my ancestor!"

Scarlet Siren Nitler looked down at her, and seemed to realize that she was a descendant of her own. She reached out and lifted her up from the ground, and asked, "What about our Scarlet Siren Army? Alright? "

"With the decline of the Second World, we are also dying ..." The old man said the status of the Scarlet Kraken Legion in 151.

Scarlet Sea Monster King frowned, looking at the surrounding sea of ​​blood, his eyes lost focus, it seems to be thinking about the glory days of that year.

With the Scarlet Siren, the next itinerary is no longer boring, and everyone asked him about the situation of the ascendant, Bloodhoof, and had more information.

The ancient Godship sailed with full power and sailed for a full day to resolve countless dangers, and finally arrived at the legendary land of falling gods.

Looking at it from a distance, the sky falling on the continent is covered with heavy dark clouds, countless thunder and lightning roar in the clouds, and the entire continent is shrouded in darkness, exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

When approaching the coast, Thunder God put away the ancient Godship, and everyone went into the Land of Fallen God by flying.

When Huang Yi flew to the sky of the falling **** continent, everyone in the team immediately heard a cold system prompt--

"[System Tip]: You have entered the dangerous falling **** continent, because the leader [Kill God] accepted the world mission [go to falling **** continent, investigate the mystery of the death of the ascendant, blood hoof,] The adventurers here, aware of your mission, have awakened and turned into zombies, skeletons, undead, heroes, etc. to block your way. They are not harmed by any NPC, and can only be killed by the God-given. Be careful. "

After receiving this system prompt, everyone's face fell!

They thought that they would not encounter any danger when they came here with such great strength, but this announcement subverted their imagination.

Since the death of the Ascendant Bloodhoof for several epochs, I don't know how many powerful people in the world, explorers, adventurers, treasure hunters, and members of various forces under the Bloodhoof, came here to investigate his death. Mystery, but found nothing, but buried here.

Now these people will be resurrected, posing an inestimable threat to their team!

What's more terrible is that these resurrected will not be harmed by any NPC! All the guardians of the heroic empire have lost their effect and cannot help Huang Yi to do the task. This also includes the Scarlet Siren Nitler, who was just released from the hero's prison. He is a mighty and powerful person who can only follow the crowd like a useless person.

"Next, we divided into five groups and went to five different places to explore. Everyone remembered these five coordinate locations ..." Huang Yi looked around the crowd and said his plan.

He had speculated the last time that after the death of the Ascendant Bloodhoof, part of his body formed a super-giant array, which continuously transferred the heaven and earth aura of the second world to the first world!

According to historical data, after the death of the Ascendant Bloodhoof, the body fell down and fell into the land of the god, and the head flew outside the second world and became a star.

This statement is inconsistent with the situation detected by Huang Yi. At least the ascendant Bloodhoof's head has not completely flew out. The seven trick parts of the face are scattered in the second world, forming the seven eyes of the Super Giant Formation. . The remaining five eyes are hands, legs, and torso.

Huang Yi has inferred the specific positions of the five eyes based on the distance ratio of the eyes of the Giants. All of them are in the continent of God. He will send people to investigate in these five places.

Soon, the crowd was divided into five teams, each of which was of equal strength, with three to four super-class masters sitting.

Everyone started to separate their actions. Four teams went to the four fronts with their hands and legs, and Huang Yi personally led the last team to the last front. Scarlet Siren Nitler followed him.

This time, everyone was afraid to fly recklessly. Those who died in history have been resurrected. If they fly boldly, they will soon be found and face great danger.

"Twenty kilometers ahead, there are five Divine Powerhouses, please detour!"

"At two o'clock, there are three heads of God of Warcraft, everyone, don't alarm them!"

"There is a magical dragon at the level of the gods area, which can sense any spell fluctuations! All wizard professions are temporarily forbidden from using spells!"


In the squad led by Huang Yi, a group of scout players of the top hunter profession and detective players of the assassin profession became a group of pioneers, vigilantly searching for the way forward and providing information to the large troops behind. .

At this time, all the pioneers sent back information. There was a vast swamp in front of them, and all their exploration capabilities were lost.

Soon, Huang Yi led a large army and met with these scouts.

Under the grey sky ahead, there is an endless swamp, and a swarm of green smoke and fumes float on the swamp, emitting a foul smell. From time to time, a bubble appeared in the mud, and it cracked open. Several dead trees were scattered in the swamp, and several crows stood on the bare branches, making a bleak cry.

The hunting dogs of several hunter players grind their front claws uneasily, and look at the front vigilantly, as if they are aware of the danger in the swamp.

This swamp is too wide to be avoided by detours.

Huang Yi thought for a moment, and with a flash of his palm, summoned a demon imitation.

This is a giant octopus called Water Demon. His prototype is a god-sealer in the third world.It was originally a deep-sea octopus, because he swallowed an SS-class treasure named "deep-sea jade slurry" in the deep sea. After the demon world, he became one of the 108 demon gods. Water monsters are the most powerful in the water, possessing various water system abilities.

"Water demon, you enter the swamp, explore the way for us, and investigate all possible dangers." Huang Yi issued an order.

The water demon immediately obeyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eight tentacles quickly squirmed and crawled into the muddy water of the swamp in front of them.

"Everyone flies at a low altitude, keep up!" Huang Yi said, flapping his wings and flying forward about one meter from the ground.

Others kept up the same height and followed.

Along the way, the Water Demon investigates the danger at the bottom of the water, constantly changing its course, and Huang Yi leads everyone to follow its trajectory.

Gradually, the people went deep into the swamp, and the swamp water below turned into a thick green. No matter how strong the visual ability was, it couldn't penetrate the water surface and couldn't see what was underwater.

The water surface was very calm, and everyone's figure was clearly reflected on the water, like a green mirror.

"Wow ~" Suddenly, the calm water surface was broken, a giant python burst out, opened its mouth and darted towards a female mage in the team!

This python exudes a strong atmosphere of the gods, which is the kind of Warcraft that is about to reach the level of virtual gods. It perfectly deceived the water demon who explored the road, and it was not suddenly killed until everyone passed!

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