Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1430: Before you saved the world, now the world saves you

Chapter 1430 It Was You That Saved The World, Now It Is The World That Saved You

Soon, the high-level members of the free organization reached a consensus-use the power of the virtual world!

Qin Shiyu went online immediately and personally posted a post in the forum to publicize the information that Huang Yi needs organs and p-type blood. He called on players around the world to immediately go to the nearest hospital for a blood test and call on all dying people or their families to donate organs. All costs involved are borne by the free organization.

Due to the powerful influence of the heroic empire, this call spread quickly, and major media around the world are rushing to report!

In just a few hours, the news spread throughout the world!

The world shook and countless people poured into the nearest hospital to check their blood type.

Hospitals around the world were quickly overcrowded, and people waiting to draw blood queued up.

Each hospital urgently adjusted their manpower, opened blood sampling windows, and tested a large number of blood samples at the fastest speed.

This is the largest offline event ever initiated by the virtual world, with hundreds of millions of people participating.


In the command room of the free organization, all high-levels are staring at the TV wall.

On television, people around the world are scrambling for blood tests, and moderators are reporting nervously.

"Dear viewers, our reporters from all over the world have sent back reports. At present, there are long queues outside hospitals and blood donation points around the world. People from all over the world, all races and all skin colors are trying to save Huang Yi is working hard! "

With the host's voice, the screen switched to all over the world.

In front of a blood donation window of a blood bank in the United Kingdom, white people rolled up their sleeves and extended their arms into the blood drawing window;

At a crossroad near a U.S. hospital, crowded with people's vehicles coming for a blood test, traffic police are giving full instructions;

A hospital in Uruguay was overcrowded with blood tests, and even the windows were full of people;

In a ward in Japan, a pale patient is dictating his last words to donate his heart;

In a backward village in southern Africa, in front of a humble blood collection tent, hundreds of black men lined up for a blood test under the scorching sun;


This picture is all in every country, city, and corner of the world!

Countless people's blood types are detected every moment and sent to the International Blood Transfusion Association;

New organ donation agreements are signed at every moment, far exceeding the needs of Huang Yi.

Seeing such a picture, Qin Shiyu was instantly moved to tears.

"Yi brother, it was you who saved the world before, now the world is here to save you!"


Tokyo, Japan, World Federation Headquarters.

Vice President Tojo Takeshi and a number of senior officials are also watching TV news.

The lines that lined up dragons hurt their nerves!

That family's overwhelmed hospital hurt their hearts!

The organ-donor deceased mocked them!

So shocking!

This is not what happened in a certain country or a certain city, but what is happening in every country, every city, and even the countryside in the world!

Even their only remaining member countries, regardless of the World Federation's ban, have joined the call of free organizations!

"See? This is the power of public opinion!"

"Operations of this scale, even if we have more agents, we cannot stop them!"

"Huang Yi's resurrection is the general trend and the people's aspirations!"

Senior officials murmured, looking pale.

This is the first time they have truly experienced Huang Yi's influence.

In order to save him, so many people around the world have actually taken action.

This is not a virtual world, but a real world!

Just a few years ago, when Huang Yi assassinated the former President of the World Federation, Kitano Yasuda, the whole world was still cursing.

In just a few years, he changed from a public enemy in the world to a world hero. The people who used to scold him now start to donate blood for him!

"Oh my God! What have we done in recent years?"

"These people are all around us. How did they run to save our enemies?"

"If this continues, the World Federation will perish!"


Vice Chairman Tojo Takeuchi sat in the middle of the face with a gloomy face, listening to the voices of senior officials around him, and pursed his lips tightly without saying a word.

No one is more sad than him. He became vice chairman in order to revive the World Federation and avenge his colleagues who died in the hands of free organizations.

The enemy is revenge, but the enemy is going to rise again!

But he could only watch it, unable to stop it!

"Freedom announced that it had found an organ donor for Huang Yi's resurrection! The heart and cornea came from a car accident deceased in the United States; the pancreas came from a sanitation worker in Brazil; the liver came from a British patient; the lung came from An Australian female athlete who died suddenly; her kidneys are from a black indigenous people in Nigeria ... these people come from all continents and countries, with different skin colors and beliefs, but from now on, their organs will gather in Huang Yi Within a person's body, Huang Yi will carry their last wishes back to life and continue to live for them and their families. In a sense, Huang Yi is not just a person, but a community of many people, he Will become a far-reaching representative of humanity, carrying the lofty ideals of "Datong Datong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Family of Humankind". We have reason to believe that after his resurrection, he will continue to fight for this world and destroy the world's Federation Cruel rule brings hope to mankind ... "

After hearing these words, Tojo's body shuddered slightly, remembering himself when he had just joined the World Federation.

The World Confederation at that time was formed with the ideal of "Datong in the world, the family of mankind". In the beginning, he was really working for this goal. But gradually, his heart was corrupted by power, running counter to this lofty ideal, and beginning to use whatever means to bloodily suppress all those who dared to oppose them.

Now, when he hears this ideal again, he has been pinned on his enemies by the people, and he has become a person who hinders the realization of this ideal.

"Latest news! Just now, a blood collection vehicle in Rwanda successfully detected p-type blood from a 45-year-old black man! At this point, the last part of the blood missing from Huang Yi's resurrection was found!" At this time, an excitement sounded on the TV again!

"Hurry up and kill him!" Tojo Takeuchi rose up and growled hysterically!

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