Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1415: The tragic end of the Snake Hair Banshee

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Chapter 1415: The Tragic End of the Snake Hair Banshee

The snake-haired banshee's face changed, and finally she calmed down from her anger and realized her uncomfortable situation.

Obviously, this is a trap. The mysterious Nazarsh must be in the same group as Soderos, the **** of the barbarians, and it is possible that even this avatar of barbarians has acquiesced in their actions.

The snake-haired banshee swallowed her throat, looked up at the clone of the Savage God, and said nervously, "Master Savage, you have to decide for me! We have always respected the Savage God, Naga, and I do n’t know from Where did Nazak come from, she dared to try to subdue us. This is a naked challenge to our naga's dignity! "

The savage **** looked down at the snake-haired banshee and said, "He is not an ordinary Nazak. His name is Blood Ring. He is the key figure left by the Nazak Blood Serpent's family, but these eras have always been Lurking in the second world. He has made a very important contribution to our world. Even my avatar, it is because of him, that he can live to this day. You will be a wise choice to trust him. "

The snake-haired banshe paled suddenly and panicked: "We Naga have been independent for several epochs, and have nothing to do with Nazaz! We will never trust him!"

"It has nothing to do with us? Huh! What ’s flowing in your body, but the blood of our Nashash! No matter how long in the past, no matter how many generations you have, your Naga will always be a derivative of our Nashash, and you will always have us in you. You do n’t want to be independent forever! ”The mysterious python named“ Blood Ring ”spit out the snake letter and said sharply.

"You are delusional, we Naga will never submit to you!" The snake-haired banshee gritted her teeth, and her face became red!

"Why? I said, you have to surrender to him anyway today, there is no second choice!" Sotheros, the leader of the barbaric god, said again, his face was cold, "You better take the initiative to sign a contract with him , Otherwise we have to take some measures, and then it will not be so easy! "

The snake-haired banshee twisted the tail of her snake, her body receded a little, and she glanced over the heads of Lord Soderros, the mysterious python, and the avatars of the gods, feeling a horror of fear from the bottom of her heart.

Even the savage **** is on the side of the blood ring. She is alone, without any support!

She was already injured, she was not an opponent to anyone in front of her, not even the phoenix outside the gatekeeper!

"That being the case, then please let me go back and discuss it with the clan!" Said the snake-haired banshee, turning and rushing towards the door, trying to leave the place quickly.

"What are you doing in such an anxious way, the Temple of the Savage is our place, you can't go out!" Soderros said lightly.

When the words fell, the body of the snake-haired banshee stopped immediately!

No matter how she twisted her tail, she couldn't take a step forward!

In front of her, there seemed to be an invisible wall blocking the way!

She is trapped in this gloomy temple!

"I have to go back and discuss it with the clan people for such a big deal. Why are you in a hurry?" Snake-haired banshee laughed strongly, but her voice trembled slightly, showing her inner confusion.

"Don't discuss it! Hurry up and sign a contract with me. As long as you surrender to me, the rest of the Naga tribe will be easy to handle!"

"What are you going to do ?!" the snake-haired banshee snapped, raising her palm and emitting a red light toward the blood ring!

The **** snake's body twisted easily, avoiding the attack, and still kept crawling at a constant speed, he didn't care about the opponent's use of any means.

At this moment, the Lord Soderros raised his hand, and in the ground and the void, he suddenly stretched out a vine and swept away toward the snake-haired banshee.

The snake-haired banshee fluttered her tail, dodging again and again, and at the same time, she emitted a sharp light, cutting those vines!

But the vines were safe and sound, surrounded by a net from all sides, quickly spread to her, wrapped around her arms, body, and snake tail, gradually binding her.

"What is this! Let me go!" The snake-haired banshee struggled hard, and the surging divine power poured out frantically.

But no matter how she struggled, the vines kept spreading and tangling, binding her more and more tightly, and her struggling was getting smaller and smaller.

"I told you long ago, don't struggle, it's useless! This is a pretty temple, it's our place. Don't say you are hurt now, even if you are in your heyday, you must be obedient!" Soderos Said lightly.

Soon, the snake-haired banshee was completely unable to move, and her body was tied tightly by vines, hanging in the air, and slaughtered by anyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, the blood ring twisted the snake body, Began to climb up the vines emerging from the ground, and gradually climbed onto the snake-haired banshee.

His long snake body entangled her around, and finally wrapped around her neck for the last time.

His snake head lifted up high, rounded in front of the snake hair banshee, and faced her face to face, less than ten centimeters apart. The triangular eyes reflected the terrified and beautiful face of the snake hair banshee.

"Snake-haired banshee, you are such a lovely beauty, but it really makes me feel itchy! After I mate with you, you will be able to give me many small snakes, and they will be the hope of Nazarsh's rejuvenation ... "Blood Ring said, vomiting a snake letter, licking on the glamorous face of the snake-haired banshee, scum.

"Don't think about it, I will die and I won't mate with you!" Said the snake-haired banshee, her face was absolutely dead, and her body suddenly burst into a bright red light!

His body swelled quickly, his face crazily twisted, the snakes on his head stretched out, and each snake became bigger and bigger!

She actually wanted to blow herself up!

An empty god's self-destruction is enough to destroy the world!

"It's impossible for me to explode in front of me." The avatar's avatar said lightly, stretched out a hand, and volleyed towards the snake-haired banshee.

The next moment, the red light on the snake-haired banshee faded instantly.

Her swollen body seemed to be deflated and returned to normal.

The little snakes on her head all slumped and fell weakly, like dead snakes.

"My beauty, don't struggle, obediently be conquered by me!" Blood Ring said, the triangular eyes quickly turned red, full of desire.

The snake-haired banshee shed her hair, her eyes were mad, she stared at the blood ring close to her, and her mouth screamed helplessly.

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