Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1403: An unprecedented wave of resistance

At the top of Longdu City Hall, Qin Shiyu was standing in front of the window, staring at the night outside.

It's late at night at this time, but Longdu is a city that never sleeps, the traffic is busy, the bustle is bustling, and people are still living the nightlife as usual. They don't know the dramatic changes tonight.

Qin Shiyu's eyes were red, and there were two wet tears on his face. In the past, Huang Yi was in front of this window, holding her and kissing her numerous times, and those times seemed to be vividly remembered.

Just then, she suddenly received a message from the miniskirt--

"Sister Xiaoyu, I asked the sunset to call my brother online. Why didn't I go online for so long? I was waiting in this forest alone, a little scared."

Qin Shiyu's tears rolled down again, and he replied distressed: "Don't wait for your brother anymore, he will be online after a long time. You must hurry to the city hall of Longdu."

"No, when my brother went offline, we said yes, I'll wait for him to go online here!" The words of the little skirt were full of determination.

Qin Shiyu wiped her tears and said, "You send me the coordinates. I have something important to tell you!"

Next, the little skirt sent her coordinates over, Qin Shiyu quickly rushed past.

Flying through the forest without a trace, Qin Shiyu finally saw the figure of the skirt.

At this moment she was sitting obediently on the small bench, waiting lonely. There was nothing except the night and the forest, and the thin little body was about to be blown down by the cold night wind, causing pity.

"Sister Xiaoyu, come here, let's wait for my brother to go online!" Xiao Qiu also saw Qin Shiyu, said Jiaosheng.

Qin Shiyu's tears rolled down, slowly came to the front of the skirt, squatted down, and looked at her with tears in her eyes.

"Sister Xiaoyu, why are you crying? What happened?" Xiao Qiu asked with concern, holding out her little hand, wiping Qin Shi Yu's tears.

Qin Shiyu opened her arms, hugged the skirt tightly in her arms, kissed her ears, and choked, "Your brother is dead, assassination, not long ago, assassinated in Rose Prison. Now. "

"Don't lie to me! I don't like to make such jokes!" The skirt said angrily.

"I didn't lie to you! The World Federation will soon spread the news. You should soon see the news on TV news, forums, and various channels." Qin Shiyu felt it. The head of the skirt.

The skirt's small body suddenly became stiff, and then "wow" cried out, crying: "Brother is so terrible, how could he die! I don't, I don't want him to die!"

"You can rest assured! We have protected his body, we will get him a resuscitation operation as soon as possible, and he will definitely be resurrected." Qin Shiyu hurriedly comforted, but his tears rolled down in despair. Come, these words are like saying to the little skirt, but more like to herself.

In this way, Qin Shiyu held the skirt and comforted him, but often said that he was crying again. The two had to hug each other and cry. Both beautiful faces were covered with tears.

After a long time, Qin Shiyu kissed the forehead of the skirt and said, "Good! Don't wait silly here, go back with your sister!"

"No!" The skirt murmured, stubbornly, "I'll wait here all the time, I won't go anywhere, I will wait until my brother goes online again!"

"But he may not be online for weeks, months, or even years! When he can perform the resuscitation operation, you can come back and wait for him to go online!" Qin Shiyu continued to persuade.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait here." The little skirt insisted, shivering like a calf.

"Oh! Stupid child! I have to go back to work on business! I must not let the heroic empire your brother has created into chaos." Qin Shiyu said, immediately stood up, emptied, and flew back to the dragon It's all over.

In the dark night sky, she couldn't help but look back at the skirt. Her petite body was still sitting on the small bench, letting the wind and rain blow, the stars moved, and the sun rises and falls, without giving up, just waiting. A faint hope.


Finally, this long night passed, and at the dawning moment, the news of Huang Yi's death was finally leaked out by the World Federation.

The media around the world is crazy, and this news is urgently broadcast, whether it is television, newspapers, radios, or websites, forums ... It is an overwhelming report on this matter!

As long as people turn on the TV, no matter which station they switch to, they are reporting on it.

There has been an unprecedented earthquake in world opinion!

In the eyes of countless people, Huang Yi has been deified. He counterattacks in the virtual world again and again, and has done countless miracles. He is simply a person who cannot be defeated!

However, this man is dead!

how can that be? !!

This is not death in the second world, but death in the real world! Real death!

Huang Yi has ruled the second world, and the power under his control is unparalleled, which can have a great impact on the real world.

Once he dies, this power will have no heads. Even if Qin Shiyu and others try hard to maintain it, they will not have the effect of Huang Yi!

Huang Yi is a spiritual leader, and it is not easy to be replaced. All other superb masters cannot come!

Soon, there was turmoil in the Second World. Countless people stopped blaming themselves and no leveling, and flocked to the sacred place of the Dragon City or the Yinglong tribe in search of a true answer.

Tiandao, Qin Shiyu, Puppet Fish, etc. had been preparing for a night ~ www.readwn.com ~ and soon made an orderly measure to actively comfort the people and guide the anger of the people to the world federation.

The media under the influence of the world federation have rendered the consequences of this incident, attacked the heroic empire with jealousy, sung the strength of the heroic empire, and wanted to shake people's belief in the heroic empire.

However, more media have accused the World Federation of indignation, portraying it as a perpetrator and inciting resistance.

Most people originally stood on the side of Huang Yi. After lifting the world's crisis of extinction, he was respected and loved by countless people all over the world and transcended national borders.

In the past two years, various black materials of the World Federation have been distributed through various channels, and countless people have realized the true face of the World Federation.

After Huang Yi's assassination, instead of shaking his faith in the heroic empire, people were completely ignited, demonstrations and demonstrations broke out everywhere, and clashes with the world federation were taking place everywhere.

The voice of resistance to the world federation has reached an unprecedented level!

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