Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1420: Mysterious person! Lock in the best personal prizes in advance

The camera skipped quickly in the ocean, and finally came to a distant continent and entered a dark forest.

Countless branches and vines were passing by on both sides, and suddenly a hunter appeared ahead.

The hunter was wearing a fur coat, immature, and dimly equipped, struggling to walk among the thorns and vines all over the ground.

The playback speed of the screen is speeding up rapidly. Numerous sun, moon, and stars have drawn a trajectory in the sky, but the sky magic is always moving forward firmly.

He crossed the desert, crossed the swamp, allowed the wind and rain to fight, overcome the earthquake and volcano, battled the fierce beast, and survived under the claws of the dragon.

In the end, when the playback speed of the screen slowed down again, his temperament had changed dramatically, his face calmly, and his body exuding a strong devil-like magic.

"All births have a history of silent struggle." After he said that, he flew into the sky and disappeared between heaven and earth.

There was only a gust of wind in place, and the leaves in the forest were rattling.

After a while, a beautiful woman screamed out of the forest and looked back in horror.

Behind her, a huge python was chasing her hurriedly, wherever it passed, the earth shook, the trees were broken by brute force, and it was a mess.

"Hello ~" Suddenly, a bear roar suddenly sounded!

A huge bear suddenly rushed out, behind the girl!

It stretched out its bear's claw, grabbed the python, and tore it apart.

Then, the bear slowly turned his head and looked at the woman gently, with a giant bear voice in his mouth: "Become a hero of the world, it is better to be a bear on your bed."

As the voice fell, the surrounding scenes quickly changed, and the giant bear quickly shrank and turned into a cute plush bear toy.

The little bear was sitting next to a pillow and there was a couple sleeping next to it.

The girl was delicate, with a scarf on her face, wearing a princess skirt, curled up in the arms of a handsome man.

She was exactly the mysterious Princess Xiameng, who had appeared during the ascension ceremony of the **** killing, but never spoke, and it was her two maids who spoke for her.

At this moment, her long eyelashes fluttered, opened her eyes, gave a sweet glance at the handsome man, and then kissed his forehead and got up quietly.

Her slender fingers made a series of moves, which was actually sign language.

At the bottom of the screen, subtitles for sign language are automatically matched-

"As long as you find someone who hurts you, every girl will become a princess."

The camera slowly skipped Princess Xiameng and turned to the sleeping handsome man.

He wore wild long hair, a face full of wildness, and even when he was asleep, there was a smirk in his corner.

Suddenly, the lens began to rise, and there were countless people sleeping in their dreams, men and women, young and old, unable to see their heads at a glance.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird. It seemed that these people would sleep forever, and no one could wake up from an illusory dream.

Just then, the handsome man suddenly trembled, opened his eyes, and got up from the bed.

He turned his head and looked at the countless sleeping people in all directions, shaking his head and whispering to himself: "Many people sleep in great dreams, but only a few have the power to wake up."

When the voice falls, the picture becomes completely black.

The trailer is over!

Among the ten people in this promotional video, the lines of many people basically represent the identity and experience of this person this year.

Prior to this, Huang Yi's image was the same as his name, a cruel image based on killings.

But this year, he protected the Second World and became the king of the world, so the focus of his lines changed from killing to protection.

The blade chose to retreat, but later returned again, so the focus of his lines changed to start again.

After the retreat of the blade, I have suffered countless scolding sounds. Those sounds are very unpleasant. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they might not be able to bear it. As the line of the sharp sword said, the sharpest weapon is not the sharp sword, but the human language. What people say is often the most hurtful.

Tianmo's lines are also telling his experience. He was originally a most ordinary player, and he worked hard for a long time in silence before finally becoming the eighth demon king. But others often only saw him born, but did not see the history of his silent struggle before.

The most special part of this promotional video is the two characters who appeared last-Princess Xiameng and the man.

The two characters actually appear at the same time, and they are intimately cuddling and falling asleep, indicating that they are a couple relationship.

That man is very strange, looks like any known master, countless viewers and reporters around the world, did not recognize who he is.

But he appeared at the end of the promo, indicating that he has a very important position.

In the villa, after Li Jian saw the man, he slightly whispered to himself: "He really woke up from a dream!"

"Who is that person at the end of the trailer?" The little girl asked, looking up.

"He's the one who locked the best personal prize in advance!" Li Jian replied.

"Then what's his name? What awards have been shortlisted before?"

"His name is Meng Nitian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Strictly speaking, he has not been shortlisted for any award before!" Li Jian shook his head.

"Ah? Why is this? Now that he has locked the best individual award in advance, it means that he should have been shortlisted before, otherwise it should be the best newcomer award! Brother Brother God also won the best newcomer award first. The best personal award I won later! "The little girl wondered.

Li Jian pursed his lips and thought for a while, and said, "Let's say this! There is a special group in this world, that is, the disabled. After the disabled enter the Second World, there will be some special situations. You Have you noticed that Princess Xiameng? Do you know why she keeps not talking? Why does she use sign language in the promo? "

"Why?" The little girl asked.

"Because she is a deaf person! Heaven gave her a peerless beauty, but did not give her the ability to speak." Li Jian's tone was slightly regretful. "The last man in the promo was her boyfriend and a Disabled, but his disability is special. It can be said that it is precisely because of his physical disabilities that he has made amazing achievements in the second world. God is fair, and the lost part will always be in another form Compensation comes back. "

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