Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1414: Pretty God Temple! Nasha appears!

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In the conference hall of the First World, the Holy Land of Naga.

The top of the Naga tribe sat gloomily, the head of the patriarch, the snake-haired banshee Medusa, was sick, and her injuries were still not recovered.

Recently, the Naga people have had a hard time.

First, there appeared a Nasha who should have become extinct in an attempt to conquer the Naga clan, and also wounded the patriarch Snake Hair Banshee Medusa.

Then, Naga sent Red Scale and others to the Second World, stealing the Queen's honey from the Pain Queen and healing the patriarch. As a result, she only got fake honey, and she led the enemy of the Devil.

In the war with the demons, Naga lost many **** masters, including even a virtual **** ancestor!

They finally managed to draw the powers of the First World to form an alliance, slowing down the situation, and the masters of the Demon Race turned to the Second World, but the broom star, the **** of killing, came to rescue the soldiers!

The ancestor of the ghost bead was forced to helplessly, and had to lead 10 demigods to protect the law, pretending to kill the **** to save the second world. As a result, the crisis in the Second World was lifted, but Gui Tianzhu and the ten Naga demigods did not return.

After that, the demons made a comeback again and dragged the Naga tribe to the mire of war!

There are only two virtual gods left in the Naga clan, one is an ancestor, and the other is the patriarch snake-haired banshee Medusa, but she is injured and can not exert her full strength.

Naga had arrived in a stormy situation, and there was an uneasy emotion in the clan, and everyone's face in the conference room was full of dignity.

"Report the patriarch! Elder Lengquan was killed by the genie!" At this moment, a guard suddenly rushed into the conference hall and murmured.

"Not good! Not good! The demon killed Adonis!" Another guard rushed into the hall and brought bad news.

Everyone's faces were ugly, and anger and fear were intertwined.

In this war, the avatars of the six demon kings did not arrive, but they were headed by two god-given demon kings, the spirit demon and the demon. But their play is even more weird, their soldiers are more cunning, and they are out of control. Many masters of Naga God Realm have been killed!

Moreover, the two god-given demon kings are not as overbearing as the six demon kings, knowing how to score enemies, they frequently stated that this war is only for the Naga family and will not involve other races.

In the actual battle process, they also said that they could do it. Even in the case of dominance, they did not attack the masters of other races, but chose to let them go.

This led to those allies of other races, starting to slacken off, passively fighting, watching the fire from the other side, and saving their own strength.

Gradually, Naga can only fight against the demons with his own power!

These days, they have been defeated one after another, and the Devil forces have even reached the holy place of Nachash-the waves of the sea!

At this time, a beautiful Naga woman twisted the enchanting snake tail into the conference room!

When they saw this woman, everyone immediately held their breath, and their faces rose with anticipation.

"Spirit and Ghost! The avatar's avatar, have you promised to help us?" The serpent-haired banshee Medusa, sitting in the main seat, couldn't wait to ask.

The woman shook her head and said, "Master Savage didn't make a clear statement, but just asked you to go to Savannah Temple in person."

"Oh?" Snake-haired banshee froze slightly. "Let me go there myself?"

"Yes! It seems that Lord Master has something important to tell you." The woman said respectfully.

The Snake-haired Banshee nodded: "Since that is the case, then I will go to the Temple of the Savage God myself! Next, each of you, be sure to block the offensive of the Demons!"

After that, the figure of the snake-haired banshee disappeared instantly in the conference hall.


When her figure appeared again, she was already in the barbaric land of the barbaric continent, barbaric land.

The snake-haired banshee flew across the deserted wilderness and came to a pristine forest. Here the leaves are lush, the suffocation is pervasive, and the roar of various beasts comes from the forest.

At the end of the distant line of sight, a huge parasol tree stands tall, soaring into the clouds, the huge canopy is like a giant umbrella standing in the sky, covering the vast forest.

Around that huge sycamore tree, a flame of fire phoenix covered with flames fluttered, leaning gracefully on the neck, bathing in the sun, and from time to time, a loud phoenix was heard.

That phoenix was the mount of the Savage God.

The wild **** temple is on that huge sycamore tree.

The snake-haired banshee flew away quickly, and the huge sycamore tree became bigger and bigger.

The branches of the giant tree are like a continuous stretch of hanging mountains.

The leaves on the branches are like green grass in the mountains.

The veins on the leaves are like small rivers extending in all directions on the grass.

In the center of several of the branches, there is a huge quaint tree house inlaid with moss and vines, which is full of primitive and natural atmosphere.

The phoenix who was bathing in the sun slowly turned her head to glance at the snake-haired banshee, and then continued to bathe in glory without stopping her.

Soon the snake-haired banshee came to the tree house.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" There was a heartbreaking breathing sound from the tree house, as if there was something terrible, breathing inside.

The next moment, the snake-haired banshee took a deep breath, pushed out the door of the tree house, twisted the tail of the snake, and went in.

Inside the tree house is a sealed-up space, isolated from the world, where all the gods hide, they can isolate the traction of the sealed-up gods of heaven.

The room was very dim, and there were niches on the walls on both sides. There were torches inserted in the niches, emitting dim swaying firelights, and the serpent-haired banshees were shaking with disturbing shadows.

There was no torch at the end of the room, it was very dim, and there was a faint glimpse of the shadow. There was a dim shadow. It was a huge ox, kneeling on its limbs, like a hill.

Its back carries a wooden saddle, on which sits a figure of a mighty shore, with six arms, muscles knotted, and full of brute force.

His expression was fierce, and under the swaying fire light, his face constantly changed, as if he were an evil god!

That's the clone of the pretty god! The Savage God is the most powerful deity in the history of the first world. He is the son of God, his mother is the goddess of the night in the realm, and his father is the **** of war in the realm. They violated the rules of the heavens and gave birth to him in private. After that, both the night goddess and the war **** were hunted down by the gods, and it took only six years for the wild **** to successfully seal the **** and went to the demon world to become a famous demon.

But he left this avatar before he became god, and continued to guard the First World.

At this moment, a plate was dragged on one hand of the Savage God, and there were blue little people on it, like a plate of fruit.

Those little blue men, with a mushroom-shaped hat on their heads, are smurfs. They were running around in panic, but couldn't get out of the plate.

The Savage God reached out his finger, pinched a smurf on the plate, and slowly put it in his mouth.

The smurf struggled with limbs in the face of the abyss-like mouth, but was eventually swallowed by that mouth.

The savage **** swallowed each smurf like eating grapes.

When he swallowed the last Smurf, his mouth was still chewing gently, and a stream of blood flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth, making his face even more terrifying.

The smurf is the spirit of plants, transformed from swan fungi. After eating, it can live forever, open your mind, and get countless benefits. The essence of the Savage God has already sealed the gods and left the heavens. The clone that he left off severed the connection with the essence and should lose his mind, but as long as he can eat some smurfs on a regular basis, he can keep the clone sane. Therefore, the Smurf family will regularly send a batch of Smurfs to the Temple of the Savage God for the enjoyment of this avatar of the Savage God.

The snake-haired banshee swallowed her throat, came to the front of the Savage God, bowed herself, and said, "I've seen the Lord Savage!"

Her voice is respectful and respectful, even if it is her virtual god, the chief of the large race of Naga, who always gives orders and decides to die in life, she must tremble in front of the avatar of the god, even the atmosphere is afraid to breathe .

"You Naga are in crisis ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you can't handle it, you will be in danger of extermination." The pretty **** looked down at the snake-haired banshee with a calm tone and no emotions. After that, his voice will not fluctuate.

"Also ask the Lord God to help!" Snake Hair Banshee hurriedly begged, in a humble gesture.

"No, the six demon kings haven't come, I don't need to take any action. This time, you only need to rely on one person to resolve the crisis." Savage said slowly.

"Who can you trust?"

"Come on me!" Just then, a hoarse voice came from another dark corner.

The snake-haired banshee turned her head, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her body trembled with anger!

I saw a mysterious python crawling slowly out of the dark corner, and its body looked extremely strange and evil under the swaying firelight.

"It's you!" The snake-haired banshee glared at the python angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "You previously wanted to subdue our Naga tribe, and even shot and attacked me in the holy place. I didn't seek revenge on you, but you came out yourself Come on! Are you here to die? "

"Your Naga tribe was originally a descendant of our Nashash! And I am the last Nashash in this world. Is it not a matter of righteousness for you to submit to me?" Said the python fearlessly.

"It's really delusional! Nasha is an old thing of any age, and it still frightens people! The last time you were attacked by a sneak attack, today I'd like to see what you can do!" The snake-haired banshe said coldly, palm China began to brew a breath of terror.

"Snake-haired banshee, don't make unnecessary struggles. Today, you don't want to submit to him, you have to submit to him!" At this time, a familiar voice sounded in another dark corner, the **** of the gods Soderos Come out!

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