Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1419: The annual festival begins! Kill God Promo!

The more critical times, the more people miss Huang Yi.

There seemed to be a magical power in him. As long as he was there, there was no difficulty that could not be resolved. Even at a critical moment, he can always calmly analyze and come up with a solution.

Resurrecting him has become an increasingly urgent desire for everyone.

The next few days, there was a tense atmosphere all over the world.

The King of Destruction surely dispatched a group of Demon Strongmen from the Demon Clan to help him destroy the second world resurrection points together. Even if the Snow Queen guided the world rules to help themselves, they could not resist it.

The dean and the guardians of the heroic empire can only try to resist part of the attack. No matter how hard they try, there will always be a part of the attacks that fall below the second world, destroying those resurrection points.

Resurrection points are destroyed at every moment. From time to time, various continents and islands fall from the sky, and a cloud of mushrooms bursts into the sky.

In the underworld, a group of experts led by the blade has stepped up the exploration of the tomb of the gods. Their daily offline and rest time has been reduced to four hours, maximizing the time spent exploring the tomb of the gods.

No one knows which side can win this time race.


In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

This evening, Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, has attracted the attention of the world, and the fourth annual grand ceremony will be held here!

There are still ten minutes before the opening ceremony. The whole venue is filled with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Numerous media reporters have made their final introduction before the live broadcast.

"Audience friends! The opening ceremony of this year's annual ceremony is the most embarrassing one in the lineup. According to the known news, there are only less than 10 super-class masters present, and most super-class masters are racing against time in the underworld at this moment. Exploring the tomb of God without time to participate in the opening ceremony. Since the destruction of the Second World ’s Resurrection Point by the King of Destruction, the situation in the Second World has deteriorated day by day, and the number of Resurrection points has decreased every day. According to the latest news provided by the Snow Queen , As of two hours ago, the number of resurrection points in the Second World had fallen below 500,000. If it continued to be destroyed at this rate, then in a week, the number of surviving points in the Second World would be very few! "

"But with the reduction of the resurrection points, the guardians of the heroic empire will be able to directly stick to a few resurrection points and no longer have to be distracted to control other areas. This may be able to save several resurrection points. But each resurrection point has The number of resurrection trips is limited. After the corresponding number of resurrection trips is reached, the resurrection site will be scrapped. If there are only a few resurrection sites in the end, it means that only a small number of people will be resurrected, and the rest will stay In the underworld ... "

"It is reported that a group of super-first-class players led by the blade have reached a consensus. Once they have won the top prize, they will make a request to Huang Sha to resurrect Huang Yi. Once Huang Yi is resurrected, the situation may reverse. So The result of this annual ceremony will be about each of us. Whether we can be resurrected to the second world in the underworld depends on whether God can be resurrected ... "

At this moment, their reporting signals were broadcast live to all corners of the world through satellite synchronization, and were watched by billions of viewers.

One of the signals was transmitted to a villa in Chenzhou, China, and half of the world's scenes were displayed on a huge TV screen, which was reflected in the eyes of Li Jian and his sister.

"Brother, can killing God win the Best Personal Award?" The little girl looked up at the sword next to her, her eyes full of expectation.

"Dead people won't get any top prizes, this is a hidden rule." Li Jian Aimo can help touch the little girl's head.

"Can you win the prize?" The little girl asked again.

"Of course not!" Li Jian shook his head directly. "The existence of that person, whether it was me or the killing **** before he died, could not get the best personal award."

"Why?" The little girl opened her eyes, "Brother God killed even the Queen of Pain, can't get the best personal award?"

"Queen of Pain is really strong, but there are more powerful people than Queen of Pain!" Li Jian said, with a slightly dignified tone. "And that man's feat has already involved the ancestor of the creation! It just didn't happen. It ’s only the second world. It ’s estimated that only one player knows me. In short, the best individual award has been locked by that person! There are still suspense, only four top awards ... No, maybe three ... ”

"Ah! Let's get started! Let's put on a promotional video! I will definitely see the Brother Brother God." The little girl suddenly turned her face and looked at the TV expectantly.

Sure enough, the countdown has begun on the TV screen, and a sound shocked the nerves of people all over the world!

Countless people in all countries around the world are watching live broadcasts in various languages ​​to witness this great moment together!






Finally, the countdown reaches the last second!

The opening promotional film of this annual grand ceremony suddenly appeared on the screen, and the shocking background music also sounded simultaneously--

At the beginning of the picture, a group of mighty bodies appeared, one after another exuding a strong breath, with different attitudes, and they were the guardians of the heroic empire.

They are well-known epic figures in history. They have either made great achievements or committed heinous crimes. Each of them is the protagonist of his era and has rewritten history.

However, at this moment, they are respectful and respectful, and the stars are surrounded by a shining throne.

On that throne, sitting a thin man, it was a killer!

Compared with those powerful heroes around him, he looks extremely weak, but the more such contrast, the more honorable he is. He could tame even a group of madmen, and he certainly had some stronger power.

At this point, he leaned diagonally against the back of the throne, sitting in a relaxed posture, playing with the head of the Queen of Pain in his hands.

The skull was shaved, and the smokey eyes were filled with pain.

Killing God while slowly playing with that skull, he said slowly, "The true king is not for killing, but for protection!"

The voice fell, the camera pushed forward, and the head of the Queen of Pain was enlarged, and eventually, the entire picture was occupied by the eyes of the Queen of Pain.

The Queen of Pain's eyes turned into a huge pool, with some dark red flesh tissues growing in it, surrounded by countless large and small sarcomas.

The pool was full of boiling black magic blood, rolling out black water bubbles, emitting a "snoring" sound, transpiration of endless black magic gas.

The familiar back of the genie stood in the center of the magic pond, surrounded by countless transpirations of magic, and then sent out a weird and evil breath.

Behind him was a ghost image of a demon, who was struggling, but he was forcibly sucked into his body and turned into his strength.

At this time, the genie slowly turned around, looked at the camera, and said evilly: "Only when the soul is awakened can we become a real person."

The enchantment around him grew stronger and stronger, eventually overwhelming his figure.

When those magical spirits dissipated again, an old wooden house appeared.

The blade was sitting by the window of the wooden house, and the golden sunset outside the window shone on him, like a late hero.

On the table in front was a battle knife covered with dust and dim, apparently it had not been picked up for a long time.

Countless scoldings came from the window--

"Only a coward will choose to retreat!"


"You can't even hold the first rank list, the traitor!"

"Don't you just get terminally ill? It won't last?"

Numerous scoldings surround him, but he turned a deaf ear and looked calm.

Finally, he slowly got up, picked up the sword on the table, and strode toward the door of the wooden house, leaving only a firm voice--

"The so-called persistence is not that you don't stop, but that you will start again no matter how many times you stop."

When the words fell, he opened the door.

Outside the door, there is a black and white earth, the sky is covered with gray clouds, and the ground is filled with countless swords and halberds, like an ancient battlefield, full of the atmosphere of Xiao Xiao.

A man walked from afar, with a proud posture, and the glorious age was a sharp sword.

He came to the front of a shining sword, reached out and pulled it out of the ground, opened his mouth and blew the dust on it.

"Kachan ~" The sword was blown off and turned into two pieces.

"The sharpest weapon is not a sword, but human language."

After all, Li Jian shook his head, tossed the broken sword in his hand, and walked away.

The camera followed the broken sword thrown into the sky, rising higher and higher, and entering a heavenly cloud.

But the clouds have all been frozen by the frost, and there is no more light and beautiful breath, full of silence.

The broken sword was gradually covered with frost, and was finally held by a slender hand.

The master of that hand gradually showed up, as if he were the Snow Queen.

Frost floats around her ~ www.readwn.com ~ The cold wind blows her long dress like a fairy above nine days.

"If hope is lost, heaven will be covered with frost!"

After speaking, her jade hand waved, the clouds dispersed, exposing the vast ocean below.

The sea was choppy and stormy. A godship was coming in the wind and waves, crushing all the waves.

On the bow of the ship stood the burly figure of Thor, staring firmly forward without fear.

Holding a stick in his hand, he was motionless in the bumpy ocean.

A giant wave hit the thunder god, and he looked down calmly with the stick in his hand!

The next moment, the stick bloomed with a dazzling light, turned into a pillar of the **** Poseidon, and the gigantic waves calmed down.

"As long as you have courage, everything is an artifact."

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