Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1418: Last 1 survivor

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"Oh? There are still God-given people alive?" The voice of the Lord of Destruction was full of surprise. "But what can a God-given person change! The Second World still cannot escape the end of destruction."

His voice dropped, and the doom suddenly swelled again, the color became fiery red, and corona-like substances entangled on it, emitting a more dazzling light.

A raging heat wave swept towards the Second World. The Dean bears the brunt of it, and was blown back fiercely by the heat wave.

The dean immediately spread out his hand, exposing a quaint pocket watch in the palm of his hand, and crossed the red pointer on it.

A "click" sounded a crisp, tightly wound clockwork, and then the hands began to "tick and tick".

At the same time, in the distant starry sky, the red star suddenly oscillated, emitting a thick red light.

This red light penetrated the vast sea of ​​stars, shot straight towards the second world, and bombarded the doom again.

"噗 ~" The doom trembled fiercely, and the bombarded part suddenly sunken, breaking a big hole!

The endless magma suddenly poured out of the hole, like a broken egg yolk flowing in the void.

"Huh? Success!" In the second world, those guardians saw this scene, and they all shined their eyes!

But at this moment, the magma flowing from the last days suddenly flowed along the orbit of the second world, like a ring of orange stars, and began to revolve around the second world.

From time to time, magma bands were separated from that magmatic belt, and they blasted down towards the second world.

Balls of magma dragged the long tail flames, cut through the sky, and fell in the area of ​​various resurrection points in the Second World, bursting out a cloud of mushrooms.

"Dean, thank you for this attack! Without your external force, how could I refining so many doomsday magma!" In that doom, the voice of the Lord of Destruction resounded again.

It turned out that the dean's move just now did not play an offensive role, but also prompted the King of Destruction to refine those doom magmas!

"Dean, stop now, don't attack the King of Destruction!" At this moment, the King of Fear promptly reminded aloud, "These doomsday magma is obtained by the King of Destruction in the doomsday volcano deep in the universe, and can melt everything Even if the powerful **** falls into such magma, it will be burned into dregs. It is one of the strongest means of the king of destruction! These doomsday magmas are usually compressed in the belly of the king of destruction and need to pass Only by applying pressure from inside and outside can it be refined! "

The Dean was a little surprised, and immediately stopped, no longer controlling Georgia's time.

He looked back at the King of Fear within the Second World and said, "Is there no way to break the situation?"

"Of course there is! As long as several virtual gods attack together, they will be able to release power beyond the pressure limit and truly break the doomsday of the king of destruction." The king of fear.

However, this method can't do it now. It is only the dean who can leave the second world and go outside to fight against the gods.

Masses of magma continue to bombard the Second World. They are too fast and fall at an irregular angle. Those guardians can only block part of them, and some of them will leak, destroying each resurrection point.

Just as everyone was at a loss, the wind suddenly surged in the sky of the Second World!

Countless clouds boiled and spread freely, covering all the blue sky, making the second world completely shrouded in clouds, and nowhere was sunny.

Subsequently, these clouds quickly cooled, forming ice crystals, and turning into a layer of hard ice that enveloped the entire Second World, making the entire world look like an ice ball!

The hot heat was suddenly blocked, and the surface of the Second World finally began to cool.

When those doomsday magma clusters in outer space fall towards the Second World, they must first be blocked by this layer of hard ice, and this layer of hard ice cannot be broken immediately.

After such a delay, the guardians could rush over in time to stop these magma clusters.

"Who is it? Who is guiding the rules of the world?" Within the last day, the voice of doubt of the Lord of Destruction suddenly sounded.

This change in the Second World involves the climate of the entire planet, and obviously the rules of the world have taken effect. But the world rules generally only take effect passively, instead of actively forming a layer of ice to stop him, as it is now, someone must be guiding the world rules.

"King of Destruction, didn't you just say that a god-given man can't change anything? But this god-given man can change the fate of the second world!" The dean smiled with relief.

"Jianbing ... The weather changes ... Is it the Snow Queen?" The Destroyer finally guessed a name.

"That's right, it's me!" The next moment, a woman's voice sounded throughout the Second World.

This sound has no specific direction, as if the second world itself was talking, and it was sounding everywhere.

It turned out that the surviving God-given man said by the Dean was the Snow Queen.

After the Snow Queen made up the sky, she became the "Second Creator" and was sheltered by the rules of the world. The ultimate stage of the plague of the soul was to spread through the rules of the world, and she was able to avoid the plague.

After the Divine King issued the Book of Divine Providence, the Second World became the world of designated divine people. The rules of the world will change with the divine people. So far, there have been several major adjustments, such as the modification of the divine era. The modification of the ultimate era, the modification after killing God ...

When the God-given person exists, this world will become stronger. The significance of the ice queen's survival is not only in herself, but in the entire second world. It was just she who guided the rules of the world, changed the global climate, formed clouds into ice, and resisted the magma masses of the Lord of Destruction.

"Haha! It's just the Snow Queen. As long as it's not killing the gods, I don't pay attention to it! It's nothing more than calling for more power, I don't believe you can keep those resurrection points!" The Desolation King smiled arrogantly. Then, the voice went silent, and even the last day was still motionless.

The magma belt that surrounds the Second World no longer drops the magma cluster, so it revolves quietly around the Second World.

"The King of Destruction should be communicating with the Demons and sending more power over! Our situation will be more severe next!" Said the King of Fear Shen Sheng.

All the guardians were stunned. If the Demon Clan's lineup to destroy the Second World was destroyed, then they must be irresistible.

God-given people are no longer there, and most of the **** helpers they brought from various worlds have returned to their respective worlds.

All the angels that Huang Yi invited from heaven have returned to heaven.

The resistance force of the second world is only them.

The only hope for everyone is that the Gamble Devil can't draw so many manpower!

Previously, the **** of killing killed the Queen of Pain, and even her countless men with her corpse were dead. The Devil's universe must be in a mess, with tight hands, and maybe not so many powerful people last time.

At this time, the Snow Queen also felt the seriousness of the situation, and quickly turned on the live broadcast function to simultaneously broadcast what happened in the Second World to the forum.

Soon, the news spread on the forum and quickly spread to the real world media.

Players from all over the world now know that the Second World has just experienced a life and death disaster and will face a more severe situation.

The crowd suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. In the previous crisis, they could at least contribute a little force, and this time there was no place to force them. They were all in the underworld and could not interfere in the second world.



In a vast wasteland, a group of people are marching hard.

This group of people is extraordinary, all of them are the most powerful players in the world, most of them are super-class players. The leader of the team is the blade ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only his qualification and prestige Conquer.

In the previous meeting, they followed Li Jian's suggestion and teamed up to come to this God's Tomb to find out.

These days, they have experienced many dangers. Fortunately, all of the teams in the team are masters with excellent skills, otherwise they will definitely not be able to survive now.

But after so long exploring, they still haven't found any clues. The scope of the tomb of God is too large, and I don't know how long it will take to complete the exploration.

"Not good! The people in our guild sent a message saying that the Lord of Destruction is destroying the second world resurrection point, preventing our resurrection. Fortunately, the appearance of the Snow Queen led the world rules of the second world to rescue themselves." At this time, Pharaoh Suddenly a news broke from Wang.

"What? The Snow Queen is still alive?" Everyone was startled.

"It is indeed the second creator, and the soul plague that we can't escape, was actually escaped by her!" Thor said in astonishment.

"The King of Destruction is originally a demon king next to the King of Hell, and he is best at destruction. If his purpose is not to kill people, but to destroy the resurrection point, I am afraid it can be easily achieved!"

A bit of haze also emerged from the blade's brow, and said gravely, "We are now racing against time! It depends on whether we first explore the secret of the tomb of God and resurrect it to the second world in time. Or is the king of destruction destroying the second world first? Resurrection point, completely cut off our way! "

Tiandao looked around the crowd again and said: "After five days, the annual festival will be held. If he can support him at that time and resurrect Yige as soon as possible, then he must be able to delay the offensive of the Lord of Destruction and win us more. Time until we explore the secrets of the tomb of the gods in the underworld and resurrect to the second world. "

"Huang Yi is the most critical person! Without him, we would not have succeeded!"

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