Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1402: New number one

The words fell, and the prison guards of the World Federation turned around and retreated in a bleak manner.

The dignified atmosphere suddenly eased down, and the doorway was unobstructed, so it could go out smoothly.

"Damn! A bunch of dog legs, now seeing the situation is not good, it runs quite fast!" Wang only smiled at those world federal prison guards who went away, smirking.

"Okay! You all go back to your cells! We will **** Huang Yi's body to the refrigerator." Gao Huo turned to the criminals and led the Chinese prison guard out of the gate.

They quickly met with the US, Russian, and British prison guards outside and went to the refrigerator in Rose Island.

The refrigerator is located in an air-raid shelter on the west side of Rose Island. After the jail guards of the four countries came here, they each sent troops to stay at the entrance of the cave, constantly on duty to ensure that no one would enter the body to destroy it.

Gao Huo personally led a team of prison guards, brought Huang Yi's body into the air-raid shelter, and put Huang Yi's body in a refrigerated compartment.

The door of the refrigerator compartment closed slowly, and Huang Yi's figure sank into the cold darkness.

He closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep, not knowing when he would wake up.

Although he is dead, it does not mean that No. 1 is also dead. The next No. 1 will inherit his career and continue to fight.


Under the icy and snowy wasteland of Siberia, there is a vast underground building, which is a base for free organization.

A little boy is in the shooting room, wearing earphones, and is concentrating on training marksmanship.

His posture was upright, and the hand holding the gun was steady, without a trace of shaking.

His little hand repeatedly pulled the trigger, hitting the red heart in the center of the target every time.

Suddenly, the door of the shooting room was pushed open, and several men walked in solemnly and came to the little boy and stopped.

The little boy recognized these men. They are all high-level organizations of free organization. They are basically not pavement on weekdays. Now they appear together. I am afraid that something urgent happened.

He quickly took off his headphones, put down his pistol, and faced the men.

At this moment, a man squatted down, stared directly at the little boy, his eyes were red and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Mr. Zhuge, what happened?" The little boy asked cautiously.

The Mr. Zhuge pursed his lips and said gravely, "Zheng Nan, I regret to tell you that Huang Yi, the former No. 1 has just been assassinated in Rose Prison and has died. We are working hard for his resurrection operation, and I announce , From now on, you are the new No. 1. "

Zheng Nan had a miserable face and looked at Mr. Zhuge dumbly. After a long time, he calmed down and squeezed out a sentence: "Brother Yi ... dead?"

Mr. Zhuge lamented: "Yes! For your identity, death is a high-probability event. Huang Yi is the most outstanding warrior in our organization's history. We will always remember him, but we should take what he has not completed. Last wish, keep going. "

Zheng Nan suddenly felt that he was under a heavy burden on his shoulders. He was never ready. He always regarded Huang Yi as a towering tree. There is nothing Huang Yi can't do, and no one can beat Huang Yi. How big the storm can bear. He only needs to grow slowly under the shade of Huang Yi, without having to worry so much, and not have to face those complicated situations. But now, the big tree suddenly fell down, without any sign, he lost his shelter, and will only be able to face the wind and rain alone.

"So, when will Brother Yi be resurrected?" Zheng Nan asked blankly.

In the eyes of Mr. Zhuge, he said, "It's not sure yet, it depends on the company's response. Moreover, we're not sure whether he can be resurrected. He died of poisoning. The toxin has destroyed his internal organs, which is more than ever. Any resurrection operation is complicated. We don't know to what extent the company's medical technology has reached. In short, the resurrection hope is very slim. "

"At least, there is still hope, right? Brother Yi often said, do not give up hope at any time, as long as things have not been concluded, there are variables." Zheng Nan said firmly, but his tone was more like himself Comfort yourself.

Another middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should not give up. And it is not only our free organization that helps Huang Yi, but also many people are actively running. According to what I just got It is reported that the Chinese side has used diplomatic means to establish a joint operation team in Rose Prison with multiple countries to jointly protect Huang Yi's body. This should be the effort made by the blade! In addition, Ni Dongde, Lei Shen and others have A lot of energy, they are also trying to help. "

"If Yi Brother is resurrected, can I return him the identity of No. 1?" Zheng Nan asked again. He doesn't want to be No. 1 yet, he is not ready yet, he wants to return this identity to Huang Yi.

"Of course not!" Mr. Zhuge touched Zheng Nan's head. "We have reached a consensus. If Huang Yi can be resurrected, then he will retreat from the front and then join us to become the person behind the scenes. From then on, he only participated in the formulation. Strategic plans, orders, and specific tasks are left to the people below to do it themselves. Before, he was the fist of our organization, but in the future, he will be the brain of our organization. "

"Actually, the status of No. 1 is not suitable for Huang Yi. No. 1 is to perform the task in person, and he has been held in the Rose Prison for too long, and has not performed the task for a long time. His greater act is in In the virtual world. "Another middle-aged man said suddenly.

Mr. Zhuge nodded and agreed: "Yes! The death of Huang Yi ~ www.readwn.com ~ The biggest impact is in the virtual world. For these times, he has been leading the second world. He died Later, the heroic empire will be jointly managed by No. 2 Tiandao, No. 9 Qin Shiyu, and your No. 1 puppet fish! At present, the news of Huang Yi's death has not yet spread, but the World Federation should soon spread this The news is that there will surely be a turbulence in the virtual world. You go online and get ready to stabilize the situation! "

"Okay! I'll go right away!" Zheng Nan said, leaving quickly.

There were only a few high-level organizations in the shooting room. They turned to look at the target in the distance. Except for the red heart in the middle, the rest was intact.

This scene seemed to make them go back to the time when Huang Yi was still young.

At that time, Huang Yi's marksmanship was also excellent.

Suddenly, Mr. Zhuge strode forward, took the pistol on the stage, pointed at the distant target, pulled the trigger again and again, and spit out one after another words: "World Federation, no doubt!

Each bullet, with his voice, shot through the red heart in the center of the target.

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