Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1429: Looking for p-type blood all over the world! Revive Huang Yi!

"If it is a normal injury, then there is definitely no problem, but now it is necessary to replace all the blood in his whole body. Even if he had stored his own blood before, he could not have such a large amount." Li Yitian shook his head.

Professor Wang pushed his glasses and said, "Ask the free organization to know! In addition, we need to prepare new organs for Huang Yi. The source of these organs can tell the free organization. They will do this more actively than we do. Things. "


Ten minutes later, the Freedom Organization received a message from the group of medical experts.

This matter immediately attracted great attention from free organizations. They immediately mobilized human, material and financial resources from all over the world to do this!

One of the most significant rescue missions ever organized by a free organization!

This task is not completed by a certain agent, but is completed by the countless members, institutions, and groups of the entire free organization scattered around the world!

Free organization is like a powerful machine. The various parts work closely together and run only for Huang Yi.


On the other hand, the World Federation also heard the news of the resurrection of Huang Yi by the Times Company for the first time, and also knew that free organizations were running around the world for the resurrection of Huang Yi.

Vice President Tojo Takeshi decided to stop this resurrection at all costs!

Soon, the agents of the World Federation scattered around the world came out!

This is how a scramble begins!

This day is destined to be a **** day, and countless people will die as a result!


At this time, free organizations are looking for organ donors in hospitals and medical institutions around the world.

Because Huang Yi is a multi-organ transplantation, the operation is more difficult than ordinary organ transplantation, and the requirements for organs are higher.

Free organizations need to make every effort to find a batch of the freshest and healthiest organs to transplant Huang Yi.

Although this work is complicated, it is not impossible.

The most difficult task is blood!

Huang Yi had previously stored his own blood in free tissues many times, but the total amount was only 2000ml, and the whole body blood exchange required 4,500ml of blood. This pre-stored blood volume was far from enough, and he could only resort to the International Blood Transfusion Association.

After receiving the request of the free organization, the International Blood Transfusion Association immediately began to query the blood bank data around the world and quickly responded-

In all blood banks around the world, there have only been 7 donations of p-type blood in history, and 4 of them have expired because the donation time is too long.

Only in the three blood banks of China, South America, and Europe, there are 3 p-type blood in the expiration period, but the three bloods only add up to 1200ml!

Even with these three types of p-type blood, there is only 3200ml of blood volume, and there is still a gap of 1300ml!

How can I make up for the 1700ml of p-type blood that can not be found?

The first thing that free groups think of is these 7 p-blood donors. As long as the donors are found, they may be able to persuade them to donate blood again!

After investigation, 5 of the 7 p-blood donors have died.

The two surviving donors are located in China and Argentina.

The Freedom Organization immediately mobilized agents from China and Argentina to go all out to find these two people!

Twenty-two minutes later, the donor in China was found. His name was Lengquan, and he was a college student. When a free agent found him, he was in school. He happened to be a member of the Heroes Guild, or an ardent fan of Huang Yi. After hearing about Huang Yi, he didn't even ask for leave, and followed the agent directly.

A courier wearing a mask and peaked cap appeared in a slum in Argentina 28 minutes later.

With a cardboard box in his hand, he hurried through the narrow alley, and finally came to a broken house, checked the house number, and then knocked on the door.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in her 40s opened the door and looked at the courier outside.

"Is this Miss Carolina?" The courier asked.

"It's me!" The middle-aged woman nodded.

"This is your courier!" Said the courier, handed the carton to the middle-aged woman, and then left in a hurry.

The middle-aged woman took the cardboard box, looked at the courier away, and entered the room doubtfully.

After entering the room, she found scissors, and finally opened the cardboard box, but found that there was a strange device inside.

"Boom ~" The next moment, the device exploded, even the entire house was razed to the ground, and the middle-aged woman was blasted into minced meat.

A kilometer away, a young man in a hurry, after hearing the sound of the explosion in the distance, his footsteps stalled, looked up at the thick smoke of the explosion point in the distance, his face panicked, and accelerated his pace.

Soon, he came to the explosion point, looking at the messy and scorched minced meat in front of him, and his face was tense, and he immediately said to the miniature headset in the collar: "Target is dead! Mission failed!"

This news was reported layer by layer, and soon passed into the ears of the senior members of the free organization.

They instantly understood that the World Federation had shot!

The middle-aged woman, named Carolina, was the p-blood donor in South America, but the agents of the World Federation stepped forward and killed her first.

So far, the free organization has only found one p-blood donor!

Even if the famous blood donor is still willing to donate blood, he can only contribute up to 800ml! Exceeding this blood volume will cause shock, causing life threatening.

Huang Yi also needs the last 500ml of p-type blood!

This 500ml of p-type blood is like a stream of nature that cannot be crossed.

In the command room of the free organization, a number of high-level faces were solemn and frowned.

"What's New ~ www.readwn.com ~ A hospital in Singapore exploded. The heart organ just found by our agents was destroyed by the explosion! The preliminary judgment is that the World Federation has done it!"

"An important agent in our West Africa region has just lost contact and is suspected of being assassinated by the World Federation!"

"The World Federation issued the latest order to force all hospitals in 47 countries to ban human organs from depots!"


One after another, bad news came here from all over the world, and every bad news hit the hearts of everyone.

"We can only use the power of the virtual world!" At this time, Qin Shiyu suddenly stood up and said anxiously: "We want to use our influence in the virtual world to launch a call to all players around the world, calling on them Go to the blood bank for a blood test and look for a new p-blood owner! "

"We can also collect organs from players. 200,000 people die every day in the world. They can provide all the organs needed by Huang Yi. This is much faster than our agents looking for organs, and can ensure that they are up-to-date, The most energetic organ! "Another executive stood up.

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