Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1416: Destroyer, destroy the resurrection point

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In the small universe of the Seven Demon Kings, the three avatars of the Lord of Destruction, the Lord of Darkness, and the Fallen King, as well as dozens of demons in the realm of the demons, are standing in the void, surrounding a huge planet.

A thick magical energy was emitted from them, entangled with the planet like chains, maintaining its stability.

The planet was already dead and stopped rotating. There were dense space cracks everywhere, and the light shone on those cracks, forming a series of aurora, which dazzled the entire planet.

It was the Star of Pain, but with the death of the Queen of Pain, all the creatures on this planet died with it, becoming a lifeless star.

Moreover, the planet itself is on the verge of collapse. As soon as the Queen of Pain, the gods of the gods, die, there is no one to maintain the stability of the planet.

The space cracks had already spread out and devoured the planet completely. Fortunately, the three demon kings shot in time to stop this trend.

They also retrieved dozens of **** domain masters from outside worlds to maintain the stability of this planet.

But it is not always a way to maintain it. The three demon kings have different opinions.

"This is a burden for us!" Said the King of Darkness, staring at the Star of Pain. "We are now short of manpower. It would be too much to pay for it if we parted out some strength to maintain the stability of this Star of Pain."

"Then let it collapse? Once it collapses, our cosmos will shrink accordingly, and the majesty of the demons will be damaged!" Said the fallen king.

"Yes! This little universe is like our palace. As an emperor, can you tolerate the damage to the palace?" Flames blew out of the eyes of the King of Destruction.

The King of Dark chuckled: "The Queen of Pain is dead. Our majesty has been offended long ago. Why waste our power to maintain this illusory face! The priority is to stabilize the situation. We need to send more power to the first. The world and the second world, after solving those problems, let ’s talk about dignity. In my opinion, it ’s better to distill this painful star and inject its energy into the body of the genie and the demon, so that they can reach the virtual god. realm!"

"We cannot easily decide to refine the Star of Pain. But it is indeed a good time to go to the second world! God-given people are dead, and we should take the opportunity to destroy all the resurrection points to avoid those god-given people Come back again! "The fallen king nodded.

"That being the case, then I personally took the axe of destruction to the Second World and destroyed all the resurrection points, completely eliminating the possibility of resurrection of the God-given person!" Said the king of destruction, his body flickered and disappeared In the air.

As soon as his power was withdrawn, the Star of Pain trembled suddenly, the cracks in the surrounding space began to spread, the colorful aurora swayed sharply, and it seemed to start to collapse again.

The King of Darkness and the King of Corruption could not help borrowing more power from the body to enhance the strength of their two avatars to fill the void of the King of Destruction.


Emperor Somret is standing at the end of the sky in the Second World, looking out at the cosmic starry sky outside.

The universe is endless and the stars are bright, but he is unable to travel, and can only stay at the edge of the atmosphere at a distance of 100,000 kilometers from the ground at a glance.

Since the time when Huang Yi resolved the crisis of extinction some time ago, he has ordered ten guardians to monitor outer space at all times in different directions of the Second World to detect dangerous situations at an early date.

Emperor Somret is one of the ten guardians selected by Huang Yi. He has always adhered to his post and continued to look out into outer space.

Occasionally he would also bow his head, looking down at the vast second world below, fantasizing the **** empire he once established, fantasizing the woman he loved all his life.

Although all that has become a thing of the past, at least the second world is still here. This is where his legend and epic were born. Numerous stories have happened, and he must take good care of it.

Just then, his pupils shrank, staring at a star field in outer space.

I saw a ripple of ripples in that star field, a figure of a mighty shore appeared.

The man's body was made of hot rock, covered with thick cracks, and red magma flowed under the cracks.

The vast divine power was boiling in his body, like a long-awaited volcano, about to erupt and destroy everything.

He held a gigantic axe in his hand, red, as if it had just been taken out of the magma, and was ready to be forged in a forge.

The figure of the mighty shore stirred the starry sky and walked step by step towards the second world.

His steps were heavy and powerful, and every time he stepped out, the starry sky would shake, the space under his feet cracked, the magma spewed out, and the surrounding asteroids automatically burst into ashes.

Wherever he goes, he will be destroyed!

"King of Destruction!" Emperor Somret recognized the mighty shore as soon as possible!

That great axe is of course the magic weapon of the king of destruction-the axe of destruction!

From the momentum of the axe, it should be the main body of the magic weapon!

"Attention everyone! The Lord of Destruction is coming towards the Second World with the main body of the Axe of Destruction!" The Emperor Somret immediately warned loudly, a majestic voice spread throughout the Second World.

Soon, a guardian of the Divine Realm rushed to the area where King Somret was located, staring diligently at the King of Destruction walking in the distance.

"Destroy, are you here to die alone?" The King of Fear sneered.

"Fear, you're too scared, trapped in the second world to be a watchdog! Those god-given people you want to protect have been poisoned by genies! You can do nothing!" Lord of Destruction The rough voice sounded like a billowing Honglei from a distance.

"The god-given man has infinite possibilities, and one day he will be resurrected!" Said Emperor Somret.

"I'm here today to stop their resurrection!" Said the Lord of Destruction, who had arrived in the outer space of the Second World, only a short distance from the guardians, and their red eyes swept over them.

But those guardians couldn't break through this last distance and rush out, like a group of beasts trapped in a glass wall in the zoo.

At this moment, the thick arm of the Destroyer took up the Destroyer's Axe and slashed in the direction of the Second World!

"Boom!" A huge red axe pours out, with ground-breaking strength, crushing away towards the second world!

When this giant axe sharded on the atmospheric boundary of the Second World, it suddenly stagnated and was blocked by an invisible force!

But the power of the giant axe's shadow is too surging, still cut the blocking force, and continue to deepen, but without the previous momentum, the strength has been weakened a lot.

The King of Fear waved with his hand, and the surging magical gas rushed out, enveloping the huge axe shadow. The power of the two annihilated and melted, and eventually dissipated.

"Destroy! After all these years, your power has not grown at all!" The King of Fear laughed.

"The world barrier in the second world weakens me!" Leng Huo screamed.

After the completion of the Snow Queen's make-up, the Second World has become a complete world, and the world barrier has a strong obstacle.

His move just now was weakened by the barrier, otherwise the King of Fear would never be blocked so easily.

At this time, the destroyer picked up the axe of destruction again, but instead of falling down, he continued to wave along a circular trajectory, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

Gradually, the axe of destruction was waved into a fire wheel, and the breath of divine power emanating became more and more horrible, the space fiercely rubbed, and numerous small Mars burst out.

The space is directly melted by high temperature and becomes the most primitive chaotic matter!

"Eh! Hey! Hey!" On the axe of destruction, he suddenly shot a burning axe, and poured heavily towards the second world!

These axe shadows are not just attacking one place, but flying away in all directions ~ www.readwn.com ~ Attack from all directions of the second world!

The guardians used various means to resist, and easily blocked the axe shadows on this side of the sky, but the rest of the area could not be taken into account, and the axe shadows were left behind.

Those axe images of meteorites, a flame from the sky, fell on the ground, smashed a cloud of mushrooms, the sea is raging, the lava is boiling, a doomsday-like scene!

Their landing points are very precise, all of them landed in those locations with resurrection points, destroying those resurrection points cleanly.

"What is the Lord of Destruction doing? These fluttering attacks will not hurt us at all!" The Great Emperor Somret wondered.

"No! He is destroying the resurrection point!" The underworld messenger Yimingfeng was a little stunned. "I can't perceive the connection between those resurrection points and the underworld. Every resurrection point was a path to the underworld, God-given. Human souls can return to the second world from the underworld through those pathways, but now those pathways are destroyed. The Lord of Destruction doesn't want to fight with us at all, he just wants to destroy the resurrection points in the second world, and wait for all the resurrection points to be destroyed Fall, those godsend can no longer be resurrected! They can only stay in the underworld forever! "

"Quickly, everyone is scattered, go to the various regions of the Second World to guard, don't fall under the attack of the King of Destruction!" Luo Yuzhi · Shan Yu hurriedly dropped a sentence, a wing, disappeared in place, Go to the rest of the Second World.

The other guardians also dispersed, each responsible for guarding one side of the sky. Dozens of guardians of the **** domain soon dispersed into a large net, surrounding the second world, guarding those resurrection points.

The billions of players in the underworld didn't know that at this time the Second World was in crisis again, leaving only a group of virtual NPCs, who were silently guarding them.

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